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Posts posted by Asheron

  1. I recall a statement from many months ago stating that BELGIUM WILL BE THE FIRST EUROPEAN COUNTRY TO ENACT SHARIA LAW. The premise rested on the fact that Belgium has one of the highest (or the highest) % of Muslims. This horrible bombing is a preview.

    Islam is the second largest religion in Belgium, accounting for 5 to 7% of the total population[1] (If all immigrants with Islamic backgrounds are included, Muslims' share of the population rises to 8.1% as of 2011).[2] Muslims are concentrated in certain regions of the country, constituting 23.6% of the population in Brussels, but just 4.0% in Wallonia and 3.9% in Flanders. (wikipedia)

    Even if they were with 10% they can NEVER get sharia as the rest (90% !!) will not allow that. I can't be bothered to look up where you come from and what your contributions here on TVF are but your comment above is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo simplistic. Almost as simplistic as the very clowns who blow themselves up in the name of their imagined friend coffee1.gif

    Those are just BS numbers as i bet a case of Chang beer that you can't actually register religion in Belgium. Same case with Sweden, they have now for 2 decades said that there is "only" 350K muslims in Sweden all the while almost ALL of the population surplus of Sweden has been from muslims countries.

  2. In February, 1970 I arrived in Kabul and spend the next 2 1/2 years in Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan. At the time, I could speak, read, read and write Farsi and Dari, and had some ability in Pashto as well.

    Mohammed Zahir Shah was King of Afghanistan, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was Shah of Iran, and there were no jihadist movements, no al-Qaeda, no Taliban. The US and Russia were keeping watch and funding whoever they thought would promote their respective interests, but there was no significant overt or covert intervention in Afghanistan or Iran.

    Three things that I will never forget.

    One - near Jalalabad in Afghanistan, the government had built a bridge in a remote area over the Kunar river. Shortly after it was completed, the villagers living nearby destroyed it with explosives. I was passing through the area, and I asked what had happened and why. The answer was, "If there is a bridge, outsiders will come and see our women."

    Two - on the way to Mazar-e-Sharif in northern Afghanistan by road, the bus reached a river that had flooded and passage was impossible. Every one got off the bus and appeared to be setting up campsites. I asked the driver how long it would be before the flood receded and we could continue. He replied, "Maybe two months."

    Three - in Kandahar, Afghanistan, I stayed at a "hotel" for a few weeks and became acquainted with the owner. He was exceptionally kind and helpful to me. One evening, we were sitting and talking. I asked him how Afghan people in general felt about foreigners, because at that time we were very few and far between other than in Kabul. He said "If we like you, we love you. If we don't like you, we will kill you."

    So, none of what is happening now surprises me in the least. What was true then is still true today. Islamic fundamentalists do not have the same world-view as Westerners, they are patient and willing to endure long-term hardship in order to achieve their goals, and since they do not like us, they are going to kill us.

    I have absolutely no idea how the Western world can solve this problem, because I fear that there is no middle-ground whatsoever between Western ideals and Islamic fundamentalism.

    There will never be any middle ground which is why these people should not be allowed access to the West.

    Trump, whilst perhaps not using the most elegant language to express his thoughts and ideas, is correct.

    sorry but how come you guys found a middle ground in Thailand with Thai people?

    or maybe you are here just for some bum bum sex tourism then

    how do feel if thais accuse all farang as pedophiles just bc some farang come here and do despicable act of child abuse?

    i see these racist and discriminating comments but i leave the job to mods before getting banned.

    ...and want to think about the victims today in silent sadness for some minutes.

    How many thai buddhist monks do you know who have walking into a crowd and blown themself up?

  3. Let's hope this continued assault on Europe namely Belgium the hub of the EU impacts the vote of most UK citizens in the upcoming IN or Out referendum.

    It's a sad way to persuade folk that the European dream of border less countries is a thing of the past but it is clearly a FACT that such negligence and free movement of people from war torn countries is clearly playing a part in these terrorist attacks.

    The sooner the UK secures it's borders the better,the advent of allowing Turkey to become an EU member will as described by Nigel Farage only contribute to the continued flow of unknown immigrants many of whom are current or ex IS fighters.

    Another needless terrorist attack aided by the EU do gooders.


    It's really just plain mad to extend the EU to border nations like Iran, Syria and Iraq. And now to give turkish citizens visa free travel to Schengen is even crazy, it's just retarded. I wonder how much a turkish passport will now go for in the black market...

  4. So you are actually telling us that you can have a meaningful discussion with a random thai person about thai or world politics or why not the national/international economy? Or ask them stuff like what will happen if you drive over a pedestrian with a car that is going around 50 km/h. Or "tricky" stuff like how many days does it take for the sun to orbit the earth.

