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Posts posted by Asheron

  1. If you are dirt-poor (my wife's family background, not dissing yours) it pays to concentrate on learning stuff that puts food in your mouth*! Intellectual study is for the effete developed world.

    *and having as much fun as you can eke out of life.

    Having almost nothing and smiling a lot, enjoying life was part of my decision to move to Asia.

    My first trip to India after graduation opened my eyes and I found it fascinating that all the poor people I'd met obviously had more fun in life than rich, or middle class people in Europe.

    .My mom and dad in law are great people and they're not asking for money. There's an ASEAN research that Isaan farmers are the poorest farmers from all the other nine ASEAN countries.

    I truly hope that there'll be a government in the near future, who honors their people in the northeast and build factories and more to give them a job.

    I used to live in my wife's village 15 years ago and life's really hard. These people deserve to receive help, but it seems that they're only used when the reds and yellows bribed them to vote for them.'

    It's very easy to understand why so many of them are trying to find a better life and become bar girls. They do not have many choices and even to get a child into a "better school" is almost impossible for most of them.

    " Better schools" are asking for an "entrance fee" of 20 to 50 K. Then the problem with transport, etc....

    It's really time for the right government. Enough of this Junta bullshit. wai2.gif

    Governments help the Issan people when they want to. Only parties with the Issan people on their side can form a government. The problem is that the government won't educate the masses.

    That means that they remain ignorant to what is going on. As touched upon in a previous post, most Issan people seem happy with this.

    Try to explain what will happen with AEC and they are simply not interested. Not much thinking beyond today.

    It's not the governments "job" to educate the masses, it's the masses "job" to educate themselfs.

  2. If you are dirt-poor (my wife's family background, not dissing yours) it pays to concentrate on learning stuff that puts food in your mouth*! Intellectual study is for the effete developed world.

    *and having as much fun as you can eke out of life.

    That is such a bad myth... if someone has hours and hours of time each day to watch brain dead thai soap operas then surely they would have an hour each day to read a book.

  3. you simply do not start a conversation with any woman at anytime if she is already is in the company of another man

    did I just die and wake up in Saudi? if so, someone please put me back down again!

    In all honesty, I think I know what you were trying to say (eg. "you don't intrude on what is obviously a couple unless invited"), but the version above had me seeing burqas laugh.png

    Yes, much better wording.

  4. The number I have heard is 30% of Thais are functionally illiterate.

    That's utterly wrong and an unnecessary slur on Thai people. The actual literacy rates are:

    Male: 95.6%

    Female: 91.5%

    Source: CIA World Factbook.

    Quiet you... only lostoday know thai people!

  5. Does it matter if the wife was or even still is "working" in a bar? Why does it matter what kind of clothing she had on? Why does it matter where this happened (even if it was Pattaya)?

    The heart of the matter is that you simply do not start a conversation with any woman at anytime if she is already is in the company of another man. Not only is it rude to do such a thing it's direcly disrespectful.

  6. And the most bizarre thing about the so called mutliculturalists that matter (media, politicians etc) is that they all live in ethnically "pure" areas which would make Hitler damn proud.

    Just two of the views posted in this topic:-

    • If one of your parents is not Swedish, you are not Swedish.
    • If you belong to a certain religion then, no matter how many generations your family have lived in this country, you should be rounded up and put into a camp pending deportation.

    Things which Hitler never believed in! (Sarcasm)

    How long, I wonder, before a poster suggests a Final Solution to the Muslim Problem?

    well you don't have to wait for the Muslim states to suggested it for Jews and Israel. They've been saying it for years.

    About 1400 years to be more exact.

  7. And the most bizarre thing about the so called mutliculturalists that matter (media, politicians etc) is that they all live in ethnically "pure" areas which would make Hitler damn proud.

    Just two of the views posted in this topic:-

    • If one of your parents is not Swedish, you are not Swedish.
    • If you belong to a certain religion then, no matter how many generations your family have lived in this country, you should be rounded up and put into a camp pending deportation.

    Things which Hitler never believed in! (Sarcasm)

    How long, I wonder, before a poster suggests a Final Solution to the Muslim Problem?

    If one of you parents isn't swedish... does that other parent entirely "take out" the other non-swedish parents ethnicity? You are the kind of person who says "Obama is black" even though he is just as white as he is black.

    Everything else in your post is like something my 5 year old son would say.

  8. So the Thai wife does the usual by seizing the child and absconding bringing her back to la la land for its wonderful upbringing and education with no regard for the law. The father rectifies the situation and grabs her back and the numpties on here are criticizing him. For those who are siding with a Thai woman who has shown her contempt for the law and her family you should be ashamed. Good on the guy, I am sure thousands sympathies and would like to have done the same. The woman clearly has no regard for the wellbeing of her daughter pandora is your typical selfish Thai.

