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Everything posted by pegman

  1. We have 2 pensions not 1. CPP & OAS and our contributions are much, much less. The CPP is similar to American social security but our ceiling on earning we pay on is half that of the American system. So we get "taxed" at half what Americans pay. Our socialized medicine is paid for by general gov revenues. Noting to do with our gov pension plans. Another difference in our two countries is that Canada has an actual pension fund where our contributions go with an investment board.
  2. I expected it to be on some of the little available green space rather than tearing down some of the ramshackle shacks on the north side of the market
  3. Funny, I pay next to no tax on my gov pensions up here in socialized medicine practicing Canuckistan
  4. Disagree, phenomenal such as high tides and storm surges are exasperated by the rise in sea levels.
  5. Anyone know where it is located in relationship to the market's other surface parking?
  6. The story says during regular ocean tides. Is that a yearly thing on the coasts in the US or Europe? Funny raising sea levels is not mentioned in the article. This will get more common. https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/sealevel.html
  7. Strongly disagree. The majority of Thais have not supported the green uniforms running gov. Whatever anybody thinks of them the Thaksin clan would have won every election in the last 20 years had they been free and fair.
  8. Normal like when Trump supporter with no criminal record Stephen Paddock shot dead 60 people?
  9. I expect something like a rollback of the machine gun ban by the SCOTUS as they are not mentioned in the Constitution
  10. True, according to the Economist Group's Democracy Index the USA is ranked as a "flawed democracy". Same as Thailand for those counting. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_Index
  11. I wonder how many who want abortion laws are religious? My suspicion is 100%. This is all about imposing their faith based beliefs on others.
  12. American women are welcome to leave their theocracy and have an abortion in Canada. We treat abortions as a medical issue between a woman/girl and her doctor. Therefore there are no laws restricting them in any matter nation wide
  13. The doctor in Indianapolis who perform the procedure is now under investigation by the Republican Attorney General of Indiana.
  14. Very true. Just like RBG. Is that a NYC or American thing? Lot of talk about abortion here but it will not be on the radar come fall when the Dems get demolished over fuel prices and inflation.
  15. That radical right wing court wouldn't exist if not for the utter greed and self centeredness of RBG. Multiple cancer survivor, in her 80's, with what had to be a very few years left of life expendancy would not go while the conditions were best. To her her career mattered more than Roe or anything else. Where were all these cry babies on the left when the court could have still been saved by shaming her into doing the right thing? Why didn't President Slogan read her the riot act during his 1st term while he had 60 senate votes and a strong house majority? Now the liberals of America are looking for a scapegoat for their ridiculous choice of selecting a 78 year old nominee. There will be plenty of whining and pointing fingers while their party gets slaughtered the next couple election cycles. I just feel sorry for American progressives who are stuck in a forced marriage with dumb liberals.
  16. It's called "tar sands" for a reason. Not exactly as flammable as the jet fuel like light oil coming out of North Dakota
  17. Never mind a pipeline that would take years to build. There is presently plenty of unused crude by rail capacity from Alberta to Gulf Coast refineries. Hundreds of thousands of barrels of heavy crude more a day could be shipped that way using the infrastructure build over the last decade. Joe is sucking and blowing at the same time. Trying to keep the eco warriors happy while gas prices reasonable. Canadian Crude Oil Exports by Rail – Monthly Data Jan/21-195k bbl per day Feb/22 144k bbl per day https://www.cer-rec.gc.ca/en/data-analysis/energy-commodities/crude-oil-petroleum-products/statistics/canadian-crude-oil-exports-rail-monthly-data.html
  18. The Guardian stating Abe has no viral signs. Does not look good for him.
  19. This University of Chicago professor has been predicting for a long time that Russia would invade Ukraine if the west (USA) kept poking them. I think his commentary is spot on and Ukrainians are truly screwed.
  20. Drinking the same Kool-Aid from the same propagandist media that brought us WMD in Iraq.
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