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Posts posted by Asheron

  1. Who would make the best POTUS?

    Well, since Oliver North cannot qualify (although he would be great as was Ronald Maximus) we'll have to go with Trump.

    My original man Ted has proven he's a bit devisive and Trump is surely the better pick than that Commie or the Felon...smile.png

    Pardon me but it would seem that there is a commie and/or a felon running for Potus only if the view is from a lunar orbit.

    Descending on the dark side.

    If Trump is a fascist then surely Clinton is a felon and Sanders is a commie.

    No. Only Trump is a fascist. The other two not true at this time.

    Yeah, in your leftist brain that might be true but then again... rational thinking has never been anything for leftist people.

  2. Who would make the best POTUS?

    Well, since Oliver North cannot qualify (although he would be great as was Ronald Maximus) we'll have to go with Trump.

    My original man Ted has proven he's a bit devisive and Trump is surely the better pick than that Commie or the Felon...smile.png

    Pardon me but it would seem that there is a commie and/or a felon running for Potus only if the view is from a lunar orbit.

    Descending on the dark side.

    If Trump is a fascist then surely Clinton is a felon and Sanders is a commie.

  3. The ignorance not only in the states but on TV is making me want to puke. Trump is a fascist, modern day but pure and not so simple. The other members of the buffoon car are dominionists that think their interpretation of bible should rule the US and the world. Hillary is nothing but a bought and sold neocon/neoliberal tool of Wall Street criminals and banksters. Bernie is the only chance for the US and the world, barring a real revolution in the states. A real revolution, while ridding the world of some very bad, insane actors would result in chaos in the entire world. Keep GitMo open for those that really belong there. Bring back Nuremberg.

    Obviously you are either a leftish or you have no idea what the word "fascist" means... although usually those two things walk hand in hand.

  4. Ted Cruz of course as he's the only one who commands respect for his Conservative positions.

    That said, let the Donald have a 'go'. Better than that Felon or the Commie! smile.png

    There isn't a felon running for Potus nor is there a communist running. Nor is there a Hispanic running to include Cruz and Rubio. The two are Latino but each being from Cuba, are not considered Hispanic by Cuban Americans. For that vital reason, neither can count on the support of Hispanic Americans in their campaign for the Republican party nomination for Potus. That is because generally and historically almost all Cuban American object strongly to being called Hispanic Americans.

    So I and many Hispanic Americans know we do not want either to be elected Potus. Hillary Clinton is the favorite as all reliable and credible polling indicates.

    Check out for instance the objection of Cuban-Americans in Florida to the US Census form that provides for no self-identification process that is not Hispanic to self-describe immigrants from Latin America. USA Cubans on the whole object to it.

    Hispanics are historically those who reside on the South America sub-continent and in the Isthmus of Central America. Most Cubans consider themselves to be and have been neither.

    Cubans consider themselves to instead be white descendants of Spain in the Carribbean of some mixed genetic development in the Western Hemisphere. Cuban Americans object to the US Census Bureau form because it provides for only either "White (non-Hispanic)" or "Hispanic", no more or nothing else. Nothing for "Latino" and nothing either for "Cuban" or "Carribbean." Most Cuban Americans identify as one or both of the latter two.

    To wit:

    Perhaps too many Cubans naively pride themselves over a few economic successes, both on the historical and personal level. This is one of the consequences of the “Cuban Adjustment Act,” which facilitates the entire migratory process. For many, entering the country, obtaining a green card, and ultimately becoming a citizen is as easy as pie. This empirical community has been deprived of the usual migratory procedure and is thus, generally speaking, unsympathetic towards the typical struggles of a Latino.

    This “special” treatment not only distances Cubans from the rest of Latin American immigrants by not permitting similar, shared experiences, but it mistakenly gives them a false sense of superiority. It’s a feeling of individual accomplishment, without touching reality. This, in part, might start explaining why in the world Cubans are typically the only Latinos vehemently voting Republican… while still impoverished.



