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Posts posted by Asheron

  1. Most people with an ounce of common sense...do not make fun of people's religious beliefs...or speak despairingly of one's mother or ancestors...

    "You can not fix stupid!"

    You can't choose your ancestry, ethnicity, color of your eyes/skin yadda yadda but you can very well choose your religion. Hence, you can make fun of religion how much you want.

  2. I get the impression that kids here in Thailand in the lower and possibly upper grades of primrary school are actually ahead of their peers in developed Western countires due to the old school emphasis on disicipline and rote learning. Somewhere along the way though this must become counterproductive as global school rankings bear out.

    My guess is a dysfunctional secondary school system and a lack of mental stimulation in the home and society in general causes Thai kids to fall behind their peers in other countries.

    Certainly not ahead in anything else but standing neatly in line singing the national anthem and kings song.

  3. So all you farang apologists don't think people get beat up for not paying their tab in US/UK/Australia? Stuff like this happens all the time there and often it goes unnoticed, and in worse case scenarios, victims are never heard from again.

    Yes, Thais can be guilty of over charging but if you stay in a bar and drink until 6am, expect to be taken advantage of anywhere in the world. Sadly many farang bring misfortune upon themselves with loudmouth, belligerent behavior while treating Thais like dirt.

    And tell me who many places in US/UK/Australia presents a 20k bill instead of 2K to foreigners (arbitrary numbers).

  4. >>Weerayut said police found that the father and son drank and ate at the Kinnaree Karaoke shop on the Chang Klan Road Monday night but they refused to pay the bill, claiming the drinks and foods were too expensive.<<

    Bloody idiots!!

    Clearly steroids and alcohol don't go well together!! (Look at the 60!! year old father)

    Not all men have to be fat f***s when they are 60. Besides... what makes you think he is on steroids?

  5. I don't think that look represents the word FITNESS.

    To me, fitness implies a healthy, NATURAL, look.

    Some muscles and definition, yes, but not to a FREAKISH level.

    That look is engineered and certainly not natural, even for a man.

    Why not call it a BODYBUILDING contest? That would be more honest.

    Because it's not a bodybuilding contest (clearly). And i think most women do not want to have a mans voice as that is what will happen if they use testosterone and god forbid... trenbolone.

  6. Look at Facebook of some Thai teenagers, especially from poor families, doing met, driving drunken, selling sex ...

    parents see, teachers see, their friends see ... no one cares.

    What interest me more is that I've seen here in Thailand many times farang, all-female groups drinking in night clubs, parting on beach ... July-September, Christmas, beginning of the year. Obviously drunken, *high* and almost naked. Young individuals, 20 years old, students.

    Who pay for that, their parents, or do they have some extra money from last summer job?

    Guys and nightlife in Thailand, ok ... but girls? I mean ... What's gonna be next?

    What's wrong with girls partying?

    Is it only exclusive to males?

    I think your gripe is that it's all farang groups partying themselves silly something like "your" women aren't allowed to do that but only the men.

    Of course i am sure your interracial relations only work one way as well where it's only farang males with thai ladies or ladies of another ethnic group but not farang females.

    This type of thinking is very very similar to a particular religion where the women have to be covered from head to toe but the men can do whatever they please.

    And who says a 55 kg 170 cm man-boylet is any "tougher" than a equally large female. I mean, surely both of them are just as bad at defending themself if the occasion did rise for such things.

    if you're implying that thai men are that size and height well then you're in for a shock because not all of them are that tall or that light. In fact it's funny why you would mention this at all because men of the same size as a woman are stronger than her.

    See you're writing gibberish.

    Yawn... did you try your very hardest to misunderstand? Next time try to jump out of the "SJW liberal box" and understand that just because someone writes "170 cm 55 kg" it doesn't mean ALL are that height nor weight.

    But generally a normal built western man is 10-15 cm taller and 10-25 kg heavier than normal built thai man. You can't get tall people by eating proteinless crap like som tam and 50 grams of chicken a day.

    If a woman and a male roughly the equal height and weight (lets say 165 cm and 60 kg to make you "happy") and without any training in martial arts/defending themself happened to be in a situation where two or more assailants were coming at them then they would be equally screwed.

  7. At the risk of repeating myself and duplicating other posts, N20 is like other incapacitating drugs like booze, and also lethal.