    The story suggests the Natasha was living with her maternal grandmother. That usually means that mother was absent and working elsewhere in the "hospitality" industry to provide living expenses. If that was the case she wasn't being "mother" anyway.

    On this forum there are two camps: one camp will defend Thailand and thainess to their last breath while the other camp will ridicule the "thainess gang".

    Even if there was proof that the woman dumped the daughter at her mothers place and was a "tourist guide" in Phuket/Hua hin/Pattaya/etc the "thainess gang" would still defend that and think that the Australian man would not be fit to take care of the daughter and the only reason for that is because he isn't thai.

  9. "The mother hardly "abducted" the child. Abduct means "to carry off by force". I am fairly sure that the infant was not carried kicking and screaming out of the house"

    would a child not trust their parent? do you think the mother told her they she would not return to their home, her father, her playmates?? your statement because the child was not carried away kicking, and screaming therefore it is not an abduction is astonishing.

    Very simple concepts are involved here and then you close by telling other forum members they have not thought this one through. i thought about sticking a needle into my arm to make sure i am really awake and not asleep in a dream.

    PS; 12drinkmore, did you drink more today?

    Yes, the concepts are quite simple.

    - The mother traveled legally to Thailand with her daughter.

    - The legal systems of Thailand and Australia did not support the father's case for having the daughter live with him.

    - The lonely Dad (read the article) employed a gang of international vigilante kidnappers to illegally kidnap the child in a foreign country.

    - I like to live in a world where laws and justice prevail.

    We do not know about the relationship of the mother and father. I find it totally unfair that the mother is presumed guilty by hurling stereotypes at her, and the father the Knight in Shining Armour.

    Thankfully TV'ers are unlikely to ever find themselves on a jury. I doubt if a fair hearing could ever be had.

    I am drinking less nowadays, and trying to stop altogether. But is is proving a little difficult. Thanks for asking.

    Do you live in Thailand? If yes, why? There is no law nor justice here for normal people.

  10. If democracy is so good and great, why did less than 60% of the UK and US populations exercise their democratic right to vote in the last elections.

    I exercised my right to vote in the last UK election.

    The party I voted for got over 4 million votes and gained one seat.

    The SNP got less than half of the votes that the party I voted for but 57 seats.

    Is THAT a shining example of western democracy?

    I think we all agree that the UK system is everything but democratic.

    The British system is as it is to deliver stable reliable govt without coalitions. That is what it is.

    The lib dems have pushed for proportional representation for years are very quiet about it now since they would have disappeared completely in the last election if they had it.

    The British system works because it has suitable checks and balances and an understanding among parliamentary parties about when to call and election should a govt lose significant votes in parliament.

    Something Thailand doesn't have. It doesn't matter what system thailand comes up with. Ptp is always likely to win since they bring the votes en masse in the rural areas. Something the Democrats failed to notice forever.

    There are millions of votes in Issaan and the North that the Democrats couldn't be bothered to gather for decades. Instead leaving them to local overlords to pack into their own pockets.

    That is their fault and their fault alone.

    Rather enjoying Labours rather ridiculous reform of their electoral system for leader falling to bits as it gets commandeered by God knows who. Sometimes too much democracy has unintended consequences.

    Such a bizarre view on democracy... "we (the parties) have this voting system so the voting sheep think they have democracy".

    It's even more bizarre to defend a system like that because of "oh, it will be so nice and dandy not having to bother with coalitions". Since when is democracy supposed to be "easy" like in dictatorships?

  11. If democracy is so good and great, why did less than 60% of the UK and US populations exercise their democratic right to vote in the last elections.

    I exercised my right to vote in the last UK election.

    The party I voted for got over 4 million votes and gained one seat.

    The SNP got less than half of the votes that the party I voted for but 57 seats.

    Is THAT a shining example of western democracy?

    There is much truth in what you say, however the Government which has resulted from that election, and all the preceding ones In modern times has essentially represented the will of the electorate.

    When these governments have offered themselves for re election the Chief of The General Staff of the British Army hasn't taken it upon himself to step in and prevent that happening.

    But to return to your post, you are making a (valid) case for electoral reform rather than denying democracy exists.

    Surely in a democracy one vote equals one vote and not one vote "here" and "10 votes there" like with the case of the UK elections?

  12. If democracy is so good and great, why did less than 60% of the UK and US populations exercise their democratic right to vote in the last elections.

    I exercised my right to vote in the last UK election.

    The party I voted for got over 4 million votes and gained one seat.

    The SNP got less than half of the votes that the party I voted for but 57 seats.

    Is THAT a shining example of western democracy?

    I think we all agree that the UK system is everything but democratic.

    Not at all. Exactly the opposite. The West is 100% democratic. They have elections.

    Please do not reply to my posts, i'm done playing your games.

  13. If democracy is so good and great, why did less than 60% of the UK and US populations exercise their democratic right to vote in the last elections.

    I exercised my right to vote in the last UK election.