    And before 2008, African American descendants of slaves DID NOT like newcomer African immigrants and vice versa. But once the real chance of Obama winning the White House came, all those differences were put aside. Same could happen with the whole Latino-Hispanic-Cuban thing,

    Forget it.

    The post is a headcase.

    GW Bush in 2004 won 40% of the national Hispanic vote

    John McCain in 2008 got 31% of it

    Mitt "self-deportation" Romney in 2012 managed only 27% of the national Hispanic vote

    Looks dismal for the Republican nominee in 2016, maybe 20% and only at best

    These data include of course Cuban Americans.

    The Hispanic voting history for Potus going back 30 years says GW Bush in 2004 was the Republican candidate's historic high. Sen Bob Dole in 1996 was the historic low, 21%. New low coming soon. Everyone concurs the R for Potus must get at least 40% of the Hispanic-Cuban vote to win.

    So the post looks like a salmon and here's more about why...

    Hispanic American vote for President History 1980-2012

    --1980 Jimmy Carter, 56% Ronald Reagan, 35% +21

    --1984 Walter Mondale, 61% Ronald Reagan, 37% +24

    --1988 Michael Dukakis, 69% George H.W. Bush, 30% +39

    --1992 Bill Clinton, 61% George H.W. Bush, 25% +36

    --1996 Bill Clinton, 72% Bob Dole, 21% +51

    --2000 Al Gore, 62% George W. Bush, 35% +27

    --2004 John Kerry, 58% George W. Bush, 40% +18

    --2008 Barack Obama, 67% John McCain, 31% +36

    --2012 Barack Obama, 71% Mitt Romney, 27% +44


    The Republican nominee candidate in 2016 starts out with a 4.5 million vote deficit from the 2012 election. That's the difference of votes between Romney losing and Obama winning.

    Then add new Democratic party voters and also more Hispanics fleeing the Republican party since then, especially lately.

    The inherited 4.5 million vote deficit the R party has gets even greater. Really greater. The Republican party needs but doesn't have about 8 million new and more angry white rightwhingenuts and other assorted rednecks and creeps to cover the inherited and new deficits respectively.

    Game over.

    They overwhelmingly vote for democrats because democrats promise them the most "stuff" instead of telling them "get a haircut and a job" and their mentality is "oh it's the white devils fault i'm gangbanging". Just like poor retarded people in europe overwhelmingly vote for the european versions of democrats (social democrats) because they promise them "stuff" as well.

  5. Are you or are you not denying that you would go on same kind of SJW crusade if it said "no british"?

    I despise bigotry, racism, intolerance and prejudice. And those who practice it. And those who defend it.

    Now back up your allegations.

    His backup is that he is a racist pig....better than a whole race....no further backup required in his mind.

    Awww, butthurt much?

    Now, go get some help for that "child love".

  6. No, we're most certainly not on the same page.

    You're obsessed with the word pride and insist on taking it literally even though I have explained very well how the concept of Gay Pride came about historically. You don't care ... just focus on the semantics of one word. Silly. Very silly.

    As far as straight pride parades ... NOBODY CARES unless they are about marching as way to put down GLBT people.

    In the real world, "Straight Pride" parades are almost always about the only purpose being to promote bigotry against GLBT people.

    It's like Aryan Pride parades ... those are white supremacists and they are horrible haters.

    Now if you're talking about a German Cultural Pride event with sausages and beer ... that's more like it. Count me in!

    Semantics and definitions of words is the only way to view words... because if not then you just make up your own definitions of words to your liking or agenda.

    Now that you take up skin color... do you think that groups like "black lives matter", "black panthers", "black pride", "la raza", "nation of islam" are haters? If not, why not? Because they are just as much haters as groups like KKK, only difference is the melanin the hate groups have in their bodies.

  7. There is absolutely nothing to be proud of being gay. Nor straight for that matter. Or even black, white etc etc etc.

    I don't think you understand the concept of civil rights movements of minority groups when they are oppressed and told they are "less than" by the majority.

    I fully understand that there is nothing to be proud of being gay or anything else related to which gender you get turned on about. "Pride" in this context has nothing to do with civil rights for any group.

