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Posts posted by Asheron

  1. "Immigration laws crippling farms in Indiana and Georgia"

    "For Indiana and Georgia farmers, it's not a matter of who's right and wrong in the debate behind tough new immigration laws that took effect July 1, 2011

    but of those laws essentially biting the hands that help feed them."

    "In a report released earlier this month, the Center said farmers of the state's seven largest crops:

    onions, watermelons, bell peppers, cucumbers, squash, blueberries and blackberries,

    reported shortages of almost 6,000 workers this spring as immigrants fled the state with the bill's April passage."

    "The estimated loss to farmers has been $140 million so far, with the ripple affect on local and state economies estimated at $390 million."

    (In the first year)

    The Georgia Department of Agriculture estimates the worker shortage has now grown to 11,000.

    "While agricultural specific figures aren't available in Indiana,

    a report by the Perryman Group predicts a cost to that state of $2.8 billion,

    and more than 16,000 jobs lost if all of the estimated 47,000 unauthorized immigrants in the state were removed.

    "In Georgia, Perryman figures stand at a staggering $21 billion and 132,000 jobs lost."


    The Bloviator once again, clueless.

    And he wants to deport 11 million... What a clown.

    Which other laws do you think anyone should be able to break without punishment?

  2. This poster is averse to list making so the right will have to do with the basic and true statement that in the culture wars between the majority Baby Boomers of the left and the minority of Boomers on the right, we won.

    It's over.

    The right that has resisted and whinged for three score years (more or less, eh?) against progress and advancement have lost on every issue and fight they'd pursued. (Still pursue for whatever reason, compulsion it could seem.)


    Culturally. Social democracy. Demographically. In gender equality. Marriage equality. First black Potus. Likely first woman Potus. A gold standard. EU is still there. The Nuke 'em now crowd has only gone farther and farther out there at the right.

    It just keeps losing 'em, one issue after the other.


    Hilarious that a person who has "Local International Watchdog Against The Far Right" in his profile does not know the difference between the so called "right" and "left".


    Now that's hilarious.

    It is also desperation²

    It would help to throw out statements that have a shred of credibility.


    Whatever wuz I thinking biggrin.png

    You don't know the difference between "right" and "left", it's clear from your ramblings in this thread.

  3. Three score six would be 1950. Sort of hard to take you back to something before it began. And there wasn't even a presidential election in 1950. In 1950, Harry Truman was just getting the US into the Korean War and developing the H-bomb. No wonder your posts sound so confused. You have a basic problem with arithmetic and logic.

    Anyone who might want literal precision could read Abraham Lincoln. Short of that, the rhetorical "three score and six years ago" will have to suffice at TVF.

    Referring to three score years ago (and six) underpins the point of my post, which is that.....

    The radical right never retires.

    They've spent three score years and six trying to drag the USA back into the 1950s.

    They've failed in every respect so it's been a tough row that they've felt compelled to hoe. Lost every major battle, issue, difference. Socially. Culturally. Demographically. Politically.

    Obama's election in 2008 finally did 'em in as the weight of their rightwing contraption ground itself to its halt. So it's off to the junkyard with it on November 8th. Trump is their barking dog.

    I do expect some degree of precision--without the need, for some reason, to read Lincoln in order to make sense of your post. A sincere wish that something is so, does not make it so.

    This poster is averse to list making so the right will have to do with the basic and true statement that in the culture wars between the majority Baby Boomers of the left and the minority of Boomers on the right, we won.

    It's over.

    The right that has resisted and whinged for three score years (more or less, eh?) against progress and advancement have lost on every issue and fight they'd pursued. (Still pursue for whatever reason, compulsion it could seem.)


    Culturally. Social democracy. Demographically. In gender equality. Marriage equality. First black Potus. Likely first woman Potus. A gold standard. EU is still there. The Nuke 'em now crowd has only gone farther and farther out there at the right.

    It just keeps losing 'em, one issue after the other.


    Hilarious that a person who has "Local International Watchdog Against The Far Right" in his profile does not know the difference between the so called "right" and "left".

