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Everything posted by Kenny202

  1. Looking at a couple of second hand canopies for my pick up. My preference would be the higher, courier type "Cityboy" mainly due to more cargo area and bigger windows / better visibility but have been told they are noisy in the wind and can be a problem driving into mall parking / low ceiling height areas etc. He also has a normal Carryboy lower profile one, same height as the cab roof. Is there any truth to Cityboys being noisier and height issues? Anyone had one? Appreciate any advice
  2. Absolutely ridiculous lol. It wouldnt be the best beach in Chon buri. When I first came here dumb and unsuspecting went for a swim. Apart from the weird cloudy foamy water I was swimming with plastic bags and toilet paper. Had a nasty ear infection for a week and scratching my skin for days. Felt like i had swum in a Cesspool ????????
  3. Maybe US knows he's full of shet and his missiles couldn't hit the side of a barn with a handful of rice? Still, can't see why they cant take him out personally. I don't think even China support Nth Korea do they?
  4. I wonder what's stopping them from blowing this idiot to the hereafter? History has shown tolerating these sort of meglomaniac bullies only leads to disaster in the future
  5. I read a story just this morning saying the police werent going to name and shame nationalities anymore? The headlines here are like the three stooges. Total waste of time reading Thai news
  6. I lived with my first one back home for 2 years. Travelled to other countries. She fell back into the same old (bad) habits almost the moment we came here to live. I'm not saying for a moment the way we live in the west in golden handcuffs is better than living modestly in a Thai village, in fact I loved it. Its the gambling, infidelity, drunkenness, lack of care for children I couldn't cop. I realised after 5 years living with me in she had learnt nothing and zero growth. 2 months after separating with me she was penniless and back working in a bar. Which seems to be a cycle many repeat. I of course the one that bore all the financial losses. Most of course would say what would you expect from a whore? And you would be correct
  7. In reality probably not, but I am talking about the decision of living with / marrying one....not short time performance lol. Not always but odds are not in favor of a good life outcome with any sex worker
  8. If your future wife is reasonable and she can deal with parents (and other family members) like this, you might be on a winner. The ones that are the problem are the ones that want you to "loan" everyone that asks to save her the perceived embarrassment of refusal or just wants to avoid confrontation and your money is the solution. The villagers will all be baiting her up...you have farang and if you not loan them money you kie neow (tight a$$) or husband kie nok (bird shet), not have money. You need a wife can see through this and strong enough to say no. Word to the wise also. Not sure on your circumstances but would strongly recommend not living in the home village for at least 2 or 3 years until you get the lay of the land. Not sure on your girl background etc but a lot of temptations and history re gambling, old boy friends etc and you wont even know. People walking in and out day and night...particularly meal times. Family members "borrowing" things without asking. She will probably be keen to build a home there but stand on your digs and put a bit of distance between you and them before you scope things out, at least initially
  9. Blunt but unfortunately true appraisal. Done it myself without the sinsot. We initially get sucked in by the "no have choi, need support family" line, and the knight in shining armor comes to the rescue. No different to marrying a hopeless junkie hooker back home, buying her a home in her name, throwing money at her family and thinking "what could go wrong" ???????? lol. And the thai parents of these girls you just gave $xxxxx of dollars to must be thinking we are as stupid as a hookers parents sitting in a trailer park back home would ????????
  10. Well certainly been here long enough to know that isn't the case as far as all Thais including rural /!village Thais are concerned, and sorry if read that way, but these particular people certainly seem to fit into that category. I know families here put kids through uni farming a bit of rice and selling bbq chicken. Or working 15 hours a day on construction sites. Totally in awe of them and some of the loyalist people I have known....anywhere
  11. Brother, without purposely trying to be a naysayer, I think anyone has any experience here (and not just bitter hardened old guys who have already been rinsed) would tell you this is not a good way to start a relationship and normally the actions of the parents will have much bearing on your future and possibly it's demise. Ask yourself how is your missus handling it all? Is she keeping them in check or acting as "Millie in the middle"? ie she doesn't or says she doesn't agree, but is going along silently? Essentially they are trying to rob you. I assume they are not wealthy people? Next thing the old man will want to "manage" the build of your house. He'll need 400k baht to get the land cleared and build started. 2 months later....ooops, builder took off with the money no where to be seen....need another 400k. Use your common sense and don't try and justify it to yourself as Thai culture. People with hardly a pot to pess in demanding 250k, 60% of which they will skim and gamble away in a month or two... and the rest to pess up against the wall on a shindig for all the local drunks is just ridiculous.