    So, is it responsible to wait around until someone dies in Thailand? (Can't find a story....yet!). Guaranteed to happen before the end of the year.

    Breathing is lethal in the long run. Drinking too much water is lethal. Eating extreme amounts of protein can be very dangerous. Taking a shower can be lethal. Walking on the side walk can be lethal. If one person would "miraculously" die from this it would be like someone winning lottery, getting striken by lightning and Thailand turning into republic the exact same moment.

    Utter nonsense. There are currently on average 3 deaths per year in the UK from NO2. Yes, it is a relatively safe drug, but it still can kill through it's missuse. The hyper ventilating seen by many users is actually the cause of problems, if the drug was used as in the hopital there would be no casualties but the users try to get increasing effects by decreasing the oxygen in their brain through hyperventilating the air inside the balloon. The oxygen is quickly replaced by carbon dioxide resulting in silmilar effects to the NO2 but can result in hypoxia and occasionally death.

    Drinking water might kill you[1]. Don't know the average deaths from too much water each year in the UK but wouldn't surprise me if it was more than 3.

    [1] https://goo.gl/RGMdHl

  8. I've read this posts with some interest, primarily because the only real reasons I have seen for living in Thailand seem to be cost of living, weather and women. Based on a lot of farangs I have met, they were unhappy people in their own country, they couldn't get a decent relationship (and confuse paying for a relationship versus what they considered was "true love" back home), and many are just running from their bleak lives. Not to bash farangs here, but I hear terms such as "freedom" but no one really seems to be able to define it, especially by providing some "freedom" they did not have at home. Now, some farangs have more money than others, and I understand how getting a much nicer home makes sense, but as a single person I really don't need more than a studio. Most people have multiple negatives, but very few specific positives that really differ that much from home. The issues I see people have had in their own country (exclude weather) are not comparable to living in Thailand, because you did not live a comparable lifestyle. I think a lot of the "freedom" here is just that because we are foreigners, we just don't care about what happens around us, although you could do the same in your own country. I read a lot about how Thais are helpful but people "back home" won't lift a finger to help. Personally I don't buy into that, I've found people in most areas to be pretty helpful. My best example is back home, if you were eating a meal and a rat ran across your foot, you would have a fit, maybe even try to sue the owners, or call the health department. Here you just say "TIT" and continue munching. Ask yourself why is that ok in Thailand, but you wouldn't like it in your own country. Is it that your expectations have dropped so much (i.e. freedom) because this is a 'developing' country? I can't say much about relationships and the inability for people to find a woman back home. But I believe if you lived the same lifestyle here back home, things would be similar. For the most part, since not very many of us speak or read Thai well, we just kind of wander through life here oblivious to our surroundings. We could walk right under a banner that said "farangs suck" and not even notice, and therefore we don't care. I don't mind Thailand, it's certainly no paradise, but I'll be moving back home because I can live for the same monthly amount, I can enjoy a much better infrastructure and traffic control, and I don't have a rat running across my foot (although I guess for some that's part of the exotic side of Thailand). And, if I have a heart attack, I can all paramedics who will arrive timely, be trained to assist, and probably save my life rather than have 30 people standing around taking camera photos while the police leave me alone to direct traffic. There are some things I like here, but the majority of "happy" people here seem to be that way due to their woman (or women), and it's unfortunate that back home they couldn't find the same. Just easier to buy, rent or employ here (and yes, if you are paying her some monthly money, she's pretty much considered "employed" by Thai thoughts. You are paying her to take care of you, it's just much cheaper to do so here (as I'm not saying finances are a major part of any relationship)). Much easier to find someone that likes you when the average monthly wage is 12,000 baht, and that ATM and future security looks pretty nice. I'm just trying to be honest here, not bash. I know one guy here that rants and raves about his home politics, gets all worked up over it. He doesn't even live in that country anymore, so why bother. We rarely get into Thai politics, and you certainly can ignore your home politics. Again, comparable living, especially mentally. You don't try to "keep up with the Jones" over here, and you don't need to in your home country, but most of us do. Sorry for the long post sad.png

    About the rat...

    If you do not speak thai well enough it would be pointless, like talking to a rock, to explain the issue. If you do speak thai well enough then the reaction would be that of an ostrich. Even if you called the health department no one would show up.

