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Posts posted by ashacat

  1. I am always amazed at the hypocrisy involved with the collection of animal protein.

    Cows are large and perhaps they feel they are magnificent, but they have no life at all, penned up all day, marched to a slaughter house when they reach the right proportions. They never even get the chance to wander about free for a day, let alone for 50 years like these big fish here. But there is not much buzz about that. Now if you take something pretty or cute, or in this case big but ugly, then it becomes murder. Simply because the animal fits a certain aesthetic. As far as I'm concerned it makes no difference at all, as long as it is a managed resource and not heading for extinction. Everday in Thailand live shrimp are burned to death over hot coals. where's their human guardians? I know, fetching the shrimp cocktail sauce.

    You are comparing farmed animals with wild exotic animals. Do you really think that fish populations in the region are a "managed resource"?

    The ethical debate on animal welfare and treatment is another topic.

  2. Contrary to the above posts, I have noticed that most of the pirate DVD shops in MBK were closed on the last few occasions that I have been there. Even a couple of the street stalls in Silom were closed last time I was there (about 2 weeks ago).

    However, I went to MBK yesterday and a couple of the stalls were back in business. Probably just one of Thailand's many temporary clampdowns....

  3. But the "high-class" educated Thais, who infact mot of the time only make 15-20k

    This figure is wildly inaccurate. I have many Thai friends who are in no way "top income" earners, rather, fairly well educated young Thais with English abilities who earn more than you are saying. My girlfriend makes double what you are quoting, again, middle class Thai. "High-class" Thais earn far far more than you think my friend. Just look in the Bangkok Post, most decent jobs are in the range 50-90k month. Of course, Thais who own there own businesses can earn much much more...

    As for your police example, it is well known that there are alternative means for police to supliment their income over and above their quoted salary. Not saying your friend does this, simply that it happens.

  4. If he isnt a qualified teacher, then he shouldnt be teaching in my opinion, but thats for another debate

    That would rule out half the Thai staff in government schools too!!

    I understand your sentiments, but government schools and lower cost teaching centres simply cannot afford to pay the wages a fully qualified teacher commands. So they have to settle with second best: Native speaking TEFL teachers. If you would rule out underqualified teachers from working here (as is the case) you would be denying the majority of Thai school children the opportunity of "real" English language learning. (no, I am not a teacher!)

    Anyway, back on topic, I think that there are some reasonable and cheap condos around the Prakanong/Ramkamhang area. I believe they are around 6k and have quite a few farangs. (friend lives there).

  5. What's the whole point of killing these magnificent creatures? So some fuc_king idiot can collect his 15 minutes of fame. What a sacrifice!

    As divers, we should be protecting the ocean so future generations may enjoy it as do we now. What legacy to the ocean do these fuc_kers leave?

    Sorry about the tone, but this isn't sport, it's sick.

    (Not aimed at you Smarts in any way)

    I agree, IMO it is a complete contradiction to the whole ethics of diving.

  6. Nope, not kidding, I've found the roads to be fine compared with most other Thai islands and I've never seen or heard of an accident on the island

    Although the roads may appear better than other Thai islands (Koh Phangnan, Ko Tao Samui etc) they are certainly not "fine" the road surface is so smooth that even a little bit of water or oil renders them lethal, add to this the tight corners and "blind" humps in the road...

    As other posters have noted there are many many accidents on Koh Chang. I lived there for a year (about 5 years ago) and I saw accidents virtually every week. I dread to think what it is like now with all the construction traffic....

  7. esbobes - I have just been to your profile and browsed through some of your posts. Here is one of my personal favorites:

    Seeing how mostly all expats from UK are drunks and and have unsafe sex yes unsafe sex just ask them,its about time I am sick of paying for these dumb fools.

    Their sick style of life are making them sicker. Maybe they should not be allowed to leave the UK and put in a Govt reat home

    Were you bullied during your 28 years in the UK? chip on the shoulder perhaps? :o

  8. After living in the UK for 28 years I am surpise its only 17.

    Many of my people where I was born can not believe the drinking the sports betting and the over eating by Brits.

    The Brits have no self control no religion and no class Just look at the so call Royal Family from England.

    I have met many Brits that claim the English Royal Family got rid of Princess Diane.

    They have started all the wars. And mess up the colonies for all time

    Soon Thailand will not let them into this great country.

    :o Haha!! I don't know where to start!!

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