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Posts posted by ashacat

  1. break the news that within 6 months a new ‘law’ will be passed exempting owners who have 1st Class insurance from having to carry the CTPL.

    Annoying!! bit late for me :o

    Got mine yesterday from Thaipanich bank. I needed the vehicle reg docs and a copy of the GF's ID card as it is in her name.

  2. Hiya,

    I need to get my por ror bor (compulsory car insurance) today. I understand from the above posts that I can get it from a bank, but what will I need to bring with me and how much is it nowadays? (this is a very old thread!)


  3. I must disagree with this most - you were unlucky - beautiful Island, not commercialised, lovely beaches and 3hrs from Bangkok - cheaper (and a better calss of tourist) than the costas of Thailand, phuket, Samui etc - I always stay at the beach house (left off the ferry) or Coral Beach Lovely beach with an airy jetty and no crowds. Koh Samet is one of Thailands best kept secrets which is why the Thais favour it - frequented by Thai Royals and TV personalities.

    I have to disagree with you on that point.. Samet is perhaps Thailand's worst island it has to offer in my opinion. There's just nothing special about it.. I suppose for an easy getaway from Bangkok it's better than nothing, but really why not go a bit further to the islands around Koh Chang?

    I agree that Koh Samet has gone downhill in a big way, overcrowded, loud and dirty. Unless of course you would like to spend a bit more and stay on one of the more expensive resorts such as Lima Coco, even so, I feel there are far better places such as certian areas of Koh Chang and Krabi.

  4. Thanks guys, I have done as suggested by Lopburi and Oxford Will, but I am still having problems. When I press Send/Recieve a little box pops up asking for me to put my password in again (it is already in the settings). Even when I enter this it keeps coming up with the same box asking for my password?!

    Should both the incoming and outgoing servers be pop.gmail.com?

  5. Hi All,

    I am trying to configure my GMail account on my Outlook (2007) so that I can receive emails directly without having to log into gmail etc.

    However I am having trouble setting it up.

    Should I use POP3 or HTTP? If it is POP3 then what setting should I use for the incoming and outgoing servers? Do I need to tick the "SPA" box?

    Thanks in advance.

  6. Hiya,

    I was out last night for the opening of the "Q-Up" bar (above Q-bar). All was going swimmingly until loads of fun-police came in at about 1am with video cameras and torches and closed the place down. The bar was vacated and everyones ID's were checked.

    I know this is not exactly a new thing in Bangkok, but I haven't seen it happen for ages. There were also rumours that RCA got closed down at a similar time. (can anyone confirm?)

    Maybe the days of all night parties are gone...again...for now. :o


  7. Hello all,

    First of all, let me apolagise in advance for what is quite possibly the most boring thread ever to grace Thaivisa...

    Anyway, I have a 2003 Toyota Altis 1.8 Sport and the other day I broke the little plastic door to the small compartment in the centre of the dashboard. It appears the little plastic bits that hold the little "door" in place have broken, which means that it will not remain shut and all my CD's keep falling out :o

    So my question; is it possible to buy replacements for interior parts for cars of this sort of age? if so where?

    See I told you it was boring!! :D


  8. This is a common problem here, that i have heard many times.

    Alot of dentists will try and "sell you up" by telling you that you need surgury that in reality is not essential (usually a root canal). Similarly, doctors often suggest that you take a selection of unecessary pills for a common cold.

    A root canal is a serious procedure and should not be carried out on a whim. Get a second opinion.

  9. Spent 4 months in India and now I wouldn't touch a "UK curry" It's not what Indians eat at all.

    Good for you for stayin there for 4 months, did you get a chance to see the Taj Mahal?

    You probably know that most curry houses in the UK actually serve Bangldeshi cuisine.

    Anyway, having sampled (what I have been told is) "authentic" Indian food from the Indian disctricts of places such as Dubai, KL, Penang and Singapore, I still have to say that I prefer the British style Indian.

    I have the same opinion of authentic Chinese food vs Anglicised Chinese food BTW......

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