    That is very reason us white monkeys just do not care about a rat in Thailand. And it's basicly only in USA where someone would sue a restaurant (or whatever) because of a rat. Furthermore, in many thai-thai couples the wife "takes care" of the salaries, is that "employment"?

    I think you missed the point. Things that you would not accept in your home country are often accepted in Thailand....the reasoning is that things in Thailand can be "forgiven". It is a mental projection, and if you had the same thought process in your home country, much of what bothered you there really wouldn't. Similar to people that speak of the lax laws and hating the "rules" back home. Honestly, do you really live that differently here? Besides driving, I don't see many farangs "disobeying" laws. Oh, and although the wife can take care of the salaries, if the man is giving her a stipend, then basically it is employment. Not saying it is similar in other countries, just that the expectations can be different. The western notion of "love" over here is far less a basis for a relationship, IMHO. That's a more general statement, I'm not including everyone. I doubt that bar girl really loves that farang she just met a week ago, but she sees opportunity, and she'll behave nicely to retain that (sometimes, lol). And yes, the US is litigation friendly, but that is fine with me. Personally I would prefer to not have a rat running around, but if it doesn't bother me here, it shouldn't bother me back home (that's the point).

    Didn't miss the point.

    I don't accept a rat regardless where i am and i assume most people feel the same. My point was that it's pointless to complain about anything in Thailand as nothing would be done about the issue i was complaining about. If i complained about a rat in Sweden i guarantee you that the health department would immediatelly shut the restaurant down. In Thailand nothing would happen. Or well... something would happen if my name was "Poptartporn Ramalamadingdongfling" and i was a well known thai person with "connections" and millions/billions in the bank.

  9. You are still giving Thais more credit than they deserve, car design is an international effort but sadly Thais are not included in any of that effort, they are just the muscle behind it not the brains. So I don't understand why you are still pushing this point.

    We are probably are on the same page regarding to the failures in the government.

    Agree with your point 5, that is why I keep on insisting education is a failure by everyones standards, not just mine.

    You mentioned suicide rates, yet there are as many developed countries with less, and no reason why Thailand can't be like the other half.

    I have Thai blood and I grew up in the country side, my understanding could not get any more clear.

    I think your understanding of Thais is based on what you want, not what Thais want. Cheap food and booze and a laid back place to live, correct? :-)

    Then tell us what's so special about thai peoples needs (wants) as i'm pretty sure most thai people want the same stuff as western people do: financial security (which includes anything related to work), able to travel freely inside and outside of their nation, democracy (not sure about that in Thailand) and so on.

  10. Crab in the bucket syndrome.

    Not many Thais are happy.

    Can't say I blame them for that to be honest. Many if not most have horrid lives with no hope of progression. Some just deal with it better than others. Most don't deal with it very well.


    What is so horrid about their life? When they only look 24 hours ahead

    24 hours? Thought it was more like "what time do we eat next time?"

  11. This is pathetic criticising the language because it has tones and non one uses it. Language evolves just like animals, its the equivalent of saying we might as well stop trying to preserve remaining forest in indonesia for orangotangs cos there are only a couple of hundred left.

    English language evolves and continues to evolve since England colonised much of the world the language evolves, we now have american English evolving in the american colonies, Philipino English, Argentinian English, the English used in India so all the Indian tribes can communicate in a common tounge.

    now the tonal languages are important for a number of reasons, one being the way one needs to think to be able to speak, ask any scholar of canton, mandarin or other dialects, the way of thinking that goes with the language leads to different ways to tackle problems etc.

    since England once dominated the world and English became the dominant langauage of business and is still spoken wihtin many of the colonies, ( Australian too, a far bigger landmass than the US, Canada etc - though not the French speaking bits) now perhaps as napolean once said the sleeping giant will dominate the world and we will all need to speak tonal languages when China dominates and perhaps colonises places as Englands colonies have

    meant to be sleeping bear not giant, but same difference

    Colonies eh? You don't seem to know that for instance USA has been an independant nation for something like 230 years now. And the english "possessions" in the new world was a joke compared to Portugal, Spain and France around 1750.