    Surely pride is something you should feel for instance when you accomplish something, not something you are born as.

    OK, that's your opinion.

    But I think you are deliberately taking the word pride in Gay Pride parades more literally than it really should be taken. They started as all politics to fight oppression. Society was telling gay people they're garbage, and gay people said no we're not, and we're going to fight for our civil rights.

    I know about this because I marched in some of the first Gay Pride Parade parades in the history of the planet so I'm better than Wiki. Not in jockstraps but with political banners.

    In some nations they are still mostly about politics to fight oppression and in others they are now mostly about a big excuse for a party, like St. Patrick's Day Parades, etc. Proud to be Irish or an honorary Irish for the day? Why the hell not?

    Thai GLBT people aren't much into gay pride parades. Their choice either way. No biggie. But they do like to party.

    In the west even in countries where GLBT enjoy decent civil rights, they can still be politically and psychologically important for younger people coming out in oppressive family (usually related to religion) and social environments.

    Like if you're family is telling you you're garbage, to a gay kid like that, seeing Gay Pride parades may help him hang on to survive into adulthood as he can see there is a bigger more tolerant world out there.

    To add, sexual orientation and gender identity are not the same thing. But all people deserve dignity and civil rights.

    I don't think we are on different pages, i think we are pretty much on the same exact page when it comes to civil rights... i just have a big issue with using the wrong words for whatever they are advocating. And i think the word "pride" has no place when talking about skin color, sexual preference or anything else some one is born with/as.

    What i mean is, have your gay parades, go a head, i couldn't care less. But skip the "pride" part. And please do behave like normal people if someone did have "straight parade", even if you find it silly/whatever, because surely they have the same rights to have parades like that... even if they are majority.

    But i do find it offensive that so many in the LGBT community embrace religions that extremely clearly state that their so called "sexual condition" (their words, not mine) is punishable by death.

  8. So the straight dude feels oppressed because of gay pride parades. Too stupid.

    There is absolutely nothing to be proud of being gay. Nor straight for that matter. Or even black, white etc etc etc.

    I don't think you understand the concept of civil rights movements of minority groups when they are oppressed and told they are "less than" by the majority.

    I fully understand that there is nothing to be proud of being gay or anything else related to which gender you get turned on about. "Pride" in this context has nothing to do with civil rights for any group.

    Surely pride is something you should feel for instance when you accomplish something, not something you are born as.

  9. My theory as to why so many votes for Trump here, is that most of those votes are from non-Americans who harbor ill will to the USA and have nihilist dreams to see the USA self implode by electing that psychopathic demagogue Trump that is making a play to be the American version of Putin.

    You really do have a wild imagination.

    When one considers the combined TVF vote of HRC and Bernie Sanders that's' pretty good for the Democratic party and the USA. It also sticks it to the foreigners who voted for Trump. And it shoots down the reprehensible theory continually presented by some on the far out right that all foreigners who choose to post to thread topics on USA are lefty far out liberals European socialists or even commies who should be keeping their mouths shut about USA politics, society, economy, gun culture.

    More myths punctured regardless.

    And exactly how do you know who voted for who in the poll and where they are from?

  10. @Asheron

    Tell me one time I have deviated from my position on racism and intolerance.

    Tell me once when I have changed my stance because of the nationality on those involved in a story.

    Just once.

    Don't ignore this request. You have made an accusation now back it up.

    Don't fanny around with this "you figure it out" BS.

    Back up your accusation with evidence.

    All silent from you Asheron?

    Why's that now?

    Are you or are you not denying that you would go on same kind of SJW crusade if it said "no british"?

  11. A dude that likes to drop the pedo accusation willy nilly is certainly the type to possess racist traits.

    Yes, and anyone trying to plaster "racist" on anyone not agreeing with one self certainly is the type that possess paedophile traits.

    Strange how you make that comparison. ....on one hand we have someone that does not want a particular race near them ..... on the other hand, we have nothing......except your constant thoughts of pedophilia.....how odd

    So you are one of those "i'm not a paedophile, but...." type of people eh?