    I think you should tell us how many days it takes for the sun to orbit the earth.

    Maybe a more interesting thing to discuss would be your lack of understand what the "tricky" thing meant in the sentence?

    So, what is the answer to your tricky question?

    Seriously? I guess you have been "thaified".

    Anyway, this[1] should give you a good enough clue that i meant with the "tricky" thing.

    [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_System

  5. "Brain" in Thailand????

    Apart from the obvious racism here, what on earth is that supposed to mean? Do you have a Thai girlfriend, is she brainless?

    I have a Thai wife of 28 years, half Thai kids and many Thai relatives and friends - are you calling all them brainless? If so a rather ignorant remark.

    So you are actually telling us that you can have a meaningful discussion with a random thai person about thai or world politics or why not the national/international economy? Or ask them stuff like what will happen if you drive over a pedestrian with a car that is going around 50 km/h. Or "tricky" stuff like how many days does it take for the sun to orbit the earth.

    I think you should tell us how many days it takes for the sun to orbit the earth.

    Maybe a more interesting thing to discuss would be your lack of understand what the "tricky" thing meant in the sentence?

  6. released the WRONG brake?

    How many PARKING brake handles are there on these buses???????

    The (THAI) Double deckers seem to be a disaster. They are not allowed on the roads in Europe.

    Many of the chassis are from Europe and their bottom part between the axles is the cargo (luggage) compartments which weight of the cargo improves the CG of the bus. Passenger seats are bolted to the flatfloor above the cargo holds. But the Thai had a better idea they use the chassis to build a double decker on it. Something the suspension was not designed for.

    Don't know what country you are from but there certainly are duoble deckers in the swedish traffic. Or did you mean the "thai engineered double deckers"? Because yeah, of course those aren't allowed.

  7. Every single attack comes from one ideology, Islam

    I'm with Trump keep them out and if necessary revoke any passports of those who are suspects, especially in the EU.

    Enough is enough, let them go and blow themselves up in the desert, so we can join them in their celebrations!!

    if you are with Trump, move to USA!

    just because pervert sects like ISIS bombed somewhere, all muslim does not mean bad people!

    or it does not mean you can discriminate them or revoke their passport and send them where?

    if you are not happy with muslim, you can move to mars. bc they are everywhere and with such words, you just inviting more bombs!

    hatred brings hatred!

    What do you mean by somewhere???

    The truth is that they are bombing and killing infidels everywhere, and all in the name of the great Allah.

    Europe have been taking hit after hit now, enough is enough.

    So we should be a good christian and turn the other cheek you mean?

    it is all in the name of religion, so we should ban the practice of Islam in western countries, then they would not have all the mosque's as suicide bomber schools.

    Also if someone is a true refugee, they would give up their Allah at the border of the country they are getting a refugee status from and embrace the religion of that country..... that would be true integration....

    look, ISIS is a pervert sect and never represents islam. same as ku klux klan never represent true christians or zionists do not represent true jewish people.

    moreover, they bombed turkey 3 days ago which is a muslim country too.

    and please why dont you guys send your armies to syria and bash those ISIS? why wait this long? so can do the talk from distance and dont have balls to do the walk?

    so when you we come to thailand to live here, do we give up our religion? or is it something special for so called civilized european or western countries!?

    if you want to ban islam with all other religions like christianity, judaism, hinduism whatever, i agree with you totally. i believe all religions need to be banned and if we can do so, this world will be a very very peaceful place as default. and no bombings whatsoever and we leave happily ever after.

    but banning a specific religion? even hitler could not dare that! i am still hopeful that most europeans dont think same as you bc that means a wild wild ww3.

    Obivously you know nothing about islam... ISIS is the most "pure" islamic group currently on this planet. It's not a sect, it's a direct continuation of what Muhammed did.

  8. These attacks rang the knell of a beautiful utopia who said "men are free and equal in rights regardless of their culture and their faith."
    The 35 victims today add up to 13,500 daily deaths in Europe, with their harvest suffering and tears. It's very sad for their families but statistically insignificant.
    However the vast majority of installed migrants who wanted to live in peace with us will face a general rejection that has taken shape since the attacks of Paris. In France today a man of type Arabic has 4 x more difficulty finding a job than native. Tomorrow more,they will have to rob or deal to survive.
    Also, the great elk welcoming in the way Merkel will be rejected by a majority.
    Good result !

    The question everyone should ask is: what in earth can low skilled immigrants from Somalia, Afghanistan, Syria, northern Africa etc with incompatible religion, cultures and traditions offer us? Because they sure as hell do not want to assimilate.

