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Posts posted by Asheron

  1. That's pretty funny.

    If you think this situation the OP has been jumped all over and treated like a soi dog, then you do not possess the skills to last very long in Thailand.

    But you keep telling yourself you the Alpha male and tell us how you would have "sorted it out" big guy.

    Ha ha ha ha ha.

    Just like i treated the corrupt thai cops who thought they had some kind of right to chat with my minor (9 years) old daughter about where we were going and where we came from etc when they stopped me for a made up traffic violation.

    I said to them clearly to f- off, not to talk with my daughter and take this 200 baht and put it where sun does not shine. Guess, what.. they stopped talking with my daughter and that was it.

    So.. err... "ha ha ha ha".

    You are a mug, giving them money for what? How did you say "f-off" in Thai or was it English? Maybe you can't speak Thai so that's why they talked to your daughter?

    It was either give 200 baht or walk as the took the keys to the vehicle. And i'm pretty sure that f- off is quite universal language nowadays. It doesn't matter if i know 0 words in thai or fluent, they do not question minors without the permission of the adult.

  2. In your first post he was the "car park guy"...now he's the "janitor" already?

    By Thai standards, your old car is a bit of a clunker. If the school is prestigious, it's probably a parade of Merc's, BMW's and new Hondas...

    Show up in a new Vigo with 22" rims, tinted windows and a Carryboy and you'd have his respect.

    But seriously, let it go. If you worry about what Thais say to your face (or daughters), just imagine what they are saying behind your back...

    And when are you going to stop being a beta?

    It's disturbing how many on this forum let thai people jump all around them and treat them like the soi dog.

    That's pretty funny.

    If you think this situation the OP has been jumped all over and treated like a soi dog, then you do not possess the skills to last very long in Thailand.

    But you keep telling yourself you the Alpha male and tell us how you would have "sorted it out" big guy.

    Ha ha ha ha ha.

    Just like i treated the corrupt thai cops who thought they had some kind of right to chat with my minor (9 years) old daughter about where we were going and where we came from etc when they stopped me for a made up traffic violation.

    I said to them clearly to f- off, not to talk with my daughter and take this 200 baht and put it where sun does not shine. Guess, what.. they stopped talking with my daughter and that was it.

    So.. err... "ha ha ha ha".

  3. Some of you are unduly harsh on the OP, especially when accusing him of caring more about his rep and his car than his daughter.

    Imagine being 60 years old back in your home country, picking up your 15 year old daughter from school. The janitor passes by as your child is getting out of the car, he stares you in the eye, and says, "Hey, mate, how old are you?"

    You are dumbfounded. While your brain adjusts to such a bizarre, out of place inquiry, he adds, "By the way, you need a new car."

    And that's directly communicating with you in English. This bozo funneled the clear messages (I like your little girl, mate, and not in a proper way) through the OP's daughter, involving her directly.

    EDIT: spill chek

    I've been away from my home country so long it's hard to imagine what t would be like. I agree with you. Also, what would my daughter say if I said nothing to the janitor? In a way this situation is worse because it's obvious that he is doing this just because of my race.

    Thanks for the comment, I am still very much undecided as what to do. I probably have the power to get him fired if I want but not sure if it is the right decision.

    In your first post he was the "car park guy"...now he's the "janitor" already?

    By Thai standards, your old car is a bit of a clunker. If the school is prestigious, it's probably a parade of Merc's, BMW's and new Hondas...

    Show up in a new Vigo with 22" rims, tinted windows and a Carryboy and you'd have his respect.

    But seriously, let it go. If you worry about what Thais say to your face (or daughters), just imagine what they are saying behind your back...

    And when are you going to stop being a beta?

    It's disturbing how many on this forum let thai people jump all around them and treat them like the soi dog.

  4. People believe that simply moving to a different country should raise their social status? How remarkable.

    Many people believe that, even look for it. Small fish in big pond = big fish in small pond. Then there are folks who consider themselves international and count no country or any/all countries as home. Nomad types.

