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Everything posted by Reigntax

  1. Hard to argue with your view on the topic Lou
  2. except a man walking down Soi 6 is probably hoping for more than just a grab
  3. maybe he prefers looking at the beach and water view rather than at a fence. yes. One “ no trespassing” sign is sufficient if the property boundary can be clearly established. but overall it does appear that a minor request to move on has turned into a major incident.
  4. TAT are expecting extra terrestrial tourists to arrive as a result of the success of their space expeditions!!
  5. He will have too much dirt on those above to ever face any consequences.
  6. Dry mode is for dehumidification meaning it will both heat and cool with the main purpose to lower the relative humidity. Apparent temperature is the result of actual temperature and air velocity and the higher the air flow(fan speed) the lower the apparent temperature. The human body can sense temperature changes as low as 0.2 deg C and the body also acclimatises during seasons variations and is satisfied by a range of temperatures based on these changes. A/C units sense an average return air temperature and the room temperature also varies depending on the air flow throughout the room. The supply air temperature immediately at discharge is far lower than the room temperature and mixes with existing space air to arrive at a temperature that is close to the desired set point, this relies on the supply air flow path to be adequately arranged to suit the geometry of the room. When the unit operates satisfactory the return air temperature minus the supply air temp equals the room incoming heat load and hence satisfies the set point.
  7. If you are asking for the actual cost it is worked out as follows purchase price / expected total kms before disposal plus maintenance and repairs over the expected life time insurance and rego fuel cost to travel the expected life miles i believe you will find the cost will be between 14-18 B per km for average everyday vehicles.
  8. Every government organisation is corrupt and almost every employee is in it for the money and “benefits” they can receive. As long as a little filters down through the ranks and the majority uo the ranks, nobody cares.
  9. They were just jealous of his popularity and while he is no threat to their line of funding he will be accepted by the elites.
  10. All a misunderstanding. taxi “ your destination sir” passenger”I’m not quite sure but I could take a stab in the dark “ taxi “ if you wish”
  11. They can’t help it since evolving from riding buffalos where the buffalos managed the collision avoidance. it’s the buffalos fault for not passing this skill forward.
  12. And the daily burning of rubbish in rural areas especially the plastic and rubber.
  13. thats the exact question that should be asked and how long before they arrived in Mel.
  14. The comment made on line anf within Australia let’s hope they commence action in an Aus court so we can watch the case being thrown out and these idiots walking out with their tails between their legs. fragile inept egos may be protected in Thailand but not elsewhere
  15. Yes. his next ride for the night could cost him a bar fine and a few thousand I doubt he will be videoing that and posting it !!
  16. And you would have many supporting you too
  17. Especially those who drive their vehicles on the wrong side of the road and consider it normal because they are too lazy to drive 300 meters up the road and do a U turn
  18. Maybe he needs a mental assessment which of course he will fail
  19. Once free he can do as he wishes although the anti Thaksin mob will be frothing from the mouth daily. maybe you can form a group and froth together.
  20. The Bridge build by Mr Kwai good name for a movie
  21. I can see this extreme ride popping up in a theme park around the country. Good business model for the hospitals
  22. I believe a million or so are planning a trip to Taipei soon
  23. Everyone clearly has the story wrong. he was out celebrating after receiving his conscription notice, lost his access card and wanted to quickly get home to pack his bags and return home to fight for his motherland.
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