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Posts posted by Asheron

  1. Asheron, if you read the Guardian article linked to above, and other similar information, you would know that most refugees want to stay in countries closer to home but are often expelled from them!

    Sweden has long had a tradition of accepting more than it's fair share of refugees; as the descendants of Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi occupied Europe will confirm.

    Conditions in the refugee centres are not luxurious.

    Cold comfort: the Syrian refugees trying to make a new life in Sweden

    Of course, no one will deny that some refugees are not genuine, that some are criminals fleeing justice in their home country or who have committed crimes in their country of refuge.

    But to approve of the indigenous population carrying out revenge attacks on those who are innocent is appalling.

    What will certain people be advocating next; labour camps and gas chambers?

    No one, atleast not me, is approving of any attacks on any refugees. Where or how did you conjure that thought? The risk of any "revenge attack" is like 524822 less than an ethnic swede getting his or her teeth kicked in while walking in the park and having the audacity to look at an immigrant crowd for a millisecond. Do you know that if a white guy/girl walks in any of the areas i previously listed in the DAY TIME he/she will definitely get approached by an immigrant gang asking what the he/she is doing there? If a swedish girl is walking in Stockholm city with jeans it will not take long before she hear comments such as "svennehora" (swedish whore). Any blondish girl in a school with even slight immigrant amount are daily called "svennehora" in school without any kind of action from the school or teachers. These are facts that happen every single day everywhere in Sweden.

    And the very reason why the so called refugees are expelled is only because they aren't real refugees. Sweden is for instance giving blanket asylums to anyone who speaks arabic and says "Syria" even though the government official checking that person KNOWS he or she isn't Syrian.

    And people are scratching their head and pondering why Sweden democrats are very soon the largest party in Sweden... that's quite an achievement in a nation where children in school are still brain washed into socialism.


    I just now read that the main suspect for the murders had before gotten the "verdict" that he would be extradited from Sweden to Italy where he actually already had "residence permit". I guess Italy doesn''t give you enough money for free each month unlike Sweden so he wanted to come to Sweden.

  2. Approximately 50% of Eritreans are Christian and 48% Muslim.

    Eritreans of all religions are fleeing the oppressive regime there, so it is slightly more likely that these two accused are Christian than it is they are Muslim.

    Not that the resident Islamaphobes will give any credence to that! They will use this attack to spread their hate while they can, and instantly forget all about it if it turns out that the attackers aren't Muslim!

    The Swedish authorities are currently satisfied there is no political motive to this attack.

    Saying that providing police protection for innocent asylum seekers to prevent revenge attacks from mindless idiots is 'stupid shit' proves only one thing about the poster; and it isn't pleasant!

    From Sweden boosts security for asylum seekers after IKEA knife attack; two Eritrean suspects detained

    The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention said this week the number of suspected hate crimes — attacks motivated by the victim's religious, sexual or racial identity — hit a record level last year.

    In one of the latest incidents, two homeless migrants were shot at as they slept in a car in the northern Swedish town of Boden last week.

    Not directly related to this topic, but to learn the truth about why Eritrean refugees are fleeing their homeland, read Escaping Eritrea: 'If I die at sea, it's not a problem – at least I won't be tortured'

    So they flee their home country in Africa and first idea they have in their head is "hey, i want to flee to the almost northern most nation in Europe because well.. why not!"? Makes perfect sense if they really were refugees... right?

    Maybe, just mmaaaaayyyybeeeeeee, it's known everywhere in the world that the swedish welfare system is very generous. Especially if you have stamps that says "asylum seeker" and then "asylum granted". If you aren't swedish then you have no way of understanding the system and how it works. If you are and you say otherwise... well then you are ignorant.

    And yes, it's stupid shit that police are stationed outside refugee hotels (yes, they are hotels and in some cases mansions). I urge you to book a plane ticket to Sweden and visit areas such as Rinkeby, Tensta, Kista, Alby, Rosengård, Herrgården etc etc etc and tell me who it is that REALLY need the protection from who.

  3. Another thing that a lot complain about is the bureaucracy and the problems encountered when trying to sort visa extensions, work permits and stuff...

    The same people have probably never had to deal with government offices to get permission to stay or permits to work in their own country.

    Most English men have no idea about visas and the like...

    Any dealings with government offices in the UK and you suffer the same ignorance and lack of care. The same apparent stupidity and lack of logic. The same good cop, bad cop antics.

    But if you worked for a good company all your life, you would never know.

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

    I have made the "visa to my country" for a thai woman and it was PAINLESS compared to what any white monkey have to do in Thailand to be able to stay even 3 months straight without leaving the country. Not to mention that it is basicly impossible to get a thai citizenship compared to most EU countries.

