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Posts posted by RustBucket

  1. Perhaps ginjag's deranged, hateful and profoundly stupid posts can be merged with the what-Thais-hate-about-foreigners thread. That would seem to be their natural home.

    There were a lot more like him baying for a coup earlier in the year. The more sensible ones realised that most would change their minds soon enough. Anyone with a brain realises that coups are never the answer. No matter bad the government may be. It's up to the electorate to vote them out. Not to be ousted at gunpoint with weapons paid for by them to protect their democratic rights.

    It's like paying a security guard to protect your home and family. He then takes the gun, holds you and your family at gunpoint and takes your house. He then orders you about and punishes you if you don't agree with his every word/command. Make sure you smile, too. He wants you to be realy p..ed off, but wants you to force a smile for him.

    This ginjag chap needs a good lie down. And yes. PT were self serving rubbish on the whole (although they did more for poorer Thais than any other party in Thai history), but a coup is never the answer. The foamers answer to that are the rants about civil war and red terrorists. Forgetting the fact that is was the PDRC that started the kerfuffle with their rabble rousing speakers. Using 'you know what' as an excuse, when 99.9% of reds support 'you know what'. Mouthing off in speeches about them being uneducated simpletons and that their votes shouldn't count. Stopping elections. Closing down gov buildings. Why? To give the military a reason to move in. If Suthep and co could cause a mild stink, the army could simply ignore government demands for help and move in claiming they 'stopped a civil war etc'

    Truth hurts, but it needs pointing out to the easily led. If the army (or police for that matter) actually did its job and protected the electorate they would've steamed in, arrested Suthep and co (not for protesting but for closing down buildings/cutting power/stopping people from voting etc) and nipped the nonsense in the bud early.

    Can you imagine the reaction in the UK or USA if the elected party was booted out after the army refused to help the government after it took sides choosing the opposition? Us Brits are pretty reserved on the whole, but we'd burn London to the ground if that happened. I'm sure the USA would do similar. It's sad innocents had to die in the riots, including children. That is terrible, of course. But so was the gunning down of 90 or so protesters from the 'terrorist' side. They were agrieved voters. Fed up of being ridden roughshod over. So no, they aren't terrorists in my eyes.

    Not very intelligent are you?

    Did most for the poorer than any other government?

    Everything they did was for themselves, and did you forget the farmers killing themselves? The country would have went bankrupt if they had stayed and who suffers the most in a bankrupt country?

    Using 'you know what' as an excuse, when 99.9% of reds support 'you know what'.

    Well they used the amnesty bill as an excuse and you claim 99.9% of reds supported it? Did you just arrive in Thailand last week or what?

    • Like 2
  2. The question is.... When Thailand enters ASEAN AEC. It may well have UN sanctions on it for its continued failure on human rights abuses and human trafficking. These are not just empty threats. The UN and US and possibly EU will certainly mete out some form of punishment, and usually that is in the form of sanctions.

    Imagine going into AEC with certain trade restrictions on your country.

    Anuway... Thaksin said that Thailand should come out as the dominant leader in the AEC.... I think it will be the loser.

  3. Very glad to hear that, but am still surprised because usually police/prosecutor/judges in Thailand seem to be, how shall I put it, not stepping on each others turf.

    No this is the third time rejected, so the next time they submit the report it will be the 4th attempt to convince the prosecutors that this was the 'perfect investigation' and that even without confessions etc.... they have a rock solid case.

    My backside.

    They clearly have nothing and this whole investigation has been executed in the most half-cocked manner possible.

    The Brit police must be pissing themselves laughing each night they get together over dinner.

  4. What's wrong with their own findings ?

    Down the feel confident enough that they have enough after concluding their own investigations?

    It's clear as mud he's determined to bring Yingluck to account by any means neccessary which kind of makes it look like a personal issue


    800 Bn baht was lost on HER shift.

    Stop trying to make out it is a personal vendetta against her.

    I assume you come from the UK, what would you want them to do to Cameron if this happened in the UK under his premiership?

    Of course,.... You would want to see him face criminal punishment.

    • Like 2
  5. This is bizarre.

    How can the Supreme Court rule on whether something was in violation to the 2007 Constitution when that Constitution no longer exists? That was the same issue as to whether Yingluck could be impeached because the Interim Consitution had no such procedures as did the 2007 Constitution. The only business of the Supreme Court now should be the Interim Constitution and it doesn't have any environmental provisions to violate. Thailand's legal system is topsy-turvy right now, virtually arbritary.

    It's not the Rule of Law now; it's the Ghoul of law.

    Because it WAS in effect at the time of the offence and complaint.

    Just because a constitution gets suspended later on doesn't make it an automatic amnesty.

    That's just wishful thinking on your behalf and nothing whatsoever to do with the real world.

    • Like 2
  6. why bother with a constitution if it can be ripped up by the military without consequences.


    No way should they have ripped up the constitution. That is there as a default law no matter what the political status is at the time.

    The reason it was ripped up was so that the Junta would be able to do whatever they want in the country without consequences.

    In my opinion there should be only one man in this country with the ability to do anything with the constitution and you all know who I mean here.

    It should be beyond the power of anyone else to touch it.

    Like I said, the reason for scrapping it was obvious to all..... impunity. They could have had a much easier time just adjusting it and closing up the holes like any civilized country would have done.

    Bloody hell for god's sake.... Even Hitler never tore up the German constitution, he just added a few articles to it where he needed them.

  7. ".. Israel's PM urged calm, saying Mr Abbas was stoking unrest."

    Typical. Do something very provocative, then call the reaction "stoking unrest".

    He knows that Abbas will try to start a holy war, and that is the last thing he wants.

    Abbas on the other hand knows that place is the only card up his sleeve to get an entire Islamic coalition on their side and take back their country.

  8. Abbas has no doubt been looking for a pretext to start intifada 3. If so I think Israel should take full control of the Temple Mount area once and for all and build the third temple there.

    Not that easy.

    That could start a very large war and if I know Israel the way I do, it could end up in nuclear exchange if all their Muslim neighbors attacked them simultaneously.

    Their Muslim neighbors have attacked them simultaneously a number of times and got their butts kicked without any need for nukes. That is why their Muslim neighbors don't try it again.

    You need to read this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_Israel All of these 'skirmishes' were territory based.

    If they were to claim that holy shrine, they would be sparking a holy war. It's a bit different.

    I once had a convo with a Pakistani guy I used to work with about Pakistan's newly acquired nukes and asked him if they would ever use them in a war with India. He disagreed, but made a point of telling me that the only nation likely to get nuked by Pakistan would be Israel if they ever dared attempt to claim Haram al-Sharif.

    He said the entire Muslim world would rise up together (including Pakistan, Iraq, Iran etc....) and obliterate them. I believe him. That is why Israel have promised it will reopen today.... You don't normally get to see the Israelis rattled. But they know how sensitive that place is.

    They would get flattened.

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