  12. I've read this posts with some interest, primarily because the only real reasons I have seen for living in Thailand seem to be cost of living, weather and women. Based on a lot of farangs I have met, they were unhappy people in their own country, they couldn't get a decent relationship (and confuse paying for a relationship versus what they considered was "true love" back home), and many are just running from their bleak lives. Not to bash farangs here, but I hear terms such as "freedom" but no one really seems to be able to define it, especially by providing some "freedom" they did not have at home. Now, some farangs have more money than others, and I understand how getting a much nicer home makes sense, but as a single person I really don't need more than a studio. Most people have multiple negatives, but very few specific positives that really differ that much from home. The issues I see people have had in their own country (exclude weather) are not comparable to living in Thailand, because you did not live a comparable lifestyle. I think a lot of the "freedom" here is just that because we are foreigners, we just don't care about what happens around us, although you could do the same in your own country. I read a lot about how Thais are helpful but people "back home" won't lift a finger to help. Personally I don't buy into that, I've found people in most areas to be pretty helpful. My best example is back home, if you were eating a meal and a rat ran across your foot, you would have a fit, maybe even try to sue the owners, or call the health department. Here you just say "TIT" and continue munching. Ask yourself why is that ok in Thailand, but you wouldn't like it in your own country. Is it that your expectations have dropped so much (i.e. freedom) because this is a 'developing' country? I can't say much about relationships and the inability for people to find a woman back home. But I believe if you lived the same lifestyle here back home, things would be similar. For the most part, since not very many of us speak or read Thai well, we just kind of wander through life here oblivious to our surroundings. We could walk right under a banner that said "farangs suck" and not even notice, and therefore we don't care. I don't mind Thailand, it's certainly no paradise, but I'll be moving back home because I can live for the same monthly amount, I can enjoy a much better infrastructure and traffic control, and I don't have a rat running across my foot (although I guess for some that's part of the exotic side of Thailand). And, if I have a heart attack, I can all paramedics who will arrive timely, be trained to assist, and probably save my life rather than have 30 people standing around taking camera photos while the police leave me alone to direct traffic. There are some things I like here, but the majority of "happy" people here seem to be that way due to their woman (or women), and it's unfortunate that back home they couldn't find the same. Just easier to buy, rent or employ here (and yes, if you are paying her some monthly money, she's pretty much considered "employed" by Thai thoughts. You are paying her to take care of you, it's just much cheaper to do so here (as I'm not saying finances are a major part of any relationship)). Much easier to find someone that likes you when the average monthly wage is 12,000 baht, and that ATM and future security looks pretty nice. I'm just trying to be honest here, not bash. I know one guy here that rants and raves about his home politics, gets all worked up over it. He doesn't even live in that country anymore, so why bother. We rarely get into Thai politics, and you certainly can ignore your home politics. Again, comparable living, especially mentally. You don't try to "keep up with the Jones" over here, and you don't need to in your home country, but most of us do. Sorry for the long post sad.png

    About the rat...

    If you do not speak thai well enough it would be pointless, like talking to a rock, to explain the issue. If you do speak thai well enough then the reaction would be that of an ostrich. Even if you called the health department no one would show up.

    That is very reason us white monkeys just do not care about a rat in Thailand. And it's basicly only in USA where someone would sue a restaurant (or whatever) because of a rat. Furthermore, in many thai-thai couples the wife "takes care" of the salaries, is that "employment"?

  13. Look at Facebook of some Thai teenagers, especially from poor families, doing met, driving drunken, selling sex ...

    parents see, teachers see, their friends see ... no one cares.

    What interest me more is that I've seen here in Thailand many times farang, all-female groups drinking in night clubs, parting on beach ... July-September, Christmas, beginning of the year. Obviously drunken, *high* and almost naked. Young individuals, 20 years old, students.

    Who pay for that, their parents, or do they have some extra money from last summer job?

    Guys and nightlife in Thailand, ok ... but girls? I mean ... What's gonna be next?

    What's wrong with girls partying?

    Is it only exclusive to males?

    I think your gripe is that it's all farang groups partying themselves silly something like "your" women aren't allowed to do that but only the men.

    Of course i am sure your interracial relations only work one way as well where it's only farang males with thai ladies or ladies of another ethnic group but not farang females.

    This type of thinking is very very similar to a particular religion where the women have to be covered from head to toe but the men can do whatever they please.

