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Been there done that

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Posts posted by Been there done that

  1. 39 minutes ago, Ruffian Dick said:

    Broad question, if you'll excuse the pun.

    -Do you mean if there were no women anymore anywhere in the world?

    -Do you mean if there weren't any prostitutes in Thailand?

    Still trying to sort this out.

    Could take a long time :post-4641-1156694572:

  2. 49 minutes ago, sandrabbit said:

    why? nothing to do with the word 'hygiene' not existing in any of the Indian languages or the 24 hr noise or the press of people?. India is the same as here as regards prostitution and I've never had sex with a prostitute or paid for it. you keep your guesses to yourself. I avoided Thailand because of the sex trade and came here the first time to work in Saraburi and fell in love with the country. 

    You fell in love with the country. 


    What does "the country" constitute according to you ?

  3. 58 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Ah OK, I thought that we were talking about Thai ladies with felangs in Thailand

    Asian ladies in Western Countries are generally very decent people, as are most Asian ladies in Asia.........it just that we all seem to pick the wrong ones :)


    Can you define what "decency" is for you. 



  4. 39 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Now that is a very interesting post and it has got me thinking...


    The last time I went back was in 2014 and some very strange conversations took place.

    Basically it was a long litany of complaints about mortgages,school fees,credit cards and the general price of living and it never stopped.I sensed that there was some sort of underlying resentment going on-that I had escaped from the suburban rat race and they did not like it at all.


    There was also a lot of spite directed towards Asian women who they generally classified as "gold diggers" and everyone seemed to know someone who had suffered a catastrophe in such relationships.I actually walked out of a restaurant because I thought to myself.."We are so out of synch.."


    I guess that they were not really interested in receiving Emails after that.... :post-4641-1156693976:

    Reading all these stories on here, cant say your friends are incorrect about the golddiggers. :post-4641-1156694083:

    • Like 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Someone mentioned many posts ago that decent Thai men experience/suffer exactly the same things and,from my observation,that appears to be so.


    My wife's cousin lives a few houses down from me.Her husband is a most respectable man who has a minor gov't post and neither smokes,drinks or parties.


    However his wife's brother and sister did not work and scored at least two meals a day from the wonderful,ever loving sister.


    When he started protesting he got the stock standard response from this family "It's up to them!" and the usual total indifference.


    So he put in for a transfer elsewhere and sallied forth...Well,well,well the family after screaming a bit, promptly shifted the two bludgers off to another province where,it is rumoured,they are actually working!


    As a moral and ethical viewpoint "It's up to them!" certainly leaves a lot to be desired.

    You are on the right track. Gaining knowledge. See through the veneer of this society. Which btw is run by women.

    • Like 1
  6. 17 hours ago, sandemara said:

    Snobbish, typically colonial, racist rant. You could probably do yourself a favour by keeping your pea-brain family opinions to yourself. Does it make you feel taller when you pull down others around you?

    It certainly seems like it. Who can help him ?

  7. 4 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

    Oh come on Transam,surely you remember his heartrending stories of how he could not see his kids and life was so cruel blah,blah,blah,i don't think he even lives here now,so why he still posts i don't know.I am not picking on the bloke but jeez many of us have similiar stories,just that Ben seemed to go on about it a bit,but i sure hope he is doing okay.

    Of what I remember to have read from him, you, and others on this thread, absolutely have no reason to pity yourselves. 


  8. 20 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

    Twenty pages, so time for a first intermediate overview.

    What do we have so far? 


    On the positive side:

    >>> we have permanently eradicated the " stiff upper lip " nonsense we were brought up with

    >>> we all have a smile on our face - or is that rigor mortis?

    On the negative side:

    >>> we tried, we failed, life is a bitch


    Because you hooked up with 1.

  9. On 7/4/2017 at 4:20 AM, joeyg said:

    Well said.  I really like Thais And really do find them some of the easiest people to get along with. As some Thai friends have gotten to know me, they say I must've been Thai In my previous life. It is possible... :jap:

    Its almost surreal, reading these comments.

  10. 3 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    It is true that in less developed cultures, no - good sons are raised mainly by their mothers, who should accept some of the responsability for that.

    Next --- more important question: Why is this the case? What can be done about it?

    If we find the answer, perhaps we can e mail it to Muslimland?




    Not only in less developed cultures.


    In Thailand its culturally ingrained in the way of life that girls are being raised to be more? responsible than boys. 


    Education education aiming as well to make children become more independant from family. Eradicate the familymanipulation as much as possible.

  11. 31 minutes ago, Moo du said:

    The main principle and function of a forum is to exchange and communicate ideas.

    You have not so far written any of your own belief or ideas in this thead.

    You are only hitting enter to bash on other people s ideas.

    Attacking people is not going to help you in the long run.

    You have a mental illnes and like most mental people,you refuse to agnolidge,your situation.

    Beeing sarcastic(without speaking your own mind)suggests a very sad and unhappy person.

    Beeing there done that shows you are trying to feel superior to other people.

    You re a sad <deleted>. And I know what your response will be.


    If you have balls tell us your opinion -not sarcasm-.  So we can have a go at you.

    My psychiatrist advises me to not respond.

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