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Posts posted by Asheron

  1. "Nong" does mean younger sister, or brother, and Thais use it all the time. Even for complete strangers who are younger...and "Pi" for older. The same terms are used for actual relatives as well. Kind of cool, I think.

    Thank you Berkshire - I think this question is revealing much more about the posters than about the question of what is "Thainess" - which I assume is to be answered from a Thai perspective of what the word means.. and yet, people use it to bash... how sad.

    Bashing Thais was not my intention but of course there is a certain element in Thai Visa who believe that to have an opinion about Thailand that doesn't agree with theirs is Thai bashing.

    The question wasn't about Thais per se but their political leaders who are promoting Thainess for a politcal end. I could go on but I am sure anything more I said would be deemed as Thai bashing.

    You say they are promoting it for a political end. The very idea that they are trying to bring Thailand together has nothing to do with it in your opinion. The P M said shortly after he came into power that it would take 20 years to bring unity to Thailand. That to me would be Thainess. How ever I believe (in my opinion) that Thainess is doing it the way they have always done it until the West came in and is trying and succeeding in introducing Western materialism in as a substitute for family values.

    Exactly who is holding a gun against their head forcing them to buy electronics and other material things?

  2. Perhaps what the authorities need to do is take all public service vehicles off the road until they have a licence that says they are safe to be operated on the public highway. No licence no job/income. Yes I know its inconvenient, so is death and leaving the job to others has not worked so a shock is required.

    Seat belts to be fitted, working and in use or passengers get a fine.

    Checked and maintained on a regular basis with who is responsible for the checking and work.

    Spot checks of public service vehicles.

    Well thats a start, some in the Land Transport Ministry can now get a good idea bonus and do the job they are paid to do.

    And keep a log book duly signed by the person who does the inspection, reminding him that he will be held responsible if there are any failures with brakes etc.

    Only if it can be proven that the inspection was crap. Because if the inspection was done properly then it's the drivers responsibility.

  3. It is so sad.

    Out of interest how often do brakes" fail" on long distance coaches in Europe/UK/USA or on cars for that matter. My guess would be hardly ever, even if they are poorly maintained. Many of these buses are Mercedes. They should all be recalled if there is a design fault. As to the drivers and bus companies I think prosecutions for murder and manslaughter should be initiated. As I have said my family not allowed anywhere near a bus or a minibus. Not much I can do about a Mercedes travelling at 200kph except later on have the Luk Nong take care of the driver.

    It can and WILL happen if someone without proper training drives a bus... which means 100% of all the bus drivers in Thailand. It's called "brake fade"[1].

    [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brake_fade

  4. I know, unlike you, that there is actually a word for "foreigner" in the thai language and it certainly isn't "farang". But yeah... just continue with your hate against white people, i bet you sleep better that way smile.png

    Who cares what the specific word for foreigner is?

    Most Thais choose to use their vernacular for it which is "farang"

    Some people are too dumb to accept that

    Yeah, i mean... who cares what words really mean... because it's everyones right to invent and choose new meanings for words. Right!?

    But i guess some people are too stupid to accept that words have meanings for a reason and words are used to make your point or text as clear as possible.

  5. Actually, I do most of my long distance travel by train or plane.

    I know the minivan drivers are bad, but that would be one hell of an accident if they hit either of those.

    So you walk from the airport or train station to your hotel?

    If the journey from the airport or station to your hotel counts as 'long distance travel', I'd suggest you're not choosing your hotels very wisely.

    So you do walk from the airport/train station to your hotel? Because if not, do you take a helicopter or something else so you avoid the road... you know... where the minivans drive?

  6. Won't bother me if they do - I wouldn't ride in one if you paid me.

    Yes because your "thaified logic" dictates that if you aren't riding one you can't actually die from one hitting your own car or bike... riiiiiight?

    Actually, I do most of my long distance travel by train or plane.

    I know the minivan drivers are bad, but that would be one hell of an accident if they hit either of those.