    And there are words for these "nomads": communist or socialist.

  5. I think one of the main problems is that Westerners expect Thais to act just like they think is appropriate but Thais don't.

    Unfortunately, in many cases which seem to be related to the rural Thais for whatever reason, appreciation for anything they are given from a falang doesn't always last very long. It doesn't matter that you give a hunk of your pension to feed, cloth, and sustain the family's livelyhood because they figure it is ok for you to do that just simply because you can afford to.

    I gave my wife's family laptops, bicycles, food and more....and none of it was really appreciated. Sure, a thank you, thank you but that is about it. My biggest concern is that things that I buy don't often have much value but if a Thai bought the item then it is always squeaky clean and in good condition. It just seems to boild down to the fact that Falangs have a source for money that Thais don't have and if they can benefit from that ....why not?

    Don't ever think that Thais will ever look at you like one of the family. They won't. I was once told by a Thai: "You might speak and write Thai, be married to a Thai and have children with a Thai and even lived here for years BUT DON'T THINK THAT IN THE EYES OF A THAI YOU ARE ANYTHING OTHER THAN A FALANG. I heard that 10 years ago and have never forgot.

    Well that is because no one can change their ethnicity.. even if they wanted (Rachel Dolezal).

    Who cares about being a Thai? Why is that important, anyway? I will never be a Thai and will never fully belong here. Who cares? I love it here. I have an amazing Thai wife, she has a great family, I love them, they seem to love me, it's all good. Why the obsession with belonging? That is for the tribes. For me, I don't need to belong. Just to be comfortable, which I am. I don't belong in my home country either, as I am too eccentric to belong. Never cared much about belonging. It is over rated. It is for the conventional.

    You misunderstood me...

    I didn't mean anyone wanting or not wanting to be thai. My point was that no one can become (or uncome) thai because they wanted to.

  6. The reality is that most Thai raised Thais are for cutting the grass, washing the windows and taking luggage out of our cars.

    Leave them at that and don't worry what they say. They are, after all, serving us for peanuts, and we have them cleaning our shoes.\


    You ever consider moving into the 21st century? That's some really outdated, bigoted attitude.

    In 21th century Thailand you need a B. Sc. to basicly get a job in 7-11.

    Almost everyone i know that have a B. Sc. in Thailand in "whatever" are doing jobs under their "qualifications"... but then again... a B. Sc. in Thailand is about senior high school in Sweden.

  7. engage him in an extended conversation in Thai in order to establish that you can speak Thai, and allow him an opportunity to get to know you. Just a friendly chat, with no mention of your grievances about his earlier remarks.


    Tell him you're looking to buy a new car, and ask him what new car he has and where he bought it because you are interested in buying one.

    Disagree - don't get too familiar with 'hired help' or those in such positions where professional distance should be maintained....

    i.e. maintain a professional but polite distance, this avoids the sometimes difficult situation of over familiarity.

    At my daughter's school the teachers and administrators do double duty as foot and car traffic wardens at the beginning and the end of the day. What is being described here as 'hired help' might be the school principal where my daughter goes to school.

    Does it matter who it is?

  8. Ask the idiot what type of car he drives and if he owns it or has taken out a lifetime loan

    What does he say when the car attendants car is newer and paid for. Maybe bwana should just grow up.

    I think it's higher chance for winning the lottery than that being true.

  9. I would have asked the lawyer for the details of your "future employees" and take it from there - mind boggling indeed but possibly related to the tremendous paper trail everything takes here.

    Too complicated to handle by the Somchais and Somsaks; stamping, signing, copying, stapling, punching and charging.

    In all fairness, if they would not have to employ thousands of low educated underlings everything would be more efficient, faster, transparenter and such stuff could never happen ........ wai2.gif

    Agree, I would be demanding the names and whatever other details the lawyer has on these two 'employees'.