    And who says a 55 kg 170 cm man-boylet is any "tougher" than a equally large female. I mean, surely both of them are just as bad at defending themself if the occasion did rise for such things.

  14. Again what is your definition of fluency,


    Speaking English in a way that I don't have to work hard to understand.

    (Most Scots, Welsh, Yorkshire and Cornish fit in that definition, most Euro speakers don't)

    Pronounciation has nothing to do with fluency.

    Most british i have talked to speak a form of english that even they can't understand when talking with each others. Once i sat at a bar around 3 pm drinking my beer and next to me were two british guys. I didn't really want to listen to them but they were quite loud so i "had" to listen when they "talked". It took me good 5-10 minutes to understand that they were actually from UK but whatever "language" they were talking was not proper english. But i wouldn't call them "non-fluent" because of that.

    I met a Korean fellow - ordered a Rum and cock at a bar in Pattaya. Maybe it has a bit to do with fluency. The Korean story ended up with a happy ending but I don't know if it was exactly what he had in mind.

    And how does that relate to what i wrote?

  15. Again what is your definition of fluency,


    Speaking English in a way that I don't have to work hard to understand.

    (Most Scots, Welsh, Yorkshire and Cornish fit in that definition, most Euro speakers don't)

    Pronounciation has nothing to do with fluency.

    Most british i have talked to speak a form of english that even they can't understand when talking with each others. Once i sat at a bar around 3 pm drinking my beer and next to me were two british guys. I didn't really want to listen to them but they were quite loud so i "had" to listen when they "talked". It took me good 5-10 minutes to understand that they were actually from UK but whatever "language" they were talking was not proper english. But i wouldn't call them "non-fluent" because of that.

  16. Those foreigners who just ignore the facts and plonk there kids in school because they like it here are the ones who should be ashamed. They know the system is poor, that maybe being in their own country would be better for their children but just ignore the fact because it rocks their boat..I met a foreigner who had his child in the local private school but was fully engaged with part home schooling knowing that the school has limitations..he is to be admired..

    Mine go to Thai government schools,

    Speaking two languages fluently (English and Thai) is enough of an advantage for my children.

    Most kids attending western schools never manage that.

    Oh really? In Finland all children have to learn not just finnish but english and the second national language swedish. In Sweden you have to learn swedish and english and can choose to learn spanish, german, french and in some schools japanese, korean or chinese (mandarin).

    But what is "fluent"? If i can discuss the weather in thai with Somchai am i then fluent in thai? Read the newspaper and understand everything or almost everything as it can happen there is a word or two that you do not know the meaning of? My view of who is "fluent" in a language is when you stop to "translate" the language you are going to speak to your native language before actually saying the words. And according to my view i'm quite fluent in english.

    But the matter is still that very small minority of all the thais know english or any other language that would be of use outside Thailand.

    • Weather. I hate the winter, autumn and spring in Sweden. The "summer" lasts about 2.5 days in Sweden and then it's cold again.
    • Ironic as i am myself an "immigrant" (tourist more like it) but i do not want to live in Sweden as there are way way way too many immigrants. Especially immigrants from very different cultural background compared to "european" culture who have absolutely no plan or want to integrate.
    • Cheaper, excluding things i like such as cheese and other dairy products.
    • Thai women are actually women and not feminazis like Sweden. It doesn't hurt that they are for the most part quite attractive.

    What i miss from Sweden:

    • Products i buy actually have detailed information of ingrediants. Lots of choices when it comes to buying groceries.
    • Traffic rules and laws that are obeyed.
    • Common sense.
    • Critical thinking.
    • Ability to have an "intellectual" discussion about "whatever" with almost anyone i meet.
    • Rarely happens but when it happens i really have a craving for "swedish" candy/chocolate etc.
  17. I think according the law, (I know this is the law in most European countries) as a foreigner you must carry your passport, or other document issued by Thai govt. showing your identity, with you at all times (not when swimming of course or diving). I think the officers are a bit liberal on the enforcement of this law thankfully.

    In fact the majority of European Countries do not require you to carry your passport or I.D. This applies to the UK, Denmark, Ireland, Norway where it is not law for anyone to carry a passport and they have no National I.D. card. The following countries issue I.D.s but there is a no need to carry rule (no need photocopy either): Switzerland, Sweden, Liechtenstein, Italy, Ireland, France, Finland and Austria.

