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Been there done that

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Posts posted by Been there done that

  1. On 5/5/2017 at 7:43 PM, Rc2702 said:

    Nice point pal. It's well laid out too and makes sense. Be good to get that phrased in thai fully so it means something more than what most think it means which is that people are too lazy to think. My Thai mate who speaks Lao he tried to tell me an issue the other day and told me " kit maak" I was surprised he was using the phrase to be honest so I got him drunk to stop him from thinking too much. He seems in a better place now too so I guess it worked. First time this year I drank more than 1 Leo a night. I speak very basic thai I might add hence I could not figure out his problem or try to for that matter.

    Reading some of your comments, you have a problem figuring out many things. 

  2. 11 hours ago, swissie said:

    This thread has lasted longer than I ever thought. It could have been shorter by adhering to the following procedure:

    - Step in front of mirror with your Thai-Lady with no clothes on (also known as "naked"). = Take picture

    - Next morning, while sipping your coffee, look at picture and don't be afraid to exclaim: Wow! How can this be! Lucky dog me! The only thing interrupting this state of "Nirvana" is the fact, that your wallet, filled with coins and plenty of Thai Paper Currency is preventing you from sitting comfortably.

    At this point, while looking at the picture of all pictures, still feeling the discomfort of an overloaded wallet while sitting down, some Farangs may venture the thouhgt, "Is the overloaded wallet and the picture in front of me, in some way interconnected?" Reluctantly, Farang takes this into consideration as a far removed possibility.

    Farang (generally), not willing to dwell on such things, because it could be much worse. Like sitting here with a caucasion female his age, featuring a wrinkled-up face, legs like 2 toothpicks and blue hair, still telling him what to do.

    So, no wonder that even "Fat, Ugly, Old Guys" come here, experiencing some sort of "comforting-environement", much opposed to their home country.
    All in a nutshell.

    Of course, if the Water-Buffalo gets sick on a monthly basis, Farang may find this somewhat "irregular", forcing him to look for a Thai-Female companion where the "Bovine-Stock" of the family is more resistant to health hazards.

    When it comes to that, Farang is challanged once more, by realizing that the Thai-Population consists of 50 % of Females. = 35 Million. Even if only 1 % is looking for a relationship with a Farang, it leaves 350'000. Some with, some without water buffaloes.


    Therefore, a Farang, harbouring "matrimonial-thoughts", is well supplied  with future-prospects.
    Excuded are: Young English-Teachers, making less than 30'000 Bht / Month.   

    So you mean that if the foreigner has no money, no thai woman will stay with, and love, him. 


    That is not a nice thought for many on here. Not ofcourse for the posters who regularly claim that theirs is different !


    Confusing it all is.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

    The topic of the thread was potential over-reporting of PETTY crime committed by foreigners, not the reporting of homicides, dismemberments, arsons, serial murderers, human traffickers, sex crimes, international criminal gangs, etc.


    You don't see footage of shoplifting and other petty crimes on the nightly news in the west. The government has repeatedly said that Thailand attracts unwelcome criminal elements. The question I posed was whether the media's heavy reporting of petty crime committed by foreigners might be being encouraged by the government because it fits in with its program to clean up immigration.


    I hope this clarification doesn't deflate anybody's sense of self-righteousness… :whistling:  



    One starts as one means to go on. Hopefully you keep your eyes open from now on. 

    Thainess is more important than money.

    The junta needs scapegoats to deflect the uncaring populace from its true intentions.

  4. 3 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

    Farangs are all about saving face. This thread, and much of what is posted on TV, is farangs throwing hissy fits ... when they feel they've lost face individually or as members of some mythical tribe ... as well as constant attempts to bash Thais in the mistaken belief that the only way a farang can feel good about himself is by trying to put down Thais.


    Why on earth should the commission of a crime by a farang not be covered in the news.  If your sense of self worth is so fragile  that you feel threatened by some news story about some low-life farang, maybe you need to find some other way to think of yourself than as a cheerleader for Team Farang.


    Certainly a high percentage of the threads on TV involve negative things about Thais followed by an orgy of revelry by farang who make mindless comments about Thai culture or education in order to inflate their own shaky egos.



    I would say that it is pretty mindless to blame foreigners who make mindless comments about Thai culture or education. 


    Get real mate.


  5. 1 hour ago, HHTel said:

    Yes, there is a family court.  You can file for custody and the court will talk to the child 'out of court' and make recommendations to the judge.  The procedure starts with arbitration and if no agreement is reached then it's sent up for a judge to decide.


    If the child feels worried or feels he/she is in danger, there is a Childline Thailand.  It's a freephone number 1387 and anything between the child and their organisation is confidential.  However, if they think action needs to be taken then they will.

    According to this topic, they will not do anything. You can only get something done, I think, if your child is fysically abused.


    Good luck in doing the right thing.

  6. 1 hour ago, mike324 said:

    make smart choices like not ride a motorbike or motorcycle taxi. Get her to use Uber / Grabtaxi when in Bangkok. Don't jay walk .... Bangkok is pretty safe if you just take small precautions. If you are in the country side, then yes pray to buddha for some protection.

    Buddha has a hearingproblem.

  7. On 6/10/2017 at 7:11 AM, Kwasaki said:

    Of course it will affect the larger amounts but can get a better rate over certain amounts with banks if that still happens with money exchanges.

    l reckon with my limited knowledge of money markets it will stay around 43 - 45 for the next 10 years and excuse the pun May-be. :biggrin:

    Not only of money markets.