    The party I voted for got over 4 million votes and gained one seat.

    The SNP got less than half of the votes that the party I voted for but 57 seats.

    Is THAT a shining example of western democracy?

    I think we all agree that the UK system is everything but democratic.

  14. Thai Police have a reputation to maintain -- and that they are doing.

    Perhaps that reputation they have makes their everyday job easier in ways you wouldn't understand. When was the last time you argued a 200 baht fine? A good reputation can be different to different people.

    1. Perhaps you missed my point.

    2. I've never been fined.

    2. Then you have either never been in Thailand or driven a motor vehicle.

  15. In fairness if you've got bars on your windows for security purposes or not,thieves who are desperate enough will come tooled up to enter no matter what your security measure are.

    Window bars aren't that difficult to remove if you know how.


    There is quick access to get into the vast majority of Thai houses.

    Old lady in Rhek Thum died some time ago. Lived alone. Bars on windows, numerous bolts on doors. From the eaves down, a fortress.

    When the neighbors wanted to retrieve her body, it was easy. They got on the roof, and in just seconds removed a few tiles, and lowered themselves into the living room.

    Every Thai knows about this.

    Your bars mean zip.

    Nonsense. Never happened.

    Of course it didn't, that would be impossible as it would say that it's quite possible to get into any house if you know what you are doing which in turn is impossible because you have a fortress.

  16. Our bars on our bungalow are on the inside. Much more difficult to get in but they are aimed at the opportunist thief. Yes if someone really eants toget in then yes they could come with a big cutter or gun but why? Steal my television or fridge? Best to have them. Easy to get out of our doors if a fire.

    85% of break-ins are from non-professionals that are usually more desperate and dangerous.

    Home security statistics tell us that the type of tools used to break in are usually simple; a screwdriver, pliers, pries bars, and small hammers are most commom.

    I don't get the fire thing. You just open the bolt and go out. No more difficult that opening any door in case of fire. I guess if you can't open a door you may have a problem.

    Seems you don't seem to know that not all window bars can be opened but that's not very surprising.

  17. I was thinking like you before i started to use my brain....

    My point was kind of that, the bars do not give even close the protection people think they do but they still put them everywhere. With correct bolt cutters anyone can enter any place, quietly, within seconds.

    I haven't seen any fires but neither have i heard of any burglaries... but logic dictates that there are plenty of both in Thailand.

    Still haven't i see.

  18. From Wikipeidia:


    In Australia, it is illegal to import body armour without prior authorisation from Australian Customs and Border Protection Service.[72] It is also illegal to possess body armour without authorization in South Australia,[73]Victoria,[74] Northern Territory,[75] ACT,[76] Queensland [77] & New South Wales.[78]


    In all Canadian provinces except for Alberta, British Columbia and Manitoba, it is legal to wear and to purchase body armour such as ballistic vests. Under the laws of these provinces, it is illegal to possess body armour without a license (unless exempted) issued by the provincial government. Nova Scotia has passed similar laws, but are not yet in force.

    The Netherlands[edit]

    The civilian ownership of body armour is unregulated in the Netherlands and body armour in various ballistic grades is sold by a range of different vendors, mainly aimed at providing to security guards and VIP's. The use of body armour while committing a crime is not an additional offense in itself, but may be interpreted as so under different laws such as resisting arrest.

    The Netherlands[edit]

    The civilian ownership of body armour is unregulated in the Netherlands and body armour in various ballistic grades is sold by a range of different vendors, mainly aimed at providing to security guards and VIP's. The use of body armour while committing a crime is not an additional offense in itself, but may be interpreted as so under different laws such as resisting arrest.

    So different rules in different countries and that is a thing we have to accept, just because it's legal in our home country doesn't mean that it's legal in the rest of the world.For example:

    You can buy a gun in US without a permission, try to do that in UK.

    In US its legal to gamble, that's illegal in Thailand and my home country Sweden.

    In US it's legal with prostitutes, in Thailand it's actually against the law! If they would follow that law to 100% then Pattaya and Pukhet would be clouded for business!

    And finally just for laughs: http://yesiyesighana.com/new-us-visa-rules-bulletproof-vests-required/

    What are you talking about? It's very much LEGAL to gamble in Sweden... how can you not have heard of ATG and Svenska spel if you are from Sweden?

  19. "which prohibits the possession of military equipment without a licence."

    But what if it is civilian body armor which can be bought? I would say having valid press credentials should be the license. Will be interesting how this plays out.

    Why "valid press credentials"? I mean... shouldn't we mere mortals allowed to have body armour on us for whatever reason that may be?

  20. My point was kind of that, the bars do not give even close the protection people think they do but they still put them everywhere. With correct bolt cutters anyone can enter any place, quietly, within seconds.

    I haven't seen any fires but neither have i heard of any burglaries... but logic dictates that there are plenty of both in Thailand.

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