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Everything posted by pegman

  1. My guess is Tesla needs the Dems and their EV friendly legislation more than the Dems need Musk.
  2. So Biden is saying in essence that people only have one option to vote for. If that's democracy I don't really understand the logic.
  3. Lula was widely respected when he was previously president. His approval rating was an astronomical 90% at the end of his last term. This is a great victory for regular Brazilian citizens. A very bad time coming for the country's elites and destroyers of the environment.
  4. The only fortunate thing was that it didn't happen in a state with easy access to hand guns.
  5. 555! Do some research. https://www.inverse.com/article/16830-tesla-s-non-disclosure-agreements-about-defects-are-unacceptable-say-feds
  6. Apparently Musk has given himself the new title: Twit in Chief
  7. So how long before someone angers Musk and he tweets they are a pedo?
  8. Congratulations Americans you have now attained full banana republic status
  9. Funny isn't FBI director Wray a conservative Republican first appointed by Trump? Didn't he replace conservative Republican Comey who had replaced conservative Republican Mueller?
  10. Rich Americans would never agree to a political system where buying politicians would have little effect. Can you imagine the little people passing a law that forced corporations to pay their far share of taxes? Can't have that.
  11. Why would she open her hotel room door to that creep?
  12. Obviously historic but would never have happened if left up to regular Tory party members.
  13. It's amazing how seemingly peaceful these enormous quantities of drugs are produced and transported compared to what goes on with the cartels in South and Central America
  14. I just hope he doesn't serve it in some club fed but in the Washington, D.C. jail. Let him try doing some of this performance art in there. Won't work out well for this racist
  15. True, once the UK went the BREXIT route there really was no saving it. Sunak will be the next PM.
  16. Only to be pulled out when anyone left of ctr are characterized as communists. As someone who actually worked with quite a few communists I know their viewpoint is that even social democrats like myself are fascists.
  17. The Guardian is widely known as the best and most reliable English newspaper in the entire world. It is also one of the very few British publications which did not cheer on Liz 'Twas and her disastrous economic policies. Obviously fascist readers of the Daily Mail, Express, Telegraph, The Sun and the like would not see it that way.
  18. Their connection to Thaksin is all they need. If Thailand were a real democracy the party would have easily won every election in the last two decades.
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