    - How much do these two 'employees' know about the company set-up your business. Shareholders names and their ID card numbers etc?

    - Do they have details of your customer list?

    - Your sales etc. numbers

    - Your banking arrangements?

    In fact I would be considering changing banks and maybe changing more, as needed.

    If needed, perhaps place an ad in the daily newspapers stating that these two are not employees of your company and have no authority whatever to discuss or transact any form of business or sign and documents whatever, and not authorized to accept money or issue receipts on behalf of your business.

    Quite some years back there was a case in Bangkok of a farang con man (convicted of major fraud in his home country in Europe) who found various ways to get into Thai company records, and especially where there were farang employees. He was seemingly very pleasant, always well presented, lived one floor under me in my condo.

    The con man had a steady continuing stream of other farangs' personal documents*, the farang involved didn't know he had copies of their personal documents. He used them to start fake health insurance and other types of insurance.

    He was in cahoots with a scaly doctor of medicine at a high profile hospital. The doctor provided various fake medical reports which were used to make bogus claims on the numerous fake health insurance policies. He did this for years and nobody suspected what he was up.

    (* some gained from paying staff at a couple of banks to give him copies of passports, work permits etc., used to start new bank accounts. He had other sources of these documents, some gained from bogus arrangements he had with HR staff at a couple of companies.)


    Just want to comment on the "banking issue"...

    When my now ex-wife was still with me and living in Sweden she called her thai bank (Bangkok bank) because she wanted to know the exact amount of money in her account. By only telling them her name and address the bank willfully told her the amount she had. I'm not bullshitting you, i was in the same room when she called and my jaw literally dropped to the floor.

    This made me realize that i would rather trust a random homeless alcoholic heroin user with my money than a thai bank. There are also way too many reports/stories of weird withdrawls of larger sums and then deposits back in thai banks and sometimes with missing money. Sure, might be mostly bullshit but why have i never ever heard of such a story about a swedish bank?

    • Like 1
  10. Just want to ask..

    Why would anyone even think that the idea that "people X" no longer want to belong in "nation Z" that is ruled "people Y" is dumb, absurd, unrealistic yadda yadda? Surely any person even with a hint of liberty and democracy understanding would comprehend that if "people X" want to leave then they can do just that. Even if it took 10 referendums.

    Or is this Scotland thing more about the english pride speaking? I can understand that the former world leading empire that now is basicly a second rate member of the EU (an EU with strong fascist ideas) gets little uppity about the "peasants" in the north causing disturbance.

    But anyway the reality is that even if Scotland became an independent nation that would be as independant as Kurdistan is right now. Why? Well, because of EU. It's quite amazing that 550 million (or something like that) people think it's alright that Germany, France, and to lesser degree UK, decide what happens in the EU. I'm actually little bit puzzled as to why there hasn't yet been any kind of violent movement against the EU.

  11. Say "me hab caaah, you haab motosai" and laugh a dirty laugh smile.png

    Why would he speak in pidgin if he can speak Thai?

    OP. Speak to him direct as he is being very rude as he thinks you are a clueless farang.He would never do this to a Thai guy. Saying nothing would be like bending over and taking it up the arse.

    Think what message would be relayed to your kid if you say nothing.

    Well, then say the same in thai and laugh. What's the difference?

  12. If someone thinks that 150K USD isn't enough for a comfortable life in Thailand (or anywhere in the world) they are severely delusional. That kind of money is something like 400k baht each month, 13k a day. To spend that kind of money living a "comfortable" life you would have to do some batshit crazy things each and everyday. But then again, some guys here might like orgies with him as the only man and 5 women (not judging) and call that "comfortable".