    And you should really stop (or start again?) taking whatever medication you are on if you read "i do not want indian people to rent my condo as because of reason A, B and C" as "i do not want indian people near me".

  12. All this bashing of the rich and wealthy...

    Do you guys even comprehend that most of the USA population have a job to go to in the first place because the rich created those jobs?

    And i have learned something in my life about people who talk about "free stuff for everyone"... they have no concept of balancing their own private economy and extremely often they are several hundred thousands USD in debt and "buy" (loan) a new car every 2-4 years, a new phone every 6 months and so on and the same time whine that it's the "rich" peoples fault for making them take loans and not having enough money for food.

    Socialism really is an aggressive form of brain cancer. Because how else would you be able to defend the notion that someone else should give you their hard earned money.

    Typical Right Wing rhetoric in an attempt to defend greed. Trickle down Reaganomics. Make the wealthy super wealthy and it will trickle down to the actual people who generate that wealth. Rubbish. The super wealthy and corporate America simply put the money in their pocket. I am yet to meet the corporate executive that tosses and turns at night trying to work out how to employ more people. In fact their objective is to do more with less people or identify people who they can exploit for even lower wages. The rich create nothing. It is actually employees who create wealth. I agree consumerism is a real problem but it isn't driven by poor people it is driven by the insatiable greed of corporate America.

    It seems you haven't learnt that there is no such thing as 'free stuff'. Publicly funded Health, education, pharmaceuticals is not free it is paid by everyone for everyone and administered by a Government. It is far more affordable as it cuts out a nation being held hostage by corporate greed and delivers a fair and reasonable profit to providers. Lower cost better patient outcomes.

    No one is advocating Socialism. All modern industrialised Nations other than America have Social structures for Health, education and pharmaceuticals simply because they are essential services and more affordable done that way. Pure Socialism does not work just the same as pure Capitalism is a failure as America is finding out.

    The cancer that America is suffering from is a complete and utter takeover of the wealthy elite and corporate greed.

    Seriously no one is buying this Right Wing drivel anymore.

    As usual someone comes along who doesn't know what socialism, capitalism and corporatism mean and just pick them all, out them in the blender and call it "fruit-salladism".

    Where did i say anything about "free stuff" actually being "free"? I said the exact opposite.

    It's hilarious that all those whining about capitalism are always, 100% of the time, writing their whining with the help of said capitalism either with their smart phone, computer, ipad, ISP, cables etc. It's simple, people, smart people, want to have something for their effort and time and that effort and time is what seperate them from the rest of us mortals and they deserve every penny they get.

    And no, not a single company force anyone to buy anything, people make their own choices to buy whatever crap they buy. To blame their weak will, be it advertisement or something else, on company X just shows how "entitled", pathetic and weak they are.

    Oh and... Sanders is very much advocating socialism.

  13. I was sure the winner will represent what big part of TV crowd is. Finally it's the bigot, narcissist, impolite, manipulator and all the ills in same person Trump is leading in this survey.

    It's been seriously suggested that T-Rump crosses the line from mere narcissist to sociopath, and I tend to agree.

    The truly scary thing is his popularity. Who knew there were so many ignorant sheep in my U S of A...

    'Idiocracy', here we come.

    "Ow, my balls!"

    No, the population showed their "idiocracy" by voting Obama as POTUS not just once but twice.

  14. Filipinos speak English, Spanish and Tagalog, So I find it hard to believe that the old man had an issue with communication, I think it was just another typical Thai taxi driver who can only speak an embarrassing version of Thailish.

    Yeah, you could count on one hand the number of Bangkok taxi driver who can't speak Spanish and Tagalog.

    you forgot and English!

    Why should they speak English, do NY, London, Paris, Sydney, Moscow, drivers speak Thai?

    Sure it is great if they do have some understanding of English, or Swahili or Tibetan if that's your only spoken language - but you as a tourist chose to travel Thailand, learn to live with it.

