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Everything posted by AlQaholic

  1. Rubbish. An Iranian official would never say "no longer", that would be an admittance that they have done this in the past, which Iranian officials would never do. When did anyone hear Iranian officials admit anything? It is always deny, deny and misdirect.
  2. Before it never rained a drop after October. Now last two to three years raining in November every year.
  3. Never visit Pattaya except on my way home to buy stuff in Friendship and Villa Market, and then have breakfast at Terminal 21.
  4. Choose the toothbrush with a small brush head. Then it is easier to access all places. The brushes should be as thin as possible and relatively thick/dense, but also soft.
  5. I buy the 3l box wines, all OK, at Lotus and Big C. Can never remember the name though.
  6. Never happened to me, I buy a lot on Lazada.
  7. Famous Goalkeeper??? I've never heard of him. But then I thoroughly don't like football at all on the club level.
  8. I've been trying to find som more info online, but so far I have not found anything, not even another video posted by any other bystander or cctv. The whole story sounds fake, especially the thing about admiring the car. Maybe if you have some additional info you can post it?
  9. That was the only article I could find at the time, maybe you have some other material you can share?
  10. Link in Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUxxdFVhTVE4RHUyeVZ1bE1pZUlybm01MTh6UXxBQ3Jtc0tuVFNHN1FPTGZjM2dDZ2lqRU9WdGdBUXAtbmVtcG8wdjFIWG0zeWlIN3F4NXJwNTFaMXNRLThwcHVfUGdJeWxMcGpiUkJ2UVhvVy1SMUExemY3RXNERlNxTk81SndzZkNhZWowTURpQVdBaVlSU1pZaw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fnextshark.com%2Ffrenchmen-assault-thai-man-coma%2F&v=PG-aUBqB7q0
  11. They both confessed to the crime, according to article. Source article says they where tailgating the motorcycle and sounding their horn, whereby the motorcycle stopped at the side of the road, because the driver thought they needed help. He went up to the Porsche, now parked across the road, holding up all traffic, and asked in English if they needed help. Then the passenger got out and the rest is obvious from the video. Driver I think is as much part of the assault as the passenger, firstly he tailgated and honked, and then failed to just drive away, allowing the passenger do what he did. But there seems to be more to this story, why the tailgating and honking? Did the Thai guy really just walk up and offer help, or was there something else entirely?
  12. Just to summarize: Russia occupied Moldovan Transnistria in 1992, Georgian Abkhazia and South Ossetia in 2008, Ukrainian Crimea, Luhansk and Donetsk in 2014, then tried a blitz overtake of the whole Ukraine in 2022. Include in this the fact that Crimea sits on top of Europe's largest Natural Gas reserves, and Donetsk also have considerable fossil fuel reserves. Then Putin's motives becomes a bit clearer. Putin engaged in a high risk gamble when he attacked Kiev in February and failed. Where was the world outcry when Georgia was attacked in 2008? I suppose everyone was thinking, just another Chechnya thing, not our concern. Ukraine feels more European than any of those -stan countries.
  13. Just a message from the statistics police: It is true that Thailand is ranked 15 by the number of total fire-arms related deaths (so far in 2022). However, Thailand ranks around 49th when counting the same per 100k population (rate). Thailand is among a group of countries with similar rate such as Kenya, Namibia, Dominica, Guinea-Bissau, Serbia, Burkina Faso, Montenegro, Surinam. Source: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country
  14. Just to clarify some statistics. Before the Covid-19 pandemic: Tourist arrivals from East Asia; 68.5% of total arrivals, of these, 40% was Chinese, meaning roughly 60% of the total East Asia arrivals was from other East Asian countries with Malaysia in the lead. Tourist arrivals from Europe; 20% of total arrivals. Contrary to what many thinks, Chinese stayed on average 7.76 days and spent on average 6,334 Baht/day, which is more than the 4,258 Baht/day that European spent, although the Europeans stayed on average 17 days. At least that is what the Thai statistics say. Source: http://statbbi.nso.go.th/staticreport/page/sector/en/17.aspx
  15. Strange, I tried weed many years ago, had no effect on me whatsoever, didn't feel a thing different. Alcohol on the other hand....
  16. I would prefer an old mechanical one. Simple and functional. Once the batteries runs out in the new fancy ones, one is too lazy to find and change the battery because it's one of those stupid button batteries and the local shops don't have them and it's a perfect excuse to stop monitoring your weight and thus loose control of it:)
  17. That is a misconception that is valid in Western countries. Here in Asia the population density in the areas where these shops pop up makes the opening of shops next door to each other having little effect on the profitability. It only results in people knowing where to find the shops. Look at the vast areas in BKK that only sells textile, electronics, used cars etc.
  18. I usually buy a local sim card, usually available at airports on arrival. Seems to be cheapest alternative. They come with different internet packages.
  19. Meanwhile, 90% of the traffic deaths occur behind them in the backstreets of every village. Plastered drunk youngsters staggering onto their motorbikes to travel from one karaoke bar to the next.
  20. I saw a DHL office (manned) inside Pyathai BTS station last week.
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