    So you walk from the airport or train station to your hotel?

  7. I just crunched some numbers re; US presidents since 1963. It's become fashionable for Obama bashers to claim he was the worst Federal Budget raiser of all time. Below are some numbers which should help disabuse the bashers' misconception:

    D: Barack Obama: Added $6.463 trillion, a 55.4% increase..
    R: George W. Bush: Added $5.849 trillion, a 101% increase.
    D: Bill Clinton: Added $1.396 trillion, a 32% increase.
    R: George H.W. Bush: Added $1.554 trillion, a 54% increase.
    R: Ronald Reagan: Added $1.86 trillion, 186% increase.
    D: Jimmy Carter: Added $299 billion, a 43% increase.
    R: Gerald Ford: Added $224 billion, a 47% increase.
    R: Richard Nixon: Added $121 billion, a 34% increase.
    D: Lyndon B. Johnson: Added $42 billion, a 13% increase.
    D: John F. Kennedy: Added $23 billion, an 8% increase.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Democrat Presidents since '63 increased budgets an average of 30.3%
    Republican Presidents increased budgets an average of 84.4%
    If I became president, I would reduce government spending and increase taxes on the very wealthy, to yield a surplus. Unfortunately, I could never be prez because, like Arnie Swarzenegger, I wasn't born in the USA.

    And if you did that the very wealthy would flee the country... what would you do then?

  8. In the US we have the loony right who want government to stay out of their lives , except on issues that concern them such as reproductive rights,end of life, marriage, privacy, etc etc Ohh and they want government to keep it's hands off of their Medicare, and Social security.facepalm.gif

    And then you got the loony left that wish nothing else than the government knowing everything about you including how you have sex in your bed room.

  9. Not defending it but an english teacher working illegally in Thailand is doing infinitely more for Thailand than the illegal alien from Mexico cleaning toilets is. But nontheless they should be immediatelly deported

    to whatever country they have a passport from. And if you have a visa to Thailand, regardless which it is, you are legally in Thailand. It really doesn't matter if it's an ED visa or not.

    No, but you're excusing it, aren't you?

    You're more or less saying a farang illegal in Thailand is somehow more respectable than a Mexican illegal in the US.

    You cast the farang in a faux-respectable light as a so-called "teacher" and the Mexican as a toilet cleaner when, often, the farang illegal is a deadbeat on the run from the law in his own

    country while the Mexican is, often a carer. Tacking on the "both should be deported" statement at the end is a smokescreen.

    Your bigotry is as clear as a bell

    Cue the predictable AWM insults

    Nope, not excusing it, maybe reread what i wrote? You don't seem to understand that you don't actually have to be a "farang" to be a native english speaker or even teacher in Thailand.

    Now... run back to your Bernie Sanders rallies and continue your hate crusade against white people.

    Depends on what you think "farang" is meant to represent.

    For every whiner choosing to interpret it as a derogatory term for a white person in an insignificant developing SE Asian country, there is one who knows it means "foreigner"

    In any case, it was narrow-minded to assume I was using the term "farang" to denote white people - maybe get that chip on your shoulder seen to and stop pretending to be so persecuted

    I know, unlike you, that there is actually a word for "foreigner" in the thai language and it certainly isn't "farang". But yeah... just continue with your hate against white people, i bet you sleep better that way :)

  10. Not defending it but an english teacher working illegally in Thailand is doing infinitely more for Thailand than the illegal alien from Mexico cleaning toilets is. But nontheless they should be immediatelly deported

    to whatever country they have a passport from. And if you have a visa to Thailand, regardless which it is, you are legally in Thailand. It really doesn't matter if it's an ED visa or not.

    No, but you're excusing it, aren't you?

    You're more or less saying a farang illegal in Thailand is somehow more respectable than a Mexican illegal in the US.