    But a very low act dumping him the way he did, could have dumped him somewhere convenient, ie shop, garage, bus station.

    English IS de facto the "language of the world" (thai is not). "Everyone" use it all the time when two parties who otherwise can't communicate with each other. It even happens with very closely related languages such as norwegian and swedish, in my previous work we used english in the meetings (norwegian and swedish businesses) as some norwegian words are not easy to decipher as a swede and vice versa.

    And Thailand is a tourist country, even bigger reason to know basic english.

    Thailand might be a tourist country, doesn't mean every Thai has to speak English.

    Of course not but if you work as a taxi driver in Bangkok, especially at Suvarnabhumi, one requirement should be that you know basic english.

    So extending your hypothesis, every tourist arriving in Thailand needs to speak English so the taxi drivers will understand them.

    That's good - problem now solved.

    Basic english, not to be able to have a academic discussion about Higgs boson. And by basic english i mean very basic, like a few hundred words... which is easily enough to be able to communicate where you want to go.

  15. So if that behaviour, as you said, is cooking with spices that make the condo smell like shiet it's ok but not if the person happens to be from a country you feel you should in some way defend. Because you are only ranting and raving as it's about indians, you wouldn't have said a word if it said "no british".

    That just proves how little you know about me.

    If ignorance is bliss you must be ecstatic.

    Not his only problem..

    Aww how cute of you two to "tag-team-like" each others posts.

    Anyhow, atleast i'm a extremely consistant with my posts, you two change the variable(s) like a politician flip-flops depending on what the subject is about. Or more importantly, what skin color the subject has. Because that's what this is really about for you two, skin color. And you two fail to realize that you two are the real racists here. I can let you two ponder why that is the case but i wont hold my breath that you guys will figure out why.

  16. All this bashing of the rich and wealthy...

    Do you guys even comprehend that most of the USA population have a job to go to in the first place because the rich created those jobs?

    And i have learned something in my life about people who talk about "free stuff for everyone"... they have no concept of balancing their own private economy and extremely often they are several hundred thousands USD in debt and "buy" (loan) a new car every 2-4 years, a new phone every 6 months and so on and the same time whine that it's the "rich" peoples fault for making them take loans and not having enough money for food.

    Socialism really is an aggressive form of brain cancer. Because how else would you be able to defend the notion that someone else should give you their hard earned money.

  17. Americans and the world SHOULD be afraid of a President Trump. He will bring even more war, even more hatred, even more racism, even more income inequality, even more people internationally believing everything they've ever heard about UGLY AMERICANS is 100 percent true. There is time to stop this madness.

    So Obama didn't increase the "race tension" at all in USA? If anyone did it was him.

    But again, you say everyone should be afraid of Trump. Exactly why? And saying "he will increase this, this, that and that" is not an answer.

    And aren't those with prejudice and generalisation racists? Well, if we take your logic from the "no India" thread they are.

    No, he didn't. Unfortunately he also didn't manage to overcome an obstructionist Senate and congress, where all Republicans from day 1 had just one plan: we're against.

    Imagine that... a person not knowing what Obama has done to the racial tensions in USA also backing up Obama with arguments like "oh that pesky thing called Congress (elected by the people) doesn't obey Grand Master Obama".

  18. I'd like to introduce a related issue about the obvious popularity of DONALD TRUMP.

    Donald Trump is a xenophobic and racist demagogue in the long tradition of such dangerous leaders in other countries historically.

    He's trumping up hatred against Mexicans, Muslims, and Chinese.

    Many Americans can't tell the difference between Asians, so it's not only Chinese feeling it.

    So it's happening now in the USA.

    Addressing the AMERICANS living abroad, what I am seeing already is an increasing hostility towards Americans that is directly related to the rise to Trump.

    The world looks at USA elections more closely than any other country.

    They see what's happening.

    The Pope has taken note.

    I have heard an interesting story from a friend living in the USA in an area with lots of Latinos and Asians. He's very white. He has reported since the rise of Trump a very noticeable and marked increase in HOSTILITY towards him because he feels it is assumed he is a Trump supporter, a supporter of his campaign of hatred and division.