    However, one of the exceptions is Germany where you can get locked up for up to 12hours if you cannot produce an I.D. Perhaps this is a left over from World War II. Most other countries accept any form of identification, even a book club membership card in some countries.

    In Thailand you do not need to carry your passport at all times but a photocopy of main and visa page is accepted by order of the Government. You may have to produce the passport at the police station later if requested but unlikely. I have been here since 1982 and never had a problem. In my case talking Thai and showing my driving license is enough, they have never asked to see my passport.

    I can confirm that in Sweden you do not have to carry nor present your ID except in one circumstance and that is worded like this in "§14 Polislagen" (police law): "finns det särskild anledning anta att han är efterspanad eller efterlyst" which roughly means if a police officer has good reason to suspect that a person is "sought after by the law" then he/she have to present an ID to the police officer. Of course driving a vehicle is entirely another thing as you always have to present your drivers license if you drive but not a single passenger has to ID themself to the police (excluding the above §14 in "Polislagen").

  18. In that case, it is this Thai word: ขัดคำสั่ง which means "disobey order".

    ไม่เชื่อฟัง means more like doing something you're told not to do, for example a child doing something against their parent's will, or you do something your friend advised you against.

    Thank you!

  19. Thought I'd posted a response already, anywho.......

    I have friends in TWL, they have reported this happening before. The last time I heard of it was a year ago. In a similar manner, they came into a beach restaurant / bar and asked all foreigners for ID and took photo's of everyone. In one case, Thai drivers license was enough (better carry a photocopy of your visa/ passport anyway) & it was all rather friendly. After finishing up, went on their way with no issues.

    Few stories went around that it was maybe related to an incident up the Coast, but why speculate! Pathio district is quite a wealthy Thai community, compared to elsewhere, and it is relatively unspoiled. I don't think it's much more than keeping tabs on who's around town and showing a presence!

    Still, it's not a good sign if a community that I thought attracted only very few foreigners to it's shores (until I stayed there for a night last week on my way from Phuket to Bangkok) when I discovered a number of older Germans and one Chinese family who stayed there as guests at the same time as I did, as well as at least one other younger westerner attracts police/immigration attention. So while it is hardly Pattaya or Phuket, there were far more foreigners there than I expected to see.

    My stay was short, nice and uneventful. However, it is a bit concerning to have police come up to you and ask for ID for no apparent reason and besides, who carries their passport to the beach?

    Having said that, as someone who has travelled more kms on Thai highways in a shorter span of time than most Thais and foreigners alike, random police stops do occur and occasionally they ask me for ID. In all cases, I present my Thai drivers licence (which is generally more likely to be requested than a passport anyway, given that a passport does not prove ability to drive) but my friendly demeanor and fluent Thai speaking ability almost always alleviates any concerns the police may have had. It's almost always about what you tell them or don't tell them, that in addition to perhaps curiousity or what you're carrying in your vehicle that attracts attention or not. In one case I got stopped at a makeshift checkpoint that I have noticed only operates at night near my place. Had I made a left turn rather than gone straight (both ways are about equidistant) I could have avoided getting stopped in the first place as they were only stopping traffic going straight (Thai logic?) When asked where I had traveled from that day, with Cambodia the answer they searched my vehicle and asked to see my driver's licence, which they may not have done had I not given them that much information. Of course since I was actually coming from Cambodia (my car at the time wasn't allowed to enter Cambodia anyway nor can any car at that border) I had my passport on me but it was not requested and wouldn't have likely made any difference anyway.

    In all cases when the police have ever requested a passport, it was never from me directly but from my travelling companions. In one case this was a Vietnamese friend, in another a Sri Lankan friend who was assumed to be Indo-Burmese (as the stop was made at the last checkpoint just before entering Mae Sot, near the Burmese border) but even there, the army officer wanted to see a passport to confirm my friend's nationality as not being Burmese. He did not however, check his visa status.

    First, stop talking thai to cops. This will help in two ways, you understand what they say but they "can't" communicate with you which tends to almost always result in "move along".

    Second, i would be very surprised if cops do not need a warrant in Thailand to search your vehicle. Of course it's another thing if you willingly let them search your vehicle.

    Third, always take up your smartphone and start filming with something like bambuser so the recording is stored online.

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