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Been there done that

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Posts posted by Been there done that

  1. 18 minutes ago, Dene16 said:

    Regardless of what some other op has said this can be true

    My GF (with whom i have a child) has often said to me she is under constant pressure from all relatives.

    Not in the fact they ask for money but they are always questioning her about why she does not have this and have that.( I should mention that i support her and my son very well but as yet have refused to buy material things like a house, land and a car)

    I have lent money to her close family and always been paid back ( very happy because allowed them to earn substantially more money)

    The problem lies in that however much money you give your wife/Gf  (they will always spend it and then want more ( i have seen this many times in other peoples relationships and its a Thai trait) as this is how they have always lived due to the inbuilt expectation to support their family.

    All Thais believe you have a bottomless pit of money

    I will buy land and a house at some point but it will be placed in my sons name and car in mine.

    My GF knows i will not give her any more money unless it it really important (hospital for my son etc) and she knows when i say no it means no, to the extent we can laugh about it together

    Foreigners need to understand this and protect themselves from it to a certain extent. I still find it hard to believe that so many people are still losing their  lifes savings when having so much access to this information , Love is blind as they say.

    Maybe i am just lucky but i believe it's just down to being prudent and talking to your partner so they understand





    Seems to me that your gf is not a sincere woman who has good intentions with, and/or loves, you. If she would be she would never accept this and stay with you. She plays along with you, waiting and waiting for ?

  2. Am visiting a friend, farang, living in a town in the north of Thailand. He has a son of 11 years old who is not allowed to cross a semi busy 2 lane road by himself. Somebody must escort him out of the soi to visit me, and his dad, in the restaurant opposite of said road. When I saw that I asked my friend and he explained to me his missus way of thinking. He was slightly embarassed when he told me.


    As I am not a parent I ask, is this normal :sad: here or anywhere else ?

  3. On 7/13/2017 at 2:25 AM, BEVUP said:

    Yes i think it has come to that point as I am sick of going backwards 

    The wife is thinking that she has the income that i give her per month to cover everything is going to continue to be the same , but in reality it should be reducing as we pay of the debts (Had to pick up half the loan 2 yrs BIL failed to pay) , now it has started again

    She is thinking she has done well on the promise of 10 Rai but has nothing to show for it (I think it went to BIL as he came around a mth later of refinancing car with MIL who had a face on her resembling a sour grape ( not what one would expect after coming from her sisters in Rayong & then to visit daughter who she doesn't see much ) - lucky my young lad took a photo

    She's not a fincial wiz as I told her who is going to pick up th 200,000 interest bill


  4. 7 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

    Listen troll boy what's the deal?


    Anyone trying to be clever like you is clearly only experienced in failure and that failure drives you on in your besmirch  campaigns which has been to death by plenty of plonkers like you.


    So would you mind explaining why you are the hardest working fool when it comes to trolling?




    Tat angry, are you not :post-4641-1156694083: ?

  5. 9 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

    You really are the gutter rat of trolls boy.


    Your a bitter lemon of the highest order. What's the matter did your Mom not bother breast feeding you?


    I could really be of use to you, I'd happily drop a big dump in your face if you ever run out of talking shiiiit 

    Will you do that before or after you have used mariuhana. You do know that it is illegal in Thailand, right.

  6. 9 hours ago, The Dark Lord said:

    What is your problem chum? Mummy didn't love you when you were a child ( were a child maybe were is being generous)


    i have not seen one positive post from you anywhere on TVF your life seems to be trying to appear smarter somehow better and above everyone else. 


    Go troll someone else if that's all you can do in life. 

    Where is the love ?

  7. 5 hours ago, The Dark Lord said:

    I am not sure if you are referring to my wife as if you are that would be an extremely poor comment to make. I give you the benefit of the doubt in that you are warning me for the future.


    for your elucidation I have lived the vast majority of my life out in Asia so don't really need such unwarranted advice but thank you anyway.

    It hasnt really helped you, living all those years in Asia. In this case :sad:

  8. 55 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

    But would I not have to grow pigtails? Might be a bit tough with my follically challenged barnet.


    Sorry did not make it as planned but will do so once I return from tne UK. 


    Got some new issues there too adding to my woes.





    Stay away from bargirls :post-4641-1156693976:

  9. 10 hours ago, steven100 said:

    what Chou says is correct.  You are getting what you pay for. If you want no noise, no disturbance,  then a nice hotel is the answer. If you stay in a cheap guesthouse then you have to expect noise .....   this is Thailand .   :shock1:

    So, in fact you say that poor people are not civilized :passifier:

  10. 14 hours ago, Rhys said:

    Hmmmm really a judgment call.  You all of a sudden before your turns ends want to find the end result of your reproduction function?  Takes more than that last request to call him your son, and you his  Dad.  Best to leave this alone as you have done all these years,  you're the only one who would gain and the rest would perhaps not take it so well. You so graciously decided you want to make an appearance back into his life... He may not want you.    Sorry to be harsh here. You have learned nothing about Thai culture and you're out of time.  Continue to dream and wonder the ifs can could have, because that is less harmful.  Just can't  show up on your terms and decide you want a son... it needs to be earned,  and you have not earned it.


    Leave it be...

    A BAD judgementcall you have made. Showing total lack off....well everything human.


    You must fit in here quite well I suppose.


    If you are this judgemental on a forum, I pity your partner.

  11. 3 hours ago, hdkane said:

    Same here...I only remain in Thailand because I am committed to my SO...she knows this, and appreciates it...but if the relationship were to ever end before I die, I'm out of here the next week...there is an layer of danger, instability, and insecurity that lies just beneath the surface of Thai society that makes me very uneasy whenever I consider its true magnitude and implications.



    Could you expand on your last sentence, be interested to know your view (s).

  12. 12 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

    Must be a combination between this recently replaced "genuine" iPad and my fat fingers.........


    getting back to the subject in hand though, organised a Honda CR-V for the morning. Will pack all my rubbish in it and go. 


    I need some moral support though as my guilt complex seems to be in the ascendency over the self preservation will.


    i cannot give in now, the problems are not of my making! 

    Yes, blame them for it all :post-4641-1156693976:

  13. 3 hours ago, Thai Ron said:


    Hmm so what you're saying is that negative farang behavior can be excused because a lot of tourists get fleeced when they visit Thailand?

    OK then



    I think he meant, all negative behaviour cannot be excused. 


    Drop in the ocean :passifier: are the problems foreigners cause in Thailand. 

  14. 1 hour ago, lordblackader said:

    I'm not one that does, I find that 99% of the time Thai's are extremely honest people (the 1% are certain types of transport providers :) ) and probably more so than others in neighboring countries, but anti-foreigner xenophobia is increasing from the top, in particular Government and the media. Only last night the shouty guy on Thairath on every night from about 9pm spent something like 30 minutes ranting about farangs due to the German guy who murdered his girlfriend down south. 


    It concerns me going forward that this creeping xenophobia might start spreading to the people itself; I've not seen it hands on before but if you spew enough propaganda to people for long enough they start to believe it. 


    As for genitals making life decisions, can't speak for myself but no doubt some do :)

    This xenophobia might start.... you wrote. Well let me tell you as a man looking from the outside in overhere, its been present in the vains of thai people, for long time already I suppose. Seeing how the present governmentleader, and his cronies, presents himself things only will get worse in due course. RENT. Everything.

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