    Just a reality check for some of you guys... 150K USD is about 1,35 million SEK which in turn puts you in the "1% club" in Sweden (hell, in Europe). I'm sure that with that kind of money you would also get your foot in that same "1% club" in the USA. Absolutely nothing wrong in belonging in that "club" but if you do then you need to get your head out of yoru ass and realize the reality of how much money 150K USD actually is for about 6 billion humans.

    Not sure where you got the $150k number, the OP said $5M--five million dollars, about SEK 42.65M--that's 42 million 650 thousand SEK.

    Certainly, you are not in the top 1% in the US, or anywhere in Europe, on $150k.

    Obviously you have no idea what kind of money most of the people in the world make. To be in top 5% in Sweden you ONLY have to have something like 600k SEK... do i have to remind you that Sweden ranks pretty damn high in the world when it comes to median income?

  13. I think one of the main problems is that Westerners expect Thais to act just like they think is appropriate but Thais don't.

    Unfortunately, in many cases which seem to be related to the rural Thais for whatever reason, appreciation for anything they are given from a falang doesn't always last very long. It doesn't matter that you give a hunk of your pension to feed, cloth, and sustain the family's livelyhood because they figure it is ok for you to do that just simply because you can afford to.

    I gave my wife's family laptops, bicycles, food and more....and none of it was really appreciated. Sure, a thank you, thank you but that is about it. My biggest concern is that things that I buy don't often have much value but if a Thai bought the item then it is always squeaky clean and in good condition. It just seems to boild down to the fact that Falangs have a source for money that Thais don't have and if they can benefit from that ....why not?

    Don't ever think that Thais will ever look at you like one of the family. They won't. I was once told by a Thai: "You might speak and write Thai, be married to a Thai and have children with a Thai and even lived here for years BUT DON'T THINK THAT IN THE EYES OF A THAI YOU ARE ANYTHING OTHER THAN A FALANG. I heard that 10 years ago and have never forgot.

    Well that is because no one can change their ethnicity.. even if they wanted (Rachel Dolezal).

  14. If someone thinks that 150K USD isn't enough for a comfortable life in Thailand (or anywhere in the world) they are severely delusional. That kind of money is something like 400k baht each month, 13k a day. To spend that kind of money living a "comfortable" life you would have to do some batshit crazy things each and everyday. But then again, some guys here might like orgies with him as the only man and 5 women (not judging) and call that "comfortable".

    Just a reality check for some of you guys... 150K USD is about 1,35 million SEK which in turn puts you in the "1% club" in Sweden (hell, in Europe). I'm sure that with that kind of money you would also get your foot in that same "1% club" in the USA. Absolutely nothing wrong in belonging in that "club" but if you do then you need to get your head out of yoru ass and realize the reality of how much money 150K USD actually is for about 6 billion humans.

    I agree. With some of the responses one would assume that there are several members who lunch with Donald Trump.

    reading some other responses one would assume that there are several members who think a street food vendor deserves one and a Burger King deserves three Michelin stars. it's them who need to get their heads out of their asses and realise that even in Thailand spending $150k is quite possible without engaging in orgies or having Beluga caviar with Krug champagne for breakfast every day.

    not to mention in this context that it is absolutely irrelevant what this amount means in Sweden or for the majority of this planet's population.

    No one said anything about not being able to use 150K USD each year in Thailand, i most likely could do that easily with a "batshit crazy" life but batshit crazy != comfortable. And it certainly is relevant if 150K USD is enough to live COMFORTABLY on i you compare it to the amount of money the humans on this planet have each year. To the vast majority of the planets population 10% of 150K USD would give them more than a comfortable life.

    Some people just don't get that what THEY think is comfortable does not equal rest of the worlds view of comfortable. And that is a good sign of delusion.

    Just a link to a dictionary what comfortable means: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/comfortable

    I'll also link the word that most seem to associate to comfortable: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/extravagant

  15. If someone thinks that 150K USD isn't enough for a comfortable life in Thailand (or anywhere in the world) they are severely delusional. That kind of money is something like 400k baht each month, 13k a day. To spend that kind of money living a "comfortable" life you would have to do some batshit crazy things each and everyday. But then again, some guys here might like orgies with him as the only man and 5 women (not judging) and call that "comfortable".

