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Everything posted by pegman

  1. Stick a fork in the Dem Party, hopefully it is done
  2. He showed and received a hero's welcome home. Word is the Uncles just crossed into Burma for permanent exile
  3. Do you think his old friend would do that to him? More likely just in your dreams or rather nite-mares
  4. Word is that Khun Thaksin will be getting a Pardon on Arrival
  5. There is only one person a deal could be with and that person is in a much higher pay grade than anyone in the Thai military present or past.
  6. Clearly Biden and Trump are both criminals. Lies upon lies by each of them. Zero chance these foreign companies did business with Hunter unless they absolutely knew his old man was good with it. Trump stole secret government documents, was convicted of rape, lead an insurrection and attempted to intimidate governmental officials in a state to change election results. For the sake of that country let's hope they are both incarcerated by the time of the next election. How supporters of either of these men can continue that support in light of what has gone on is truly mind-boggling.
  7. Inexcusable that Willy was not there for the final. Harry should've shown up to upstage him.
  8. Me! I am a proud leftist in Canada. The sentence is fine as long as Trump gets the same for Jan 6
  9. Prem has now long passed. Lay all blame on him then move on.
  10. Can someone explain how Bhumjaithai Party only received 3% of the vote for its riding candidates but enough votes for their party list to end up with 70 MP's?
  11. Isn't this party pretty much irrelevant at this stage? It's all up to some Junta crony senators now.
  12. Yes, it is a tough to peg down because so much cannot be reported nor commented on in country. Does Thaksin have an Ace up his sleeve now that he did not have previously? I think he could very well have. The Machiavelli of Thailand, Prem, is no longer around so hard to say what will happen.
  13. I give it as 50\50 he becomes Prime Minister of Thailand by the end of the calendar year. Thaksin would be considered a young man in American politics
  14. Does it really matter? Pita has no chance of becoming the next Prime Minister under the present rigged system. Best he wait for the phoney senators terms to expire or a new constitution be voted on by the public. In the meantime MFP MP's should vote for one of the PTP candidates to be the next PM. Then press for a referendum on a new constitution. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" should apply.
  15. The Junta once again demonstrating how reprehensible it really is.
  16. Well the young people of Thailand can always look to the USA in order to feel better about the state of politics in their own country.
  17. The people of Issan knew exactly who they were voting for. Thaksin, whose parties have won every legit election since 2001. I think it is the Junta coalition party's voters who will be more upset at their members for voting in a PTP member as PM.
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