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Everything posted by Kenny202

  1. Have witnessed that myself in Oz. Even if she is a decent woman, usually they fall in with the wrong crowd of Thais...and 80% I estimate are ex bar girl types. One of them got a job doing mobile cleaning..Boss Thai lady used to ferry them around to different jobs. The job was mobile / in home but what they were doing in these homes wasn't cleaning. Another one ended up down the Casino with a group of Thai friends every day, go AWOL for days. Another mates girl went back to Thailand for 3 weeks to see her family. Other mate of ours walking past her old bar in Pattaya and guess who was inside working. Another mate took his Thai wife and kids back for a holiday to Thailand. Woke up one morning she was gone....as was his credit / bank cards and she had cleaned out all the bank accounts and did a runner. As well as that if the girl is hot she will have every bloke hitting on her thinking every Asian woman is up for sale. And even if you can get past that very few can settle down to life in another country. They miss their food, friends, family and Thailand generally. I wouldn't put myself in that position that's for sure.
  2. And you are so much better? Why are you here then? You got a lot to learn Junior. Everyone respects you, master of your own domain etc hahahaha. You think we haven't all been through that phase? Thailand is wonderful at grooming people to get what she wants...just before the fall. Give you a simple test....see how much your wife is really in awe of your young handsome self lol. Tell her you have been offered a much better paid job back home, but you will only be able to return every 6 month or so to see her and spend time with the family. But you will send her regular monthly payments. I reckon she will be in packing your bags before you get the last words out. Obviously your posts are troll type attention seeking bait ups, and normally wouldn't even attempt a battle of wits with someone clearly fighting unarmed, but you are in for a harder fall than most I would say....because you clearly can't see it coming. Good luck my friend!
  3. Yes discovering that all in a hurry at the moment. Got the kids in a really nice new school, great environment and they love it but just not putting in or making an effort. And looks like the teacher has a bit of an "up to them" attitude. One thing I do like is rather than do their homework by putting answers straight in a text book, the teacher gets them to write out all the questions, problems, charts themself last half hour or so before leaving school of an afternoon. Great idea. Problem is they are coming home without it completed or done really half a$$ meaning we need to spend an hour or more doing what they should have done in class, before we even get to answering the questions / maths etc. My wife called the teacher on Friday to ask why the kids aren't completing the prelim work they should be doing at school? Do they have enough time? They are giving us all sorts of excuses. The teacher said some kids are using this time to muck around, play etc like it wasn't her problem and many kids are doing the same. Now I don't expect special one on one attention for our kids but maybe some discipline in the classroom? We have already let her know don't spare the rod etc just because Dad farang etc. (She on first meeting told my wife she was scared to talk with me as she has never spoken with foreigners) So life atm a nightmare. 1-2 hours every afternoon just getting the preliminary work done of which is a battle to get them to do in any sort of reasonable fashion....then another hour doing the actual homework. have tried all sorts of positive stuff, rewards systems etc. Even telling them how things will be for the future if they do poorly at school....looking for a decent well paying interesting job vs working in a cane field or on a truck in the sun lugging boxes... but not having a lot of luck atm
  4. It's quite clear to me the whole education system is designed around this. As is cheap booze and cigarettes....now a free for all on weed. What more does a bloke need to be happy 5555
  5. Oh dear lol. Ok, whatever. Good luck to you
  6. Well let me first start by saying I don't give a rats what you understand, nor probably does anyone else. Where do you get off stating someone is way older and uglier than another? I see you are only a new member so I am guessing you have already been banned before and came back under a new alias. Do you even live here? I see your other ridiculous comment about....why don't you just open a learning center......how about 2? What a ridiculous, impractical, ill conceived off the cuff remark. As are most of your comments just trying to provoke arguments. If you lived her or have ever lived with a Thai you would understand this nearly hourly presents 180 degree different views on most things. Not to say all are necessarily wrong on either side.... just different. As far as schools, you complain to any Thai about the vendors outside the schools, or teachers selling junk food in the classroom....or people swerving around kids on crossings and they will probably smile at you. They tolerate stuff like this as they have grown up with it and it is the norm. If I had my time over again would I start a relationship with a Thai and have kids? As much as I adore my son quite possibly not knowing what I know now. But a bit late now eh. Maybe I will peel off 10 million baht and buy a learning center ????
  7. I remember we had German and English teachers in high school only EVER spoke in their native tongue. Only once in two year did I hear a female German teacher speak in (fluent) English when she was so exasperated with a kid.... she said "do you really not know" or may have been "are you really that stupid"....things were different then
  8. I hope the goal was not to demonstrate a fluency in English and grammar 5555
  9. Seems to be the norm on Asean now.....narcy unhelpful throw away one liners or someone trying to be a comedian. One thing I will say for the Thais is they show a lot more camradarie, support and respect amongst themselves than Westerners do.