  4. mopar71 post 743:

    "Obama was either an Affirmative Action baby or got into university pretending to be a foreign student. Maybe both, but certainly one or the other."

    Sometimes in these Trump threads posts are made which truly do show the intellect behind the typical Trump follower. Here in this statement is an assumption the university would NOT KNOW a person to be a foreigner or not.

    University admin " Mr. Obama we see that you are a black man from the U.S. State of Hawaii are you trying to get into our school pretending to be a foreigner?"

    Utterly ridiculous post #743.

    Not just ridiculous, but definitely reminiscent of good, old fashioned racism as well. You know.... Because obviously a black man could not get into Harvard based on merit alone..... He either got a hand out or lied.....

    Obama isn't black.

    Black father... Therefore half black. Better? And you know my response was directed at the affirmative action claim, something he would not even be eligible for if not black..... So please don't play dumb...... Huge waste of everyone's time.

    Are you arrogant enough to tell a Luk Krung they are not Asian if that is how they identify?

    Yes i'm "arrogant" enough to point out facts. I know it's uncomfortable for leftist to hear facts and truths but deal with it. In the case of "luk krungs" (such a nazi term for a human being), yes, i would call anyone out who said that "i'm asian!" if it was clear that either their father or mother wasn't asian.

  5. The truth is that there is injustice in every society. The USA for example decides to sentence children to life in prison without any chance of parole, many of them for non-violent offences.

    The UK has a history of sentencing innocent men to life in prison, in a recent example a man called Barry George was sentenced to life for a murder he never could have committed, in a trial where there was no evidence. The appeals process saw him released after 6 years but he has repeatedly been denied any compensation.

    Again and again, so called civilised societies make massive errors in their justice systems, and yes so does Thailand.

    Nothing new really...

    In my shithole nation the lowest courts routinely sentence people without any evidence whatsoever. How do i know? Well lets just say that my shithole nations courts have politically appointed judges (lowest and second "district courts" have, third is supreme court which does not have) without any kind of education about law and one *real* judge who went to law school and i have been one of those 3 politically appointed judges without law education. And if these three politically appointed "judges" say that a person is guilty and the real judge says no then that person will still get a sentence.

    And this shithole nation is usually referred to as Sweden. Soon Swedenistan.

  6. Heh...and Obama's 'Foreign Policy' is repleat with successes? laugh.png

    Obama and Hillary are tied for successes.......zero.

    You guys go to Wharton too? That hotbed of academia is showing through !

    Hamas ceasefire ? Do you guys even know what Hamas is?

    Sanctions against Iran which worked and now have them coming back into the middle east political scene (and we need good relations with them for many reasons which will be tough for me to explain to you Wharton geniuses, you guys will want to concentrate on getting nukes to Japan).

    Reestablishing relations with Cuba? That will lead to better relations with Venezuela.

    I don't believe you guys have a clue of what you are saying.

    Yes because "Chamberlainism" always work so wonderfully well right?

  7. mopar71 post 743:

    "Obama was either an Affirmative Action baby or got into university pretending to be a foreign student. Maybe both, but certainly one or the other."

    Sometimes in these Trump threads posts are made which truly do show the intellect behind the typical Trump follower. Here in this statement is an assumption the university would NOT KNOW a person to be a foreigner or not.

    University admin " Mr. Obama we see that you are a black man from the U.S. State of Hawaii are you trying to get into our school pretending to be a foreigner?"

    Utterly ridiculous post #743.

    Not just ridiculous, but definitely reminiscent of good, old fashioned racism as well. You know.... Because obviously a black man could not get into Harvard based on merit alone..... He either got a hand out or lied.....

    Obama isn't black.

  8. Obama never shies away from opining on things that many would see as beneath his office to even acknowledge publicly......especially at a summit attended by some 50 + world leaders

    President Obama is being the opposite of Donald Trump, i.e., presidential and President. It is impossible Trump can be or will be either/both.