    'us'? who are 'us' sorry?

    so you say 'us' is superior? 'us' have better culture? better traditions? for who?

    well, maybe 'us' need to open concentration camps and kill all those afghans and somalians etc bc they offer nothing to this world and yeah, they are muslim and colored anyway?

    we call this is 'racism' my friend and bc of people like you, those bombs are everywhere now!

    'you' are the one not incompatible to this world. same as those bloody islamist extremists!

    Ah yes... thank you for clarifying that you are a SJW warrior without any kind of comprehension of what is right and wrong.

    Stuff like this is happening BECAUSE of people like you... soft beta males that rather collapse into fetal position and suck your thumb than stand up for the most successful and morally right civilization to have so far existed on this puny planet. There is a reason why areas like Middle East are garbage areas and it sure as hell isn't the europeans fault.

    But anyway... i guess you are too busy with defending mutilations of children, stoning of "adultery" and hanging of gays in the name of "what do you mean better or worse culture/traditions, according to whom?!".

  9. It's always someone else's fault to you appeasers. We'd all make the correct decisions if we had a crystal ball. They did what they thought best at the time.

    There's no excuse for these murdering scum jihadists committing atrocities like this and it makes my blood boil to see people on here try to shift the blame to other people. Give me a million Ronald Reagans before one of these muslim monsters.

    How many westerners have been killed by Muslims the last 5 decades? How many Muslims have western nations killed during the same 5 decades?

    It's always a good idea to check where the origins are, where the violence comes from and most important: who finances it.

    Muslims "win" by like a few hundred million people if you count all non-muslim victims.


    In the history of earth that is.

  10. must have been brain failure

    "Brain" in Thailand????

    Apart from the obvious racism here, what on earth is that supposed to mean? Do you have a Thai girlfriend, is she brainless?

    I have a Thai wife of 28 years, half Thai kids and many Thai relatives and friends - are you calling all them brainless? If so a rather ignorant remark.

    So you are actually telling us that you can have a meaningful discussion with a random thai person about thai or world politics or why not the national/international economy? Or ask them stuff like what will happen if you drive over a pedestrian with a car that is going around 50 km/h. Or "tricky" stuff like how many days does it take for the sun to orbit the earth.

  11. These attacks rang the knell of a beautiful utopia who said "men are free and equal in rights regardless of their culture and their faith."
    The 35 victims today add up to 13,500 daily deaths in Europe, with their harvest suffering and tears. It's very sad for their families but statistically insignificant.
    However the vast majority of installed migrants who wanted to live in peace with us will face a general rejection that has taken shape since the attacks of Paris. In France today a man of type Arabic has 4 x more difficulty finding a job than native. Tomorrow more,they will have to rob or deal to survive.
    Also, the great elk welcoming in the way Merkel will be rejected by a majority.
    Good result !

    The question everyone should ask is: what in earth can low skilled immigrants from Somalia, Afghanistan, Syria, northern Africa etc with incompatible religion, cultures and traditions offer us? Because they sure as hell do not want to assimilate.

  12. i'm sure the native americans think the same thing ... coffee1.gif

    All the Americas, whether north or south have European influx. Australia, New Zealand, you name it, just to live a life........This lot are killing for one reason only, which I do not have to post..

    the muslims in my quarter, yes i live surrounded by them, live a life too, working, feeding children, eating and sh*tting just like u and me. they mean no harm. there's a serious problem with radical pyscho muslims, true, but out of 22% of the world population, muslims (1,5 billion), how many blow themselves up in airports ? coffee1.gif

    (Quote)....but out of 22% of the world population, muslims (1,5 billion), how many blow themselves up in airports ? (Unquote)

    How many people who blow innocent people to bits at airports, shopping malls, train stations, on buses, in aircraft etc etc are not muslims? More pertinent I think.


  13. I am sure the perps are quaking at the coming response from europe.

    Eiffel Tower will flash the colours of the belgian flag to show solidarity.

    Cameron said this is appalling…we stand by you.

    No doubt there will be a twitter hashtag saying #prayforbelgium

    Candle-light vigil after 3 days

    And lots of marching around town with sings like "stop your islamophobia".

  14. Every single attack comes from one ideology, Islam

    I'm with Trump keep them out and if necessary revoke any passports of those who are suspects, especially in the EU.

    Enough is enough, let them go and blow themselves up in the desert, so we can join them in their celebrations!!

    if you are with Trump, move to USA!

    just because pervert sects like ISIS bombed somewhere, all muslim does not mean bad people!

    or it does not mean you can discriminate them or revoke their passport and send them where?

    if you are not happy with muslim, you can move to mars. bc they are everywhere and with such words, you just inviting more bombs!

    hatred brings hatred!