    Any and all dealings i have had in my life with swedish government agencies have been flawless compared to any and all dealings i have had with Thai government agencies. And i have never ever gotten wrong och inaccurate information from swedish government agencies all the while it's an 50-50 chance that you''ll experience that in any encounter with thai government agencies.

  4. There was indeed a unclear picture showing a nearly decapitated woman and a scetch from an eyewitness showing how she was apparently killed.And the most sickening is the way this story is hidden now in both Swedish and scandinavian newspapers !!

    It's because the victims were ethnic swedes and the killer(s) aren't swedish, it's customary MSM way of reporting. Not that long ago a group a somali men raped an ethnic swedish woman on a boat trafficing between Sweden and Finland. Everyone knew immediately that it wasn't ethnic swedish men doing the gang raping and MSM reported "swedish men" even though only one of the guys had swedish citizenship.

    To add to insult MSM is now writing that asylum seekers are afraid of made up fears that they will be targetted for this and police had increased the "protection" for them... only in Sweden will you hear about stupid shit like this.


    Nothing to do with being a foreigner - I bet it's because you spoke English to her.

    When you are illiterate or expect a Thai bus conductor to speak English, you deserve being treated as a buffoon.

    And lets hope thats reciprocated to any Thais in England, good plan

    All Thais I've met in the UK have the decency to learn the language and in fact it is a requirement if they want a visa. The sooner they make Thai proficiency a requisite in visas for here, the better.

    you have a good point, then perhaps real rewards made for contribution to the Thai society.

    the only flaw I see, is the language skills are so poor compared to their neighbours laos, burma, vietnam etc they don't have a hope of catching up without letting any English speakers in.

    Only thing foreigners do in Thailand (those lawfully residing) is just that... contributing to the thai society without getting back a satang.

  6. Nothing to do with being a foreigner - I bet it's because you spoke English to her.

    When you are illiterate or expect a Thai bus conductor to speak English, you deserve being treated as a buffoon.

    And lets hope thats reciprocated to any Thais in England, good plan

    All Thais I've met in the UK have the decency to learn the language and in fact it is a requirement if they want a visa. The sooner they make Thai proficiency a requisite in visas for here, the better.

    I'm willing to bet a beer that only reason UK gets away with a "language requirement" is because they aren't in Schengen. But that's the first time i hear of such requirement...

  7. Why should anyone "give allowances" to anyone because of their laziness to educate themself?

    Education for most thais is from experience of life, necessity, and hard work, trying to feed their family, forraging and making money from nothing. You think they are lazy because they don't sit on their <deleted> reading books on how to drive politely?

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

    So you are saying that it's fine to be a danger to others in traffic because of what... "need to first and foremost feed family"?

    And there isn't a single person in Thailand who do not have an hour of spare time to read a book each day (illiterate excluded). If they, those you call "feed family" people, have time to watch brain dead Thai dramas for hours and hours... well... lazy isn't the word i would use for that kind of people.

  8. We were lucky that motorisation came upon us gradually. And that early motor cars were primitive and lacking in performance. Now we are asking Thailand to leap from the ox cart to the autobahn. I never did that.

    But at least I understand the difference between highway driving and village driving. We should all understand what rules apply, and make allowances for the less well educated who may not


    Has nothing to do with them going from "ox to car" like you put it.

    It's the lack of respecting others in traffic, lack of respecting laws and regulations and utter lack of education regarding how you actually drive a motor vehicle. The "oh Buddha blessed the car/motosai so nothing can happen so i can drive like a dumbass" isn't helping either.

    Why should anyone "give allowances" to anyone because of their laziness to educate themself?

  9. Is it not stupid to permanently disfigure yourself?

    If someone could find a way to remove a tattoo completely after say six months, they would sure get rich.

    Or what about a tattoo ink that fades completely over a year or two?

    Does circumcision of penises count as disfiguring?

    Do you walk around with yours "visible"?

    I don't see "possum1931" write anything about visible. Do you?

  10. Makes perfect sense to me.

    If your stupid enough to have tats your too stupid to be educated.

    Please explain how having tattoos makes a person stupid?

    Is it not stupid to permanently disfigure yourself?

    If someone could find a way to remove a tattoo completely after say six months, they would sure get rich.

    Or what about a tattoo ink that fades completely over a year or two?

    Does circumcision of penises count as disfiguring?

  11. I think this is a step in the right direction. If it discourages young kids from getting massive tattoos where everyone can see them, then I'm all for it. Personally I think tattoos are really ugly and make those that have them look unapproachable and unfriendly. There are other ways to show your individuality that are more subtle than a mahoosive celtic design running across half your body.