    The world needs to know it is only the Republican party controlled by the brain scrabbled right that support and speak for the neutron brain of Donald Trump.

    I expect that when I say President Obama is being responsible and that he has earned the respect and gratitude of the vast majority of Americans, the whingenut Obama haters will today devour more bandwidth attacking him than the total bandwidth I've used in all of the past month. smile.png

    Yes, respect is correct

    Personally, I'm slightly disappointed that he didn't use his first term mandate to greater effect. But, overall vastly superior to his predecessor in all respects

    Maybe an American contributor could provide a list of achievements including overcoming the financial meltdown and Obamacare?

    Publicus! Where are you when I need you?

    Having been mentioned by name smile.png this poster welcomes pointing out he rarely engages in presenting lists. Data yes, charts yes, various other illustrations of the point, yes indeed. Lists however, hardly ever.

    Lists are fine but there are other posters of either side who have their lists. Pro-Obama posters have their excellent lists while the Obama haters have their own lists. Again, lists are fine but it's sort of like a matchup of dueling banjos, i.,e., don't drop yours.

    My presentation in respect of leadership consistently focuses on the fact Barack Obama is the Potus that the decisive majority of the American people wanted for the current time, its events and its circumstances, domestically and in external, foreign issues. Not everyone agrees all the time in everything President Obama has done, however, Americans elected him twice to be Potus 24/7 for eight complete years.

    The man of the hour, as it were. Cometh the hour, cometh the man.

    (It's now time again for the TVF ragtag right to to stumble out and to charge forward swords raised in a hollering tempest against President Barack Obama. Banzai !)

    Now repeat that about Bush, he was elected twice as well.

  9. "The probability that Republican front-runner Donald Trump will win his party's presidential nomination,

    dropped sharply in the past week while the likelihood of a brokered convention to potentially choose another candidate rose"

    "Trump's probability of winning the nomination fell to 44 percent on Friday from 67 percent a week ago, according to the website, which is run by Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand.

    "The probability that the Republicans will have a brokered convention to decide the nominee for the Nov. 8 election jumped to 69 percent from 43 percent a week ago,

    according to PredictIt, an online predictions market where users place money on who they think will win the election. Many users are from the United States."


    Yes iReason I saw these numbers published yesterday.

    I am not sure Trumps popularity within the Far Right Wing and also a very small minority of the general electorate is all that difficult to explain. Unfortunately there are people who are racist, homophobic, religious zealots, economic morons, xenophobic, bigoted, uneducated and violent (the hateful 8) and Trump has tapped into that. Finally they have a voice that represents their archaic miserable view of the world. There is a very good reason they are the silent minority. The majority simply don't want to be subjected to their hatreds and fearmongering. The 'establishment' that these minority object too is actually the established educated understanding that these minority views are toxic to a functioning progressive, liberal healthy democracy.

    At all times once you step outside the 'hateful 8' minority Republican ideologies the vote tanks and the Trump machine comes to a shuddering derailment.

    Firstly, USA isn't a democracy. Secondly it seems you could qualify in the "Hateful 8".

    True I think the democratic principles America was founded on have been usurped and undermined including key institutions. I find the minority Republican 'hateful 8' ideologies absolutely repugnant as do the vast majority of good and decent Americans. I welcome the accusation of being intolerant and fundamentally opposed to these views and the sooner they and Trump are expunged from public debate the better. For me the principles of the 'hateful 8' ideologies are destructive to civil society as Trumps campaign clearly shows.

    The issue isn't just "Trump and his fanboyz"... it's also the issue with Clinton and Sanders "fanboyz" who do not understand even the most basic things like that free education isn't free.

    Even though democracy is the best system we have invented, so far, on this pathetic excuse for a planet in the middle of nowhere it's flaws are blatantly obvious when people with an IQ of.. oh say... 80 have the same say when voting as people with an IQ of 125.