    I think this is very relevant to Americans living abroad.

    You may not have noticed it yet, but you will if Trump is president.

    People will assume you're a Trump supporter, whether you are or not, and mostly they will hate you for it.

    Trump is a candidate of great divisiveness.

    If elected, he will make American great again, if great means even more greatly HATED.

    He represents the very worse aspects of American culture.

    I disliked most Americans I have met because of their arrogant and obnoxious attitudes along with their blatant ignorance to realise they are actually like that!

    If little Mary sunshine thinks that could be something one might be jealous of, then he/she needs to remove one's head from one's rectal passage ?

    Maybe you had the misfortune of only meeting 'democrats'?

  19. Americans and the world SHOULD be afraid of a President Trump. He will bring even more war, even more hatred, even more racism, even more income inequality, even more people internationally believing everything they've ever heard about UGLY AMERICANS is 100 percent true. There is time to stop this madness.

    So Obama didn't increase the "race tension" at all in USA? If anyone did it was him.

    But again, you say everyone should be afraid of Trump. Exactly why? And saying "he will increase this, this, that and that" is not an answer.

    And aren't those with prejudice and generalisation racists? Well, if we take your logic from the "no India" thread they are.

  20. Filipinos speak English, Spanish and Tagalog, So I find it hard to believe that the old man had an issue with communication, I think it was just another typical Thai taxi driver who can only speak an embarrassing version of Thailish.

    Yeah, you could count on one hand the number of Bangkok taxi driver who can't speak Spanish and Tagalog.

    you forgot and English!

    Why should they speak English, do NY, London, Paris, Sydney, Moscow, drivers speak Thai?

    Sure it is great if they do have some understanding of English, or Swahili or Tibetan if that's your only spoken language - but you as a tourist chose to travel Thailand, learn to live with it.

    But a very low act dumping him the way he did, could have dumped him somewhere convenient, ie shop, garage, bus station.

    English IS de facto the "language of the world" (thai is not). "Everyone" use it all the time when two parties who otherwise can't communicate with each other. It even happens with very closely related languages such as norwegian and swedish, in my previous work we used english in the meetings (norwegian and swedish businesses) as some norwegian words are not easy to decipher as a swede and vice versa.

    And Thailand is a tourist country, even bigger reason to know basic english.

    Thailand might be a tourist country, doesn't mean every Thai has to speak English.

    Of course not but if you work as a taxi driver in Bangkok, especially at Suvarnabhumi, one requirement should be that you know basic english.

  21. I'd like to introduce a related issue about the obvious popularity of DONALD TRUMP.

    Donald Trump is a xenophobic and racist demagogue in the long tradition of such dangerous leaders in other countries historically.

    He's trumping up hatred against Mexicans, Muslims, and Chinese.

    Many Americans can't tell the difference between Asians, so it's not only Chinese feeling it.

    So it's happening now in the USA.

    Addressing the AMERICANS living abroad, what I am seeing already is an increasing hostility towards Americans that is directly related to the rise to Trump.

    The world looks at USA elections more closely than any other country.

    They see what's happening.

    The Pope has taken note.

    I have heard an interesting story from a friend living in the USA in an area with lots of Latinos and Asians. He's very white. He has reported since the rise of Trump a very noticeable and marked increase in HOSTILITY towards him because he feels it is assumed he is a Trump supporter, a supporter of his campaign of hatred and division.

    I think this is very relevant to Americans living abroad.

    You may have noticed it yet, but you will if Trump is president.

    People will assume you're a Trump supporter, whether you are or not, and mostly they will hate you for it.

    Trump is a candidate of great divisiveness.

    Fearmongering, is that all you got to show for when it comes to Trump?

    Besides, USA was founded as a 100% white nation. Surely anyone that hate white people (reread what you wrote) should perhaps think about moving back to whatever country their ancestry was from? Or are you saying it's ok to hate someone for their white skin?

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