    If places at colleges are at a premium why should they be wasted on individuals who are less likely to benefit from them. Employers have the absolute right to hire who they want, how someone looks is relevant to a company if they are representing that company to the public.

    I think fat people look utterly disgusting but that doesn't stop me from approaching them/them approaching me and being friendly to them. Surely fat people should be expelled as well because hey... if you can't control the crap you put in your mouth then how can you possibly concentrate on studies?

    Do you also support the view that companies should be able to say "no" to muslim women wearing head scarves?

    If you think fat people are disgusting, that is your choice, and when a thread opens up about fat people being banned from college please feel free to chime in.

    Just wanted to point out that you maybe should change your weird view on seeing tattooed people as unapproachable and unfriendly when that issue only exists in your head. If you don't want to, fine, up to you :)

  12. I think this is a step in the right direction. If it discourages young kids from getting massive tattoos where everyone can see them, then I'm all for it. Personally I think tattoos are really ugly and make those that have them look unapproachable and unfriendly. There are other ways to show your individuality that are more subtle than a mahoosive celtic design running across half your body.

    If places at colleges are at a premium why should they be wasted on individuals who are less likely to benefit from them. Employers have the absolute right to hire who they want, how someone looks is relevant to a company if they are representing that company to the public.

    I think fat people look utterly disgusting but that doesn't stop me from approaching them/them approaching me and being friendly to them. Surely fat people should be expelled as well because hey... if you can't control the crap you put in your mouth then how can you possibly concentrate on studies?

    Do you also support the view that companies should be able to say "no" to muslim women wearing head scarves?

  13. Good idea. They need discipline in those schools and they know from experience that the thugs and troublemaker have tattoos and piercings. Force them to cover up and not flaunt their gangsterism. I seriously think that immigration should look twice at heavily tattooed foreigners trying to enter Thailand. Most criminals have tattoos, even though not every tattooed person is a criminal.

    Most terrorists are muslim but not all muslims are terrorists.

  14. This is no different from saying.

    You are fat, therefore you cannot enter the cafeteria at certain times.

    You are poor, therefore you cannot mix with the rich kids.

    You are black, therefore you cannot go to certain schools.

    You are white, therefore you cannot study hip hop.

    You are Muslim, therefore you cannot study in a budhist school.

    The list goes on ,of excuses the private education can give to stop a person from learning or teaching.

    The ministry of private education needs a crash course in the laws that are well above them. Namely, the constitutional right to learn and academic freedoms. National education madra 24 ( 6 ), among dozens of other education protection laws.

    I hope these kids March right on down to the constitutional court and file a complaint against opec for interfering in a persons right to equal education.

    Being fat or muslim is a choice unlike "being" black och white is something you are born as. Just saying...

    And if a private company says "nah, i don't want your business because of reason X" then they should be able to say just that. It's entirely different thing when it comes to public schools etc.

  15. I still don't understand the pineapple bit. Why call them a pineapple, as opposed to a tomato or something? (Serious question)

    Because there is a fruit called "farang".


    Actually its a Guava thats called "farang", pineapple is Sopporot (spelling?)

    I'm aware that pineapple is sapparot(d). What is surprising is that many "experienced" of Thailand do not know the "joke" about say.... children point at you saying "farang" and you respond by pointing at them and saying "sapparot".

  16. Speaking for myself, as a general rule I love Thailand, it's people and the general laid back way of life. But I hate the corruption, especially from politicians who basically steal a very large portion of the taxpayers money instead of using it to make the country better, especially for the poor. And by extension of that, I'm not too keen on those who support it - presumably because they think they might get to steal a little bit at some point as well.

    As I said, there is a lot more corruption in the UK than in Thailand, the UK are just a lot better at hiding it.

    Nah, all the corruption in the UK is for the few at the top, here everyone can join in.

    That is a very good point, but what the UK get away with is the way the rich keep getting richer at the expense of the poor. Thailand is nowhere near as bad as that.

    I don't know any high ranking cop in any western nation that have about 500 years of salaries (or whatever it is) in their bank account... unlike in ****land where a very high ranking police officer used something like 250 million baht to buy stocks in his wifes name.

    Atleast in Sweden i know when the cops arrive, late of course, that they wont say i have to give some "donation" to them for them to do their job.

  17. Asheron, yes I see your point, but that is at the smaller end of the scale, look at the UK Government, the banks, their pensions etc etc.

    Nothing like bunging a cop with a hundred quid to get out of a minor traffic offense.

    Maybe "we" should have a governments more like in Iceland after their collapse? It's never going to happen as the vast majority of the voters have the memory of a gold fish and forget everything when a politician says "we'll lower/raise taxes 0,05% next term".

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