Dry mode is for dehumidification meaning it will both heat and cool with the main purpose to lower the relative humidity.
Apparent temperature is the result of actual temperature and air velocity and the higher the air flow(fan speed) the lower the apparent temperature.
The human body can sense temperature changes as low as 0.2 deg C and the body also acclimatises during seasons variations and is satisfied by a range of temperatures based on these changes.
A/C units sense an average return air temperature and the room temperature also varies depending on the air flow throughout the room.
The supply air temperature immediately at discharge is far lower than the room temperature and mixes with existing space air to arrive at a temperature that is close to the desired set point, this relies on the supply air flow path to be adequately arranged to suit the geometry of the room.
When the unit operates satisfactory the return air temperature minus the supply air temp equals the room incoming heat load and hence satisfies the set point.