    Just a reality check for some of you guys... 150K USD is about 1,35 million SEK which in turn puts you in the "1% club" in Sweden (hell, in Europe). I'm sure that with that kind of money you would also get your foot in that same "1% club" in the USA. Absolutely nothing wrong in belonging in that "club" but if you do then you need to get your head out of yoru ass and realize the reality of how much money 150K USD actually is for about 6 billion humans.

  16. If your dumb enough to get into a fight you deserve what you got, you should know better especially in a foreign land its a bit like blood is thicker than water, your always going to be an outsider so wise up cope it on the chin and get over it, next time swallow your pride and practise sabi sabi...

    Obviously you haven't seen a thai man go apeshit because of a question.

  17. All the shizer that you clever dicks rant on about are irrlelevent to the OP He is calling it as he sees it doesn't

    matter if he is a victim or not

    He is whinging and ranting cos the natives will not kow tow down to him thats all

    Get used to it!!! An old man comes from america, europe etc. and marries or lives with a young thing. All she wants is to show how big a house she has a and the pick-up bought for her father.

    You don't actually believe she loves you, do you??? She loves your wallet because it gives her status in whatever village or town she lives. Try picking a girl with an education and not a whore!!!!

    I have been happily married to a Thai girl for 42 years. She did not come from a bar and as soon as we got to America she worked!! I was in the military and she worked more than me. when i retired

    she kept on working till she developed Parkinsons at age 62. I have two sons who are Air Force Pilots. No matter where i was stationed she worked at least 5 days a week or sometimes 6 days. Now she is

    sick and i will care for her forever. i will not drop her back off in Thailand and find a sweet young thing because now, the girls have no morals or ethics. also i still love my wife and will not forget all she has done for me!!!

    i was lucky to find her!! GOOD LUCK NOW!!! wink.png

    If you want to be taken seriously stop calling other members wifes "whores". Even if she did (i have no idea and don't care) then what does it matter? I have in my short life met some really nasty bitches from "good nice families" but also met some really caring and deep down very nice women who used to work as "tourist guides".

  18. Stop breathing, literally each breath is killing you by a tiniest amount.

    Actually would probably agree, oxygen is highly reactive and leads to free radicals- but is necessary for oxidative phosphorylation.

    However injecting metals such as cadmium, chromium etc into your body is something that you choose to do. I doubt any doctor would say- lie back- it might hurt a bit and lets inject some carcinogenic compounds into your blood stream and lymphatic system .

    Well, we all take risks each and every second on this planet. You most likely choose to sit on a motorcycle (maybe not?) in Thailand and it's probably about 19523 times more dangerous than getting a tattoo or two. The risk of getting seriously ill from a tattoo is so remote that well... i have other things to worry about such as not licking frozen poles etc smile.png

    Actually have never been on a motorcycle - I have a chauffeur .

    You are not quite getting what I am going on about - a black ink tattoo is OK - it's carbon based- soot really .

    The increased popularity of colours could be a ticking time bomb- years down the line - who knows what they are sticking into you in some parlour in Thailand - assess the risks - the science is not good.

    Yes it could be a ticking bomb or it couldn't. My point was that there is no point in worrying about something that perhaps sometime in the future could be bad for you.

  19. Whatever you do, don't mention the scientific data correlating tattoos to an increased rate of mental health problems.

    Unless you like being on the bottom of a dog pile of hate.

    Correlation for you... "ice cream sales increase in the summer so does murder rates. Conclusion: ice cream raises murder rates"

    Note that I carefully avoided the word "causation". The science points to a correlation, not causation.

    Yes i'm fully aware you didn't use causation for a good reason. My point was that correlation is such a worthless way of "proving" something.

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