    You cast the farang in a faux-respectable light as a so-called "teacher" and the Mexican as a toilet cleaner when, often, the farang illegal is a deadbeat on the run from the law in his own

    country while the Mexican is, often a carer. Tacking on the "both should be deported" statement at the end is a smokescreen.

    Your bigotry is as clear as a bell

    Cue the predictable AWM insults

    Nope, not excusing it, maybe reread what i wrote? You don't seem to understand that you don't actually have to be a "farang" to be a native english speaker or even teacher in Thailand.

    Now... run back to your Bernie Sanders rallies and continue your hate crusade against white people.

  11. Assad may not be a good person but Isil is far worse. The transition must be slow and Extremists kept out. Despite what some think I believe even the Iranians know this

    Agreed. Sadly, Assad is the reason IS is there. A corrupt and weak leader of his country.

    ISIS would not exist if the US didn't destabilize the entire region in the first place.

    I agree that assad is corrupt but he had no problem killing vast amounts of his own people so I am not sure I agree with your calling him weak. Not that I consider him strong in a positive way.

    Muslim extremists have been in the ME for many years. Syria has had problems before. This isn't their first experience with this. Yes, the US did create a lot of problems. But can't blame the US for everything.

    Why isn't a country like Jordan in the same mess? Or Saudia Arabia? Strong leaders. For better or worse! LOL By strong, I mean able to control their country and keep it from a civil war. Killing innocent civilians isn't a sign of strength. Libya is another example. A leader hated by his people. Same with Assad.

    For "many years" you surely mean ~1400 years right?

    But yes, "strong leaders" have held the population in control. Many do not seem to understand that there is a very large portion of muslims that actually support ISIS and their dream of a caliphate.

  12. How about long term Moslems in the U.S. are like long term tourists in Thailand? Or illegal immigrants (that does include overstays) are the same in all counties?

    Haven't seen Trump say anything about muslims already inside USA. But then again, i don't have time to sit and read "news" 5 hours a day so might have missed it.

    The legal ones in either country are no the problem, but the illegal ones are pretty much the same. They stay and try to work illegally, they do not abide by the immigration laws, they get involved in many illegal activities, they do not try to learn our language, they do not share the same culture, they make far too many babies and don't take care of them, their very presence is a blight on the neighborhood--yeah, pretty much the same thing.

    Never said that illegal aliens in any country should be tolerated. They should be deported on the first plane back to whatever shithole they came from.

    So now illegal mexicans in USA is the same as legal long time "tourists" in Thailand? Ok... gotcha!

    You should in include all the over-stayers who are coming out of the woodwork now and those who work illegally and those who use "special agents" to circumvent immigration regulations and those who have exploited such options as the Ed visa or extension while having no interest in learning anything and often not showing up for classes, etc. The distinction between legal and illegal isn't always clear cut. Lacking the minimal financial requirements for a long stay means you're essentially an economic refugee.

    And on the other side, many US citizens or those who are otherwise legally in the US are harassed by law enforcement or self-appointed vigilantes simply because they appear to be Hispanic or Indian or Arabic or ...

    Rubio, Bush and Cruz have recent family links to immigrants and, for that matter, most US citizens of numerous generations still connect in some way to our heritage in another country. But the GOP candidates only cautiously veer from the right-wing philosophy that all immigration is to be regarded as suspect. Not a problem if that's a connection to a European country, but anyone whose skin isn't lilly white or anyone who otherwise doesn't fit the WASP profile will always be viewed with some suspicion.

    During World War II we fought the Germans, the Italians, the Japanese ... but guess which American citizens were the only ones in the US who had their property confiscated and who were herded into concentration camps.

    If anyone is illegally in a country they should be deported and that is exactly what always happens with illegal aliens in Thailand but that is not always the case in USA. Not defending it but an english teacher working illegally in Thailand is doing infinitely more for Thailand than the illegal alien from Mexico cleaning toilets is. But nontheless they should be immediatelly deported to whatever country they have a passport from. And if you have a visa to Thailand, regardless which it is, you are legally in Thailand. It really doesn't matter if it's an ED visa or not.

