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Everything posted by pegman

  1. Give his chances of being released somewhere in between zero and none
  2. Not the time for war but a good time to buy cheaper Putin oil that helps his war effort.
  3. As I remember the right-wing block couldn't put together a governing coalition last election. Just as likely to have the same outcome this time. The four right wing parties got half a percentage point more of the popular vote than the left block. Not exactly a landslide. The left Social Democrats are still the party with the most popular vote and seats both of which increased this election. Far right Sweden Democrats do not lead in any demographic.
  4. So the 2 who actually went to war for their country will wear suits while the rest will be in uniform. Sounds like a lot of fake valour going on to me.
  5. Does seem that way doesn't it. At this point I view the USA criminal justice system about on par with that of Thailand
  6. If the Thai military Junta ran a legitimate justice system they would all be locked up themselves.
  7. He was formerly a minister in Yingluck's national gov. There he witnessed first hand how to properly run an administration. Unlike the clown show that took over by use of force.
  8. Well said. Here are some reminiscences of her from one of our most experienced politicians.
  9. Name is Cathy Latham. If there is any justice in that country she will do some penitentiary time. She is also under investigation as a fake elector for the state of Georgia. LOCK HER UP!!!
  10. One of the accused brothers has been found dead on the reserve here the killings took place. The Mounties think that the other brother who is still on the run is likely injured.
  11. YIKES! I'm in the alert area. Althought it's huge. About 6x the size of Germany. Took place on a small isolated First Nation reserve that is known for drugs and violence. Guy was charged with 2 first degree murders and an attempted murder shootings there a year ago. That's similar to war zone south Chicago numbers. The Mounties will be flooding in from all over the country so hopefully they're not on the loose for long.
  12. Well Yingluck was effective, legitimate and hot as hell.
  13. New York ought to start sending bus loads of their newly paroled violent offenders to Texas
  14. No worries, the West just need to hammer Putin with another round of sanctions and that should finish off their own economies.
  15. Spend it where it is really needed like on trades schools/apprenticeship programs. Ever tried to find a properly qualified electrician?
  16. How: The insurrectionists were told to do what they did by their Messiah. Why: So there could be a coup d'état with their Messiah remaining as leader
  17. I think you may have omitted a word but I understand the point you were going for. Unions are needed to make gains for workers then maintain them. I've seen first had what a well run union can accomplish for workers having worked for probably the best union leader my country has ever known. My avatar is a portrait of a great pioneer of American unionism.
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