    Is that also your view about nazis?

  15. Let's have another look at that one Pub, shall we?

    What do they say? History repeats itself?

    Truly remarkable.

    And that nut was putting it mildly compared to the Bloviator's "standards".

    At any rate, the Bloviator's days are numbered.

    Take that to the bank. thumbsup.gif

    Well taken iReason.

    I've always observed the adage that while history is not a chorus that repeats itself it sure does rhyme a lot.

    Agreed that Goldwater compared to Trump was milquetoast. For instance, when Goldwater talked about using nuclear weapons, he knew what the Strategic Nuclear Triad was/is, whereas Trump thinks triad is a bunch of gangster Chinese he has to 'negotiate' with to put up a building.

    Goldwater's extremism was rhetorical and ideological. Trump's extremism is off the wall.

    We have some significant wall along sections of the most violated border areas with Mexico. it's called public policy and border security. Trump's solid border wall and violent rhetoric is extreme, proposed by an extremist, Trump himself.

    Goldwater had no violence nor any Goldwater thugs at his rallies, whereas there are violent Trump citizen-goons at Trump rallies almost every time, promoted openly by Trump himself. Trump needs violence at his campaign events.

    All of these Trump for president rallies throughout the course of the campaign along with their violent commotion are the cumulative equivalent of Mussolini's March on Rome (1922).



    I could write a long text about how leftist people are generally like a paedophile "prophet" from the 7th century desert but i wont. Why? Well, i don't want to sound like a <deleted> like leftist people.

  16. More about Trump's totally IDIOTIC Mexican wall idea:

    Your "argument" is a so called "comedian"? Wow... i really did think you were smarter than that but as it's already atleast the second time you post the same "comedians" clips about Trump... well... yeah, guess i was wrong.

  17. Because if they slow down, they fear getting rear-ended. Everyone tail-gates here.

    I certainly don't tailgate here, and neither do a lot of people I know. Best way to deal with tailgating is to pump the brakes a little. It sends a strong message - Back off!

    I start my emergency flashers, which get a little more attention than just the brake lights. Over 50% of the tailgaters back off. However, about 5-10% of the tailgaters become more aggressive: start honking, get even closer, or pass dangerously (on a hill or curve) and then cutting in so sharply I have to hit my brakes to avoid a collision. It's a gamble how they're going to react. The latter group--hellbent on their tailgating behaviour--see the flashers or even tapping your brakes as a challenge to their self-endowed right to tailgate. So "sending a message" has its uncertain results.

    I hope that such drivers die a horrible slow death in a burning car without any other casualities. The sooner the better.

  18. You have found one right here.

    I am American and proud of it.

    I am sure there are many more out there and many proud English people too.

    You have blinded yourself with your personal opinions.

    how can one be proud of something that wasn't earned by own effort and achievement? coffee1.gif

    Does your view include all "races" in the world?

    your comment demonstrates clearly that you did not understand the simple sentence i wrote.

    I understood it perfectly well, i'm just asking that does your view of "shouldn't be proud of something not earned by own effort and achievement" also include all the so called "races" on planet earth. Just answer the question without the use of invectives.

  19. Here is a video of Mr Wilders opening speech. If I were Dutch I'd be absolutely horrified by the hypocrisy, fraudulence and abuse of the Dutch legal system, not on.y by its judiciary but also by its police. Mr Wilders gives many examples of several people who were not prosecuted for saying things far more inflammatory than anything he said. As an aside the standing Hungarian president Victor Orban made a speech recently which was less tactful than anything Mr Wilders said.

    But for leftists this is not about truth of justice, it is merely a process aimed at silencing their opposition and further undermining the democratic system, as leftists do the world over given enough time.


    If you were Dutch your though process would be totally different.

    And exactly what is a "dutch thought process"?

    Which said there is?

    I said that if his background were different his thought process would be different.

    You said that "if you were dutch your though process would be totally different" which directly implies that there is some kind of "dutch way of thinking"... hence my question.

  20. Here is a video of Mr Wilders opening speech. If I were Dutch I'd be absolutely horrified by the hypocrisy, fraudulence and abuse of the Dutch legal system, not on.y by its judiciary but also by its police. Mr Wilders gives many examples of several people who were not prosecuted for saying things far more inflammatory than anything he said. As an aside the standing Hungarian president Victor Orban made a speech recently which was less tactful than anything Mr Wilders said.

    But for leftists this is not about truth of justice, it is merely a process aimed at silencing their opposition and further undermining the democratic system, as leftists do the world over given enough time.


    If you were Dutch your though process would be totally different.

    And exactly what is a "dutch thought process"?

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