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Been there done that

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Posts posted by Been there done that

  1. 31 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

    Im going though back cancer now and i cant control my emotions.Taking about old time with mates or talking about what is going to happen to my family.my sis and bro inlaw come tomrrow,tears al round.I cant help it,it just happens

    Wish you strength to carry your burden. Hope that you are daily surrounded by your loved ones.

  2. 52 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

    It's very sad to read the rubbish spouted by some well worn expats and I note the usual mugs contributing to this thread and tomwct what a load of cods wallop you have accumulated in your narrow mind, advice is not your strong suit.


    Beggars belief.

    With your post the list of mugs, who commented on this thread, is now complete :post-4641-1156694572:

  3. 4 hours ago, HooHaa said:

    correct,  thai courts do consider the best interests of the child and many children have been awarded to foreign father where the mother has proven unreliable.

    get DNA test done,  at a government or police hospital, document your situation, income etc.

    Document the mothers occupation as a bar girl.  Prove that child is not even with a blood relative.

    Document your financial contributions to the penny.

    take it to court. 

    you will very likely end up with custody.

    any other course of action is simply complaining.

    if you truly love the child, stand up for the both of you and quit wasting time.



    Why would you think that the courts view it as not favourable for a child to be raised by the mother when she works as a prostitute ?

  4. 15 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

    Was just reading through some of this thread and spacing out a bit... It sounded to me as if you were talking about my home country, USA... though I guess my home country is here now. 

    Haha, you are correct, it could well have been.


    I feel your pain !

  5. 23 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

    You know - - most of the foreigners who come here cannot speak or read and write on a first grade level... and most of the times in cases of marriage, it is the Thai lady who learns to speak the foreigners language, in spite of living in Thailand where it would be more practical for the foreigner to learn Thai language... 


    So, it always strikes me as funny when the foreigners who can barely order food, nor hold a basic conversation in Thai language,  start calling Thai people stupid. 

    Correct. I wonder though if their opinions would change if they could speak the lingo.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

    Here's the story which got me thinking about crying in Thailand:


    It’s a little before noon, and my routine dental checkup is wrapping up when my dentist announces she’s just discovered an old filling that needs replacing. She tells me no anesthesia will be needed, which I assume is because the old filling is very shallow. Even though I don’t think I’ve ever had a filling replaced without first getting a shot of Novocain, I initially welcome this as great news. I’m planning to treat myself to a sushi lunch at the nearby shopping mall, and I’m thinking it’ll be great to eat without my mouth being all numb.


    But when the drilling gets underway, it quickly becomes apparent that the filling is a lot deeper than I imagined. I’m starting to twitch and flinch. Sweat starts breaking out. I’m clenching the exam chair arms for dear life. I’m doing my best to stifle my groans, but ever so often the drill hits the tooth nerve directly, and I can’t help letting out a garbled cry. The drilling seems to be going on forever. The thought of taking a break and giving me a shot of Novocain never seems to cross the dentist’s mind.


    Finally, it’s over. I sit up, taking long breaths, trying to decompress. I start to speak, can’t find my voice,and stop. I take off my glasses, wipe my eyes. Definitely a draining experience, traumatic even. But when I glance over, the dentist and her assistant seem strangely unsympathetic. In fact, I get this vibe that they might actually be annoyed with what they see as little more than antics.

    Well, the above story made me more think about cancelling my dentist appointment for Tuesday.

  7. 27 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

    Please tell us what you do to have a happy life?

    You do have a happy life, don't you?

    (sometimes I wonder about that, when I read your one liners in different threads).

    I wonder why you have a go at me when I simply write how it is. According to me.


    But to answer your question, I am reasonably happy myself. Could be better though. 


    I am critical perhaps because I have a good friend who has royally been shafted here, not money related, and his woes have given me a real inside view into the thai mentality, in general. The view is not nice, I can tell you. 


    Many stories/posts I read on here are just fabricated nonsense and when it aint said posters totally lack the ability to look within oneself. Of why it all went wrong ofcourse.

  8. 2 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Problem that you have got is a Thai will believe anything another Thai tells them before she will believe you.


    I have had similar problems with my wife, her sister said this or that, all nonsense but, but she is my sister.

    Even after proving her sister wrong my wife wouldnt listen, she told me Thai people do not lie.

    All Thais have the same attitude,.

    And I read on various comments from you that you have a good marriage.


    The mind boggles !

  9. 2 hours ago, ban muang farang said:

    You have to meet my father-in-law. What an old softy. Every time we come for a visit he sheds a tear when he sees his daughter. He can hardly control himself when we head back home overseas again long term. Missing his only daughter. He is truly a lovely man and loving father.

    He is not manly then. According to the, sad, poster above you.

  10. Remorse, thats unknown here. For that one should possess some morals.


    Empathy is almost an unknown too here.


    As women have the biggest influence in a child's rearing it probably stems from them. 


    This society is run by women. 


    I think thus that only they are allowed to show that nonviolent emotion, which crying is, to mask the accepted violence.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Well it's all gone very quiet !!
    I guess DL and Ody are traveling or settling in their relative countries.

    I'm missing the daily updates !

    I'm more curious about the poisonous bil from OP. Time HE updates us about his predicament in his beautiful family.

  12. 36 minutes ago, BEVUP said:

    Depends on the situation 

    do you want to be living day by day as a single parent in your home land where you would certainly have no money at all if you had to pay a full time nanny & rent /power at 5 X the cost here 


    PS: I would like to know what country you would be living in without no help raising kids

    Its your kid so if you want him to be raised by bottomfeeders while you are away working, fine with me mate.


    Better you reassess your situation and not seek excuses of not doing the safe, and correct, thing. For your child.

  13. 20 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

    Like yourself I work overseas, being away for 5-6 mos at a time. it's a tough one, a hard balancing act. Car in your name is a must. Next, keeping a budget for household spending has to be done. I'm not a role model in that dept. as I don't keep a tight rein on my money. We have 1 kid together, house and car paid for, I figure apr 50-60 K bht/mo. gives her a good life when I'm away. When I'm home we spend more.


    Walking away from your lady is easy but to walk away from kids is so very hard. Especially when you want only the best for them.

    Career/money or kids, not a difficult choice I think.

  14. 3 hours ago, everett kendall said:

    So then Quality equalls money...


    Not a good measurement of quality.

    How about you get 10 sworn statments from quality Thai that say you contribute to society.

    Followed your advice and asked some thais if they were willing to give such a statement. For bht 1.000, each, they were willing to do that.

  15. 1 hour ago, hanuman2543 said:

    Do you speak read and write Thai? Did you ever read books about Thai customs and psychology?  Do you know what "krieng jai " means? I stay here more than 15 years and I told my Thai wife about your post and she fully agrees with me. 

    Personally I thought he made very good points in his comment. I trust his opinion alot more then the opinion of a simpleminded thai who has been conditioned in a culture where bullying is the norm. Only the ones in the know will see it though.

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  16. 3 hours ago, samsensam said:


    never having paid anyone to be my friend, girlfriend or wife in thailand or anywhere else and having had relationships that avoid many of the complaints that members here have i'd strongly recommend dating someone with a job, car, own apartment and decent education

    Decent education, you advise him to not stay in Thailand then :shock1:

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