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Everything posted by pegman

  1. It happened in 1962, I imagine the threat of nukes would be the same as back then.
  2. Pattaya Addicts online forum, also owned by Nightwish Brian, had some discussion but did not name the bar. I believe his conglomerate recently opened a law firm so that will certainly come in handy.
  3. How long before some kangaroo court disqualifies them?
  4. I talked to some folks around here and 9 of 10 Canadians don't want him to become president again either
  5. isn't bar owners asking for later closing times obligatory at these meeting?
  6. Expats who live in Thailand are not automatically child abusers either. if Musk can throw that term around without foundation he can wear it too.
  7. The news story states clips were on twitter, I think it is much more likely Musk allowed that than the Brit hero of the Thai football team lost in a cave rescue messed with kids because he lived in Thailand
  8. so what are we to make of Musk allowing this sort of thing on his platform? Is he some kind of pedo?
  9. a reasonable amount considering the outcomes compared to basketcases like the USA and UK.
  10. Will the Chinese triads be taking bets online on the bouts outcome?
  11. Any politician who lines up with the general is obviously anti-democratic
  12. Bush and Chaney are still walking around. Chaney has even outlived the friend he shot in the face.
  13. The transcript from Nuland wiretap before the Kyiv coup. That neo-Con sound like an uninterested bystander? As she wasn't when she worked for Chaney and fed you Yanks the WMD koolaid to drink while eating your Freedom Fries. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-26089450 Here is a preemptive response to any other denial of American imperialism in the last hundred years. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change
  14. It started when US State Dept players like neo-Con Victoria Nuland orchestrated the coup d'état in Kyiv in February 2014. This will go on as long as there is a single Ukrainian left to fight Biden's proxy war. Murderous thug Putin is a willing participant in this tragedy. A pox on them both.
  15. A great and decent man. One of the few American presidents who didn't get his country involved in foreign wars. The corporate media hated him for that. I always thought Reagan and the mad mullah had a secret deal that wouldn't see the hostages released until after the election.
  16. Reports seem to indicate that the cause was a burnt off roller bearing. These are sealed units that are maintenance free. Trackside heat detectors are the only prevention measure. Problem is a bearing can develop a problem and melt down between detectors.
  17. Her gov was competent and popular. That is what ticked off the royalists so much
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