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Posts posted by ashacat

  1. Your top layer isn't very high though. I mean that's about the price of a semi-detached house in the south of England

    GBP650k for a semi-detached!! Maybe in London.

    I think it is very important to bear in mind when looking at these figures that they represent people in very different life stages. From the retirees who have developed a nest egg that has taken their whole working life to accrue eight the way through to people in their 20's who are still working and have many years of employment left...

    If the aim of the OP is to gauge an indication of people's "retirement funds", then the poll is pretty much useless unless age is taken into consideration.

  2. Ignoring all social and class issues and concentrating purely on financial considerations......

    I assume that you are referring to an individuals monthly salary? in Bangkok?

    If so, I think I would say more like 25k - 60k for middle class.

  3. Despite the fact that it is commonly criticised by "know it all expats" I actually think Lonely planet guides are excellent. Great for tourists, obviously not so much for long term residents. When I first travelled around the area, I found it very usefull. Clearly you cannot take every word as scripture and sometimes they may be overly cautious (they have to cover their own backs of course) but they have huge amounts of information on local attractions, food, lifestyle, history, transport etc etc.

    What better starting point can you get when travelling to a new country?

  4. I applied for my first licence a couple of weeks ago as well. I went to the office on Sukhumvit Road (between Soi 99 and 101). My experience was similar to that of the OP although they seem a little less geared up to deal with foreigners. All in all pretty painless apart from being told that my medical cert from Chamillion Hospital was not valid. So I had to hop on a motorbike and go to the conveniently located clinic just up the street to get one done for 200 Baht :o

    The whole thing took about 3 hours. The tests were such a joke I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!

  5. Hello,

    I would like to get out of the city for a night with the missus and am looking for nearby places that are worth a visit. Seeing as I have to return to BKK tomorrow night, I don't want to drive too far.

    So far I am thining about:

    The Rose Garden - what is the cheapest way to book a room here?

    Khao Yai - How long does it take to drive?

    Bangsaen - Is it any good?

    Hua Hin - Any nice hotels for around 2,500 Baht?

    Pattaya - not sure if it's worth it with all the bars closed.

    Any other suggestions/recommendations?


  6. When my parents came to visit me a couple of years back, we were sitting outside a cafe in Silom when some "monk" came up and started pestering us for money in return for some "blessing" or some such crap. He had a serious attitude and got really aggresive when we declined. I seriously hope that he wasn't a "real" monk.

    I thought monks weren't allowed to handle money anyway?...

  7. I was friends with Alex and used to dive with him at the same dive centre in Koh Tao, he was a lovely bloke who was very well liked. So sad that it ended like this.

    If anyone else on here knows him, you can alos pay your respects on his facebook page.

    I will miss him. RIP Alex. :o

  8. Not too impressed to see you recommending shark fin dishes. I thought most visitors had the knowledge and compassion to avoid food such as this for obvious reasons.

    I agree, anyone with even a cursory level of ecological awareness would never touch the stuff.

  9. Not too impressed to see you recommending shark fin dishes. I thought most visitors had the knowledge and compassion to avoid food such as this for obvious reasons.

    I agree, anyone with even a cursory level of ecological awareness should never touch the stuff.

  10. Coyotes has passable Mexican food IMHO. They do a decent "ladies night" on a Thursday which gets quite busy, however I thought that the slow service let it down a bit. Nice decor tho...

  11. As usual, its a few selfish morons that make life complicated for others.
    I seriously doubt that, but your nicotine addicted brain does not allow you to face reality.
    Selfish morons ignore those laws

    Now now DavidS, you seem very angry, maybe a cigarette will help? :o

  12. I seriously doubt that, but your nicotine addicted brain does not allow you to face reality.

    The vast body of opinion, public and scientific, is opposed to smoking.

    The same is true for drinking, how wold you feel if a similar prohibition was introduced in relation to alcohol?

  13. Something cheap and fundamentally multi-purpose is a pick-up truck. Get any one of them, 2 door, 4 door, whatever. To my knowledge, the cheapest 2 door space cab is chevy colorado (the new one). Brand new a little over 500K.

    Yeah, these are great value for money, but I would never buy one personally. IMHO they look crap and are too big, slow and uncomfortable for the city. They are made for folks living out in the sticks.

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