  10. It seems clear to me the guy has good intentions but swimming against the tide. To many Thai's we are viewed as a different entity to Thai people. I was talking to a highly educated Doctor I lived with once. She was trying to explain to me why it was ok for the Thai women across the road to live with a Thai guy when her English "husband" left to go back to work in the UK every few months. She said when the Farang comes to stay, the Thai man goes away and she love only Farang. I said what do the other people in the village think about it? She said they think she is smart. She take care her mum really good. I said what if a Thai woman did it to her Thai husband if he went away to work? "Oh! Noooo good!" I said you work really long hours....What if I get a girlfriend in the day when you are at work, but when you come home from work I love only you? Nooooooo! She sort of got it in the end, and didn't realize I was baiting her but this does seem to be the attitude of many, that we are to be treated different. As far as the situation in the school goes trying to control the kids, it is as hopeless as two parents sending their child different messages or have different values. Kids pick up on it and exploit it immediately. Not sure how many private schools here put the kids welfare over dollars but would seem your only choice is to put up with it or try and find a school where they are actually concerned with the kids welfare, learning and discipline. Best of luck
  11. Heard the same thing from many teachers I know here. Most either quit or go with the flow and basically turn up every day. Zero job satisfaction, other Thai teachers jealous and undermining and admin will rip you off or short change you at any given opportunity. Mate of mine told me only 2 weeks ago he was told at a job interview 3 months trial and future employment after that based on students assessment of the teacher. Hard to believe but a story I have heard over and over again.
  12. We pulled our kids out of there a few weeks ago and found a wonderful little private school near home. No vendors, no candy or soda's.....and 10000% better environment. I notice the private schools seem to have much younger and more motivated staff than the govt schools who's older entitled teachers seem to think they are some sort of divine entity. This would be because obviously these younger teachers don't have the tea money to pass the government teacher test to get in a higher paying government school, therefore they work a lot cheaper and it would appear more diligently. How ironic?
  13. And don't forget pluggers or double pluggers ????
  14. A lot of the charcoal you buy seems to already have a "chemical / fuel" type odor. Seem to remember someone telling me some sellers add deisel to the charcoal
  15. A good no smell one couple of paper towels dipped in veg oil and scrunched up. Works a treat
  16. Inner tubes cut up into small strips / pieces are excellent, particularly for charcoal as are old thongs. Most of the tyre shops, motor bike shops will give u an old one
  17. Thats not how Thailand works. Get the praise now and make the excuse later, most likely blaming someone else
  18. Pretty pointless reading the news here. Story flips around daily.
  19. Search Durex and other well known brands on Lazada, cant remember the size but I got some (bought a 12pk) were Durex and bigger than normal and very extra sensitive latex. Id get on the Durex site or google large condom or something the search for that type. Lazada often have stuff not normally avail in general store (7/11, Tesco etc). Just make sure the product and seller have good reviews. I think a lot of copies out there. I bought a bulk pk of 12 boxes and if u do check the used by date is a couple of years into the future.
  20. Does setting up a pension stream mean you need to set regular per month withdrawals? I just want to be able to draw as required and however much I need
  21. Thanks so much for the effort you went to there. I am actually 59yo but based on my maturity age I believe I can withdraw up to $200k before I turn 60yo if I declare I will not be working again. I am hoping this will also be tax free (my super very basic PAYG account, never paid extra or salary sacrifice etc)
  22. Haven't transferred any money here (from Australia) for a couple of years but before used wise and found them excellent. Seen quite a few grumbles and problems pop up in the forums, though never really read them. Are they still ok and reliable? Transferring money from Australia to Thailand Any help appreciated
  23. Coming up to maturity age and just wondering if I should leave it in there and draw down on it as required or should I pull it out and invest it elsewhere. I am hopeless with stock market etc and from past investigations don't have a lot of faith in financial advisers. I can invest it 100% safely for 4% though this is sliding but unlikely to fall much based on past experience. The downside of investing it for me is it will be taxable. Mind you my Supr company hasnt had a great track record at all (cfs) although seem to be on a roll atm My specific questions are 1) If I leave my super in the super account to gain interest and just draw down chunks of say $10-20k AUD, will I be taxed on the interest my super account earns in the future after my first draw down? I was kinda under the impression as long as you leave it in the original account the super matured in, any future interest etc is non taxable? 2) Without setting up a formal pension / monthly payment type thing, is it usually possible to draw down amounts as required? Is there any minimum limits you can withdraw? or limits on how often you can withdraw? Any help appreciated
  24. I assume the online reporting is centralized in one area. Used to be have to wait for your local office to approve online applications which in my case often wasn't forthcoming without a phone call, and more often than not they would say system down, need come to office to report. Due to the speediness of approvals now I would say maybe they are approved centrally as well
  25. Certainly used to be relevant, my god. I had a Mac and had to fill out the online form details in this random all over the place sequence to make it work or it would crash. I think I had to do the spam code first....then all the drop down menus in a particular order....then lastly text fields. And even then had a 30% strike rate. That was using Chrome, then to check status of application I could only use Firefox. Guys were reporting at the time only a certain version of Windows seemed to be relatively trouble free.
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