  10. "The probability that Republican front-runner Donald Trump will win his party's presidential nomination,

    dropped sharply in the past week while the likelihood of a brokered convention to potentially choose another candidate rose"

    "Trump's probability of winning the nomination fell to 44 percent on Friday from 67 percent a week ago, according to the website, which is run by Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand.

    "The probability that the Republicans will have a brokered convention to decide the nominee for the Nov. 8 election jumped to 69 percent from 43 percent a week ago,

    according to PredictIt, an online predictions market where users place money on who they think will win the election. Many users are from the United States."


    Yes iReason I saw these numbers published yesterday.

    I am not sure Trumps popularity within the Far Right Wing and also a very small minority of the general electorate is all that difficult to explain. Unfortunately there are people who are racist, homophobic, religious zealots, economic morons, xenophobic, bigoted, uneducated and violent (the hateful 8) and Trump has tapped into that. Finally they have a voice that represents their archaic miserable view of the world. There is a very good reason they are the silent minority. The majority simply don't want to be subjected to their hatreds and fearmongering. The 'establishment' that these minority object too is actually the established educated understanding that these minority views are toxic to a functioning progressive, liberal healthy democracy.

    At all times once you step outside the 'hateful 8' minority Republican ideologies the vote tanks and the Trump machine comes to a shuddering derailment.

    Firstly, USA isn't a democracy. Secondly it seems you could qualify in the "Hateful 8".

  11. Nearly all body builders I've met would have been better seeing a shrink instead of going to the gym.

    Serious issues with self-esteem amongst other things.

    What is self esteem, tell me....Make money, great with family....What is it...?

    Do l feel you have envy for a guy that has just kept in shape....Many women just pray to stay in shape but it is hard work...

    Photos here today show that perhaps some have gone a step to far, for me perhaps they have...But I can tell you that doing 'sensible' weight stuff can prolong your life if your genes are in shape.

    Just feeling good about who you are without all the steroids and the like.

    Yeah... because hormones have absolutely nothing to do "how good you feel about yourself" right?

  12. "Donald Trump is fond of saying he "respects" and "cherishes" women," but he faces a significant problem with female voters - even those within his own party."

    "Let's look at our latest NBC/WSJ poll to see how big this issue is:"

    "This month, about half (47 percent) of Republican female primary voters said they could not imagine themselves voting for Trump.

    (About 40 percent of male GOP primary voters said the same.)"

    Ain't gonna happen Trumpsters. Reasonable people see through the Bloviating huckster.


    That is the dangers of being estrogen poisoned.

  13. Some folk like the metaphor that this Republican 2016 campaign for Potus is a dumpster fire. It's more like a big dump on fire that will continue to burn for years yet. Down into its soil and roots. Four more years minimum. Fox and Breitbart have terminated their respective contract with Michelle Fields while the two arsonists continue on the loose. Half of Republican women view Trump as either a cad or a boor. He is in fact a wildman radical who donated his neutrons to the bomb.

    They terminated their contracts with Michelle Fields as they don't want to be associated with fascists.

    And i'm seriously pondering if you don't have a case of this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_salad

  14. You failed to mention that the pepper sprayed woman surrounded by hostiles accused that man of touching her breasts. This isn't a normal campaign. The blame is on Trump, the leader, and his jacked up supporters. So your clip was edited for Trump propaganda purposes. Cheap trick.

    She chose herself to walk up with her fascist friends and start arguing AND initiate violence, but yes of course he touched her breasts because fascists never lie right? I mean, just like the man in the clip below is the one starting the grabbing right? Just continue to spread and believe your fascist ideas.

    Another longer clip of the pepper spraying that clearly show you are spreading lies about anyone touching anyones breasts:

  15. ^^^

    The Machine will never allow Trump or your "manifestations".

    Get used to it.

    You say: "I fail to see what you are talking about" And yet, you have an analysis of it. blink.png

    "Trump is nothing"

    That is correct. Trump is a mere pimple on the ass of time.

    He will be popped soon.

    To the relief of thinking people.


    "The story is the discontent with the status quo" "That's not going away..."

    How quaint. clap2.gif

    Still waiting.

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