  8. On 5/20/2017 at 3:06 PM, Just1Voice said:

    I'd been to BKK, Pattaya and Phuket before, and swore I'd never marry a woman from any of those places.  10 years ago I came to Chiang Mai for the first time.  Met my wife here while on a 2 week vacation.  She worked at the front desk of a major hotel.  Kept in touch when I went back home.  Came back a month later, we spent 2 weeks together.  Came back the 3rd time and married her.  Been together ever since, and no way would I trade her for a "younger model". lol

    Your post only shows how some get lucky. Any sensible person would shake his head by reading the above. But good on ya !

  9. On 4/26/2017 at 6:02 PM, Black Ops said:

    Seems to me YOU are the one with the problem.What may have started out as an unfortunate situation, you have turned into an obsessive disorder.


    You wont accept any advice you are given. YOU have to be heard and you keep droning on with the same story and catch-phrases over and over.


    Its obvious you are not listening to anyone but your own blinkered version of events and your own "wo is me, hard done by story" where YOU are the victim.


    You seem to have latched on to a few key phrases like "child abuse" and "alienation" and now thats all you see and all you want is confirmation from others as to how wonderful you are and what sacrifices you have made.


    You have now created your own "reality"  of this story and nothing and no one else can get through.

    I would strongly suggest you seek help and guidance before you do real damage not just to yourself but those around you.


    But I doubt you will listen or see what is being said as you are too entrenched in your own "sob story" and feeling sorry for yourself.


    Sorry if this seems harsh but you need a jolt of reality.

    Seek professional Medical help, 4 years banging the same drum has taken its toll on you.

    Lord knows what damage you are now unwittingly parting to those kids as a result. You are probably now inflicting upon them through your obsession the very thing you complained was being donr to them by others.


    But hey, we both know you wont listen, so keep beating the drum.

    As someone once said, "to keep doing the same thing and expect a different result is insane !!"




    Nice comment. 


    To me it seems that you are the ignorant one on here. You write about matters in which you have no knowledge.


    If the OP is convinced of the wrongs which are being inflicted upon his children but cant help them, I think it is very commendable to inform a childwelfare organization about this type of abuse. Only knowledge can possibly prevent other children to stay in a similar situation.


    But on this forum he is being put down for it.


    Very strange !



  10. We hear and read alot about this in the papers. Guys who have lost there cars, houses, dignity and so on.

    Are there any members on here who would like to share their story of misfortune, or from people whose friends have been through the ordeal.

    It would be interesting to see what type of people are easily subject to the "longterm scammers", what caractertraits made them vulnerable in business or private life. A specific family background maybe.

    Your input is appreciated.wai2.gifwai2.gif

    It could become, with the right people commenting, a safe thread where it could serve as an ultimite warning of matters to be wary of in Thailand. So please no bickering. Thanks in advance.clap2.gifclap2.gif

  11. Heck, why would an educated thai lady want to be with a farang ?

    Talk about life, no

    Talk about politics, no

    Dinner together, no

    Sex, maybe

    Raising kids crosscultural, no

    Living in farangland, no

    and so on and so on.

    It is merely, yes merely, all about money, security for the thai families. Different mindset in which education has nothing to do with. Give any thai woman the choice between a farang hubby and a thai, 99,9% of thai woman will choose a thai.

    Damaged goods. As long as one is aware, no problem.

    On a side note, there are very nice warmhearted ladies but lots of luck is involved meeting them. I was/am lucky.

    • Like 2
  12. Others were being too polite:

    Excellent point Mr. Toad. I hadn't thought about it in those terms, but yes, having been involved in these type of clubs in my home country, I've been a little surprised with what I've heard about them in the beach resort areas of Thailand.

    I've heard other expats say this happens in other expat parts of the world, too -- in Spain, the Middle East, etc. It seems to be a British problem, where British con men gather to try to pry money out of their fellow countrymen. Maybe has something to do with the way their pension system works. Doesn't much matter with U.S. expats -- we're going to owe Uncle Sam taxes no matter where we live.

    This is a blinkered, ignorant and offensive post that is saying "The British seem to pry money out of each other... whereas it doesn't apply to Americans because they have to pay taxes to their government."

    Apart from the xenophobic slant and grossly generalized world view, it's attempting to claim American people are better than British yet, highly ironically, only based on being forced to pay money to their government.

    I wonder what kinds of gross generalizations this poster would make behind closed doors about all kinds of other people.

    No need to wonder, she puts it all out in the open on here. Just use your imagination. She fits right in on here though. Narrowminded and so on.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 thing this thread hasn't achieved, yet, instead he keeps posting his insecure attentionseeking drivel. As thick as a short plank.

    I wonder if some of the frequent, very, posters on here ever read back their own posts and think; what the heck am i doing/writing on here day after day and what must others really think about me ? wub.png

    If not, seek some serious help.facepalm.gifsad.png

    Get a life.

    • Like 1
  14. The people who nominate the, most frequent stated, members for poster of the year really need to think again. It all shows the shallowness of many on this forum. The inability to read properly, and judge a posters different and inconsistent (personal)attitude on various topics, is apparent on here.facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

    A simple mind is a joy forever, one can conclude. The only the lonely people who spent their waking hours onThaivisa must now at least have a topic to fall back on during their depressive moods. Bless them.sad.pngsad.png

    I would say, let the girl win. She needs it. thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

    No girls here.

    Is that Somrsri etc not a woman then, girl if you like ?

    She is quite funny from my observations on here.

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