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Posts posted by ashacat

  1. As we are typing he is probably desperately looking online for ANYTHING that will slightly agree with his doom mongering.

    A link like.............( Sterling drops by 3 SATANG..................crisis! 1974 )

    Tee hee hee

    Maybe you should stop posting sarcastic comments and start looking a bit harder then. Bloomberg news has a large peice on this. They quote quite a few well respected sources confirming these fears.

  2. what he did is way beyond self defense!

    His heavily pregnant wife had just been shot in the head at point blank range in front of him, I assume the perp still had the gun in his posession and yet you don't think that his actions constite self defence?

    I admire your pacifism but come on, this guy was well in the right.

  3. And in the very last minute, it would have to be with a motorcycle taxi driver, and I would be paying him the 40 baht agreed, plus I would offer a 10 baht tip, for a total of 50 baht... I would then hand him a 100 baht note, and he would then exclaim, "sorry, no change..." then I would say, "you're in luck, cause i happen to have two twenties, so you don't get a tip..." That's how i would like to go out.

    Sheer class.

  4. When I try to convert an Office 2007 document to PDF it says "Acrobat could not open "FILE NAME" because it is either not supported or the file is corrupt"

    I have tried it on other files so I don't think that the problem is that the actual file is corrupt....

    It also says "missing PDFMaker files"

  5. Hi all,

    I use Vista with Office 2007 on my laptop and I have just bought Adobe Acrobat 8.0 however I have just discovered that the two are incompatible. Is there a patch or update available that will let me use them together or do I have to wait until the next version of Adobe?.....

    Thanks in advance for any replies.

  6. Gotta agree with a couple of the previous posters, the place is definately very over priced, however the band is good and the atmosphere is normally alright. Worth a visit, but don't make a habit of it...

  7. The Go Cart track at RCA isn't all that good i dont think.

    The carts are really slow, even the biggest ones they do are boring.

    Sorry, maybe I should have pointed out that they are not fine tuned racing class carts for the seasoned professional.

    But if you are looking for something different to do in BKK which won't cost you a fortune, then go-karting is a great option.

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