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Been there done that

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Posts posted by Been there done that

  1. 1 hour ago, Rc2702 said:

    Your out of the box version of events overlooked the fact that we visit them we do not live in the village in question but thanks you at least tried but sadly again, failed.

    Well, you are still not one step closer in solving the problem :partytime2:

    Time to get stoned for you. Ignoring reality. 

  2. 1 hour ago, bannork said:

    RC2702.- just put negative posters on ignore- don't waste your time trying to debate with them.

    I see that you are a person who does not appreciate an exchange of ideas. Especially, I guess, when the ideas are opposite of your own. Narcissistic trait ! You fit in quite well in overhere, most likely you adapted the banork, uneducated, and lacking empathy, mindset. 

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  3. 54 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

    Listen your drip feed commentary is telling and I recall you are the same troll that said


    "I have a feeling you are the type to stand by and do nothing"


    pretty silly thing to say given I have made the effort to post a pretty detailed overview of my own personal arrival at this tricky junction and have already pulled back on helping and visiting the family too much as I want them to see a noticeable difference in our habits and ask; why?


    I have explained to you the father is actively involved in the man child's upbringing and you continue with your little cra ppy quips implying you know more than everyone else (surface scratching) I heard that barstool phrase on my 1st holiday 8 years ago and your punting it on a forum of expats.


    Seriously you need to change your records your sounding strangely generic without a hint of an example or personal experience to back up your crap py 2 sentence replies which more often than not contain some form of diminishment.  You seem like a bit of a half arsed type who does the bare minimum, you should join twitter.


    Introspection, awareness and thinking out of the box abilities, one has, or acquired it, or not. You do not. Good luck  in that lowlife village, as you wrote it is. Do not be surprised anymore, surfacescratcher.

  4. 51 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

    Ok but I'm not talking generally here I'm talking specifically and in this case the father has been on hand as much as the mother and whilst they do live in a fairly backward village where drugs and killing dogs seems rife I have to commend the work ethic instilled in the females and the fact that none drink smoke or gamble. (Drink when pushed by me only on special occassions) so your general overview of the mothers role is not warranted on this matter.

    As I wrote, you are scratching the surface. Read back what you wrote. Then be surprised about bil :post-4641-1156694572:

  5. 4 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

    Finally you have contributed something as opposed to your dimminis hong remarks although you have veered back in that same post above. At least you tried. Good work.


    Anyway the lad has 3 younger sisters all of whom have full time employment and he has a mother and a father who are still together so not sure why blame should be directed solely at the mother but I do think they are both responsible but come on that's like the ultimate battle and not one even I could stomach. The POS is not a hard battle but it does need the right stroke to avoid the self destruct button. Hence I'm really hoping someone some where has tackled this and turned it on its head.

    If you still do not know that it is primarily women who are involved in the raising of kids, especially 20 to 30 yrs ago, well, then you have some real catching up to do. 


    You lot are all scratching the surface on here. 

  6. 5 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Thai families !!!! bloody frustrating being married to a Thai lady.

    Family think they are everything, you the farang are only there as an ATM.

    My wife was told before we married i will take care of you, but not your family.

    Now as most members know i am paraplegic, what help do we get from wifes family?

    Absolutely sweet f.a. never help for even 1 minute.

    A while back my wife asked her father to remove some branches etc, from the garden.

    He answered how much the farang pay me, my answer the second word was off.


    You better keep on paying then, otherwise your missus will leave you on your own.

  7. 2 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

    I have only been on the scene 3 years and the go no where rant is based on uk tv shows who have found a revenue stream by outing fat people with fat camps, tools for boyfriends with that uk's biggest tool and many more similar shows so with such an epidemic proportion of lazy brother in laws why on earth can the same not be done here. The guys 37 not 17 a gentle hand is not going to brainwash a lifetime of doing bugger all its painful to see as he's my family but he's had a free ride his whole life and never committed to anything so I have a hard time contributing to my Mrs parents for them to waste it on him so that is where it is my business.


    Personally I would like to hear a few bad turned good stories but maybe I'm dreaming and your right it's a go no where rant and I'll just accept he's a bad apple and stand by and do nothing.

    Stand by and do nothing. Have a feeling that you are good at that. :post-4641-1156693976:

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  8. 27 minutes ago, swissie said:

    Not limited to this Forum, but quite common I would say. Just by listening in to conversations. After 20 years of marriage:

    - Boy-talk at the Bar: "The old crow has gaind 20 kilos and all she is interested in, is watching TV all day" (could be expanded by a thousand of similar expressions).
    - Girl-talk in a Tea-Room: "The old idiot, hasn't managed for a promotion for the last 10 years, all he is interested in, is if there is enough beer in the fridge" (could be expanded by a thousand of similar expressions).

    Public insults, right? But never in the presence of wife/husband, of course.

    All after the "Honeymoon-Phase" is way in the past and the little Demon, called "daily-grind", has managed to invade a relationship.

    Fortunately, and I am sure, above descibed scenarios are rather the exception and not the rule.

    You are a wise man.


    Maybe that is why some people post so much all time on here. The loneliness.

  9. 31 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    I remember watching a documentary on the History Chanel , (when it used to have things about history) about the great navies in history. No mention of Zheng He. It should had being called " great navies in western history"

    in fact many o the so called educated farangs in this forum have never heard of him or would be able to identify the following picture,


    Zhen he.jpg

    My guess, Zhang He :post-4641-1156694083:

  10. 38 minutes ago, sirineou said:


    does your wife do that also? we have a photographic record of everything we ever  ate.

    and it will not be complete until everyone in Thailand knows what these damn farangs did to each other through out history , and who are these old white man carved on a mountain in the other side of the world.


    Without posting photos of food, it is not true.

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