  12. I don't think anyone from the west would really feel comfortable about it, irrespective of how they put a nice face on it. I'd be cringing during the negotiations, particularly demonstrating my worth to penniless drunks. As far as proving wealth and ability to support the daughter...(who grew up wiping her a$$ barehanded) surely a glimpse at your bank book should suffice. Maybe a letter from the bank aka immigration lol. Anyway, it's the way it's done here (sometimes). Everything here seems to start and end with money.
  13. There is culture and then there are greedy predators, praying on a good hearted soul who wants to fit in with the culture. What you pay for a Western wedding in neither here nor there. No one likes to get ripped off or treated like an idiot. It doesn't matter if its a deliberate overcharge of 10 baht at the cashier of 7/11. The request for huge sums of money like this is a test....and will set the scene for the remaining relationship with your inlaws which will ultimately effect your marriage
  14. Correct
  15. It will after she takes the house and everything else he owns and he's left penniless in a 1500 baht a month "loom"
  16. All due respect, and I do respect you as a very level headed poster here but really what you are talking about is a defacto type thing which IS recognized in many countries in the world the same as that of a marriage....certainly in Australia where I come from. There are no "common law / defacto" laws here at all and a village wedding is only a ceremony. May bolster a case in some other way but the woman will have no recourse on the guys property at all, nor will she be entitled to alimony claims. the common law thing I have been through with a lawyer.
  17. Not all Thai guys are like that. I got a few mates in Bangkok now and as good blokes as you could meet. Good sense of humor, loyal friends and all have great wives that they met or new at school or uni....They got the pick of the crop. We seem to get the rejects....aka "I want farang, Thai man no good". Usually this sort of Thai woman turns out the be exactly the same as the lazy shiftless adultering ex boyfriend / husband she described she was with before you???????? Mind you dating later in life just as bad back home. Often the husband left her (and possibly his wife left him) for good reasons / issues.
  18. No, 100% wrong. They are entitled to 50% of what was attained after the marriage. This could be brought into question if you don't have receipts etc of valuable items to prove you had them before the marriage. And the husband is also entitled to 50%. Unfortunately, often in practice the selling of the home and getting your 50% can be unrealistic or a battle in itself, particularly if the home is in a poor village and difficult to sell. A lot of behind the scenes manipulating can be done to block or falsify a sale at a very low price. And in many cases who wants to live in the exes home village where the relatives may make life difficult. Its could to know you have it up your sleeve as leverage I guess but I think most blokes simply move on and write off the experience
  19. The problem here is they expect to go from the Shet house to the Penthouse in one leap. I have never seen people that come from such a poor, hard back ground be so entitled and lazy. Not all of course but a great many. I been here a long time and lived in a few villages and it remains a mystery to me. They don't want a better life....they want it all and everyday...and for ever. That's usually when the trouble starts when the assets are already all in her name and the husband tries to be responsible and put's her on a budget. Noooooooo! As a regular poster here mentioned here not so long ago, it is a carrot and stick arrangement. You give em the carrot and it's often game over
  20. Only applies to foreign FEMALES with a Thai husband and kids? Not Farang guys with a Thai wife I assume
  21. Really? What happens when a married Farang man and Thai woman separate (still married)? I thought unless the wife would assist the farang with the ruse, ie show up for extensions etc the existing marriage extension was null and void if the couple separated? Or do you only need to be still married whether living together or not?
  22. I have heard of blokes putting 1 or 2 mill on the table as show money and expecting to get it back after the wedding. From experience, I am pretty sure I could never be that trusting, particularly with a village family
  23. Mate of mine...and this is a mate of a mate story so can't confirm....but reckons in PNG the groom has to sleep with the sisters and mother. And if you think that sounds appealing you have never seen a PNG woman lol
  24. Yeah understand and didn't even consider that. But you need a specialized field and one that meets criteria for a work permit eg English teacher. You can't just get a work permit for any employment. She may not even be a native English speaker or have the required credentials for a specialized job. Only guessing of course. Don't want to sound racist in anyway here but the only women I have known here that married a Thai and had kids, particularly 4 were certainly not Western women. Most were African, Filipino, Viet, Laos, Cambodia etc
  25. I know its not legal or binding, only ceremonial. Just saying if legal marriage wasn't favorable a village wedding may do. I for eg wouldn't consider a legal marriage because I will be eligible for a pension in 5 years (if they still exist!). If I married a Thai women even outside of Australia my pension would be reduced by 30%. On the other hand as stated if he wanted to protect as least some of his investment in a house here...legal marriage may be the way to go. If your saying a village wedding with no signatures can me construed as a legal agreement / marriage I really doubt it and first time I've heard about it in ten years. Sounds more like he says she says but if it was an issue wouldn't cost a lot to ask a lawyer
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