    And why are you comparing (confusing?) immigrants with US citizenship with illegal immigrants (third paragraph)?

    But yeah... your entire reply is a typical SJW "bad bad bad white devils".

  13. I think for many, Thais lost their original culture years ago and replaced it with what they see on television (soapies and the need to fly off the handle, demand/demean things from the lower class/staff, slap, punch yell etc... as normal way of life )...

    My wife told me that the person who filmed it, actually verbally abused the driver for not taking them to the destination they wanted to go to immediately, which was the next stop

    And that other lady approached the person filming and told her to stop yelling at the driver and being abusive to him

    This actually makes more sense, as it explains why the driver went nuts and why that other lady got involved...

    So the person filming then posted it online to play the "victim"

    So this is maybe why the driver got the punishment he got, since his actions where a result of the abuse shelled out by the customer (person filming) and serves to let the driver know that he should have handled it another way...

    You may recall some Thai dude driving backwards, multiple times into the car behind him and claiming "victim" status... This incident seems like a similar situation.... Whine enough and people may believe your BS

    Ah yes... because words are equal to physical violence.

  14. Well, perhaps the " customer " was abusive to him, to provoke such a reaction ? We don't know the full story.

    Some Westerners would like to put him in jail, to lose the job and become a criminal ?

    I know of a country who has death penalty, and the highest number of inmates in the world ( compared to the population ) , yet it seems not a winning strategy.

    Sign of the times, anyway, some 15 years ago i happened to use Bkk buses a few times, and i was often left wondering at the high level of civilization displayed by commuters and drivers and fee collectors, even in difficult and chaotic situations.

    There truely are no "somersaults" thailovers aren't able or prepared to do to defend neanderthal behaviour.

  15. Protein bars, as well as protein powders, amino acids and other supplements are not healthy at all, no matter how and where they are produced. Bad side effects of their consumption can show up only later, consumers sometimes might not even link them to earlier consumption of the supplements. You can try earning on anything, but it is better not to have tricks of conscience later after many people suffer from a low-key food they ate. Liver, kidneys, skin, stomach etc. - everything is affected by the protein supplements... Since the revenue is low, why to try earning on dubious products at all. The people are supposed to eat this stuff, not just look at or touch it.

    See what happens when you hold your breath for too long...

  16. Europeans have developed welfare states. They are unsustainable as the populations with low birth rates age. In order to finance the aging population and the socialism, the real reason Europeans leaders are promoting this immigration is to get new workers to finance Karl's retirement plan.

    Mohammed has a different idea. Germany IS his retirement plan. He's heard of the socialism and free stuff and wants some of it too. He has no plans to integrate and become a European. He plans to bring his own shitty culture and impose it on Europe, while sucking up the benefits that the Europeans worked for.

    The Europeans are the greatest fools of the last 500 years. First socialism which is always unsustainable, and next import younger "workers" to try to support it. One big problem is that these gate crashers don't have job skills and rather than contribute, they will take. There will simply be more people on the dole. The average income of Europeans will go down, not up, as cheap labor abounds if the crashers work at all.

    One can see the end of Europe and the European system just as clearly as he can see a freight train barreling toward him as he stands on the tracks. Europeans are already being subject to this new wonderful culture as their homes are invaded and looted as they sit there watching, as their women are raped and their stores looted.

    Good bye Europe. You are so <deleted> self-righteous, PC, inclusive, entitled, helpless, hopeless, individually defenseless and better-than that you've committed cultural suicide.

    "There is none so blind as he who will not see."

    There is a small minority of europeans, me included, that do actually know what is happening and try their best to steer the boat from the ice berg but it's just not enough.

    Almost all of the illegal immigrants flooding to Europe have absolutely nothing to contribute to european societies. We really do not have jobs for kebab and goat technicians. It's a VERY TINY minority that actually have an education worthwhile for any european society.

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