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Everything posted by Kenny202

  1. Yeah its ridiculous. Those big formal weddings aren't even enjoyable. Long long day. Most of the guests have to kill hours during the day here and there while photos are done etc. I still miss the weddings back in the day at the local hall....women would bring food, couple of kegs for the gents and punch and wine casks for the ladies. They were a lot more fun particularly when a couple of uncles got a few too many grog's under the belt and a punch on ensued lol
  2. I don't understand? They borrowed the 200+ k from relatives and cashed in the gold but the wedding never went ahead. So they borrowed money to pay themselves a dowry? huh? Surely they can just give the money back and buy the gold back or has it been pessed up the wall already? Why do I not feel sorry for them? If wedding arrangements already made the 28k he gave them should cover that. If her dowry was 200k I doubt it was a flash expensive wedding
  3. I actually got the brand name Zyrtec (Cetrazine) and so far great improvement and no side effects
  4. I've done the prick test twice....about 15 things....my whole arm went into a rash hahaha
  5. Mentioned in my OP I have tried Claritin (loratadine) with less than great results. I bought some what they said was genuine Zyrtec at the pharmacy today....Zyrtec on the box but doesn't look like a packet you would get from Europe / US...Cheap looking thing. Anyway, Will try them over the next few days see if these supposed genuine ones help
  6. I mentioned in my opening post I have used Fenafex. 180 and 60 mg. Doesn't make me drowsy but it doesn't work well for me. Cetrazin apparently causes drowsiness in 10% of people. Unfortunately I fall into that category. Not a normal sleepiness either...like your half drunk and sleepy, can't do anything much
  7. Jeez that sounds interesting. My specific issue is dry, itchy watery eyes and just googled it sounds perfect. Do you buy pills or medicine? Does it make you drowsy at all? Is it a once a day thing or? Many thanks for your help 🙂
  8. Full blown allergy mode atm, eyes itchy and watery. I go through this every year and usually start of with Fenafex (Telfast) full strength one a day and after a couple of weeks move to Cetrazine (Zyrtec) one a day pill.The Fenafex I have no side effects too but they are limited for me in results. Get better results with the Cetrazine but seem to put me in this awful drowsy mode which doesn't get any better after a few days. I know both pills are supposed to be non drowsy but I must be the few percent that Cetrazine causes drowsiness. I have also tried Loratadine (Caratyn) with limited result. What I wanted to ask, and a long shot....I have only ever taken the generic Cetrazine in Thailand. I have never taken the more expensive Zyrtec or foreign brands...not even sure they are available here. I was just wondering if a more expensive pill will be better for me re drowsiness or 10mg of Cetrazine is 10 mg in any brand. No use asking the pharmacy they are only interested in selling you the most expensive and will advise you to buy what benefits them. Maybe one for Sheryll
  9. I got some of these today and ordered the Bayer. Worst thing with these green traps is I poured the pellets into the middle container and shut the lid thinking it would contain them in there but the lid doesn't cover the bait area, so unless you pick it up dead straight it all pours out all over the floor lol.
  10. Thanks for your help all 🙂
  11. Recently got switched over to the latest version of desktop Outlook which I don't like at all. Too busy for one, can't combine inboxes without special set up and extra clicks etc. Persevered with it for a couple of weeks and hoping for something better. I also have a lot of issues with Outlook copying and pasting to other programs / retaining formats etc. Is there anything better out there will work with my hotmail accounts? I don't need too many bells and whistles....ability to combine inboxes (I have 3 different accounts). I also have lots of sub folders in a couple of the accounts so need to be able to access them. And hopefully not something only interested in showing you ads and sucking up your private information
  12. Going to get some Bayer today. When you say small drops you mean like a droplet or 5mm, 10mm droplet?
  13. Problem is there seems to be no visible trail and we have looked several times. If I put drops of the gel nead effected areas will it attract them?
  14. For the last 3 weeks or so we have had these tiny little red ants in our home. Seem to be on the sofa, chairs...everywhere. They are super small, never come across them here anywhere in Thailand. Maybe came with the rain? I have seen the bigger red ants outside (3/8" / 5mm) which bite and hurt like hell but these are different. Very mild, itchy bite, not painful and goes away quickly....just enough to be uncomfortable. We have looked everywhere, normally you would see a trail of them where they come in and out but nothing. Only thing I can think of is get some spray and go around the floor edges where the walls meet the floor in the hope of interrupting there passage. Anyone had a similar problem or know how to deal with it?
  15. There aren't many sharks around Thailand, certainly large ones and aggressive species rare...I suspect because they had been over fished.... but by all accounts making a comeback here and there. Usually small reef sharks that bit someone accidentally over the last few years and authorities always quick to pass it off as some other mishap (misunderstanding?)
  16. We are up in the Nth East. I assume coastal areas maybe even worse. The temps have dropped here to around 35 degrees but humidity between 70-80%. Our Samsung AC's are nothing special (non inverter), about 7 years old and serviced every 4-6 months. All are the right size for the rooms and normally work well with Thermostat set on 27-29 degrees. This time of year in the wet season for at least a month or two they seem to be just barely coping. Had it set on 23 tonight and is a lot cooler than outside but not what I would call a comfortable room temp. Anyone else experience the same thing? I reckon working about 50-60% of there normal efficiency
  17. Its not punctured. Comp replaced, re gassed and working fine. Thais puncturing fridges and freezes here while defrosting an everyday occurrence
  18. Its a large commercial freezer. Do you want a stock list or you don't believe me? 10k as in 10000 baht, not kilo. 10 or 15k not sure, did an estimate. What is the purpose of your stupid pointless reply? (as usual)
  19. Thanks so much for your help. As it turns out unbeknown to me the Mrs organized a guy to come this morning. Wasn't confident in him when he didn't seem to know what the relay was I showed him I already pulled out. He took it back to his shop and 10 minutes later called and claimed the compressor needed replacing. Had no choice but to tell him to go ahead. Cost 2500 and brought it back this afternoon. Seems ok now. Probably got done but stood to lose about 10-15k in food so had to swallow it. Just happy its fixed, thanks for your help 🙂
  20. Freezer stopped working a day or so ago. Almost impossible to get an onsite tech here where I am. Just after a bit of fault finding advice. Its a large domestic chest freezer. I had an issue with it before and I forget now but I think it was the compressor relay. I am actually an electrician but know little about fridges. I do know a bit about single phase motors in as much as they usually have a start / run winding and need a relay or something to start smoothly. Anyway, in the little black box on the compressor there is a plug in relay, above that a little component with one wire attached (over temp cut out?) and a 4 mic capacitor. I have take all these components out and will try to source them today at a large appliance repair supplier near us. What does bother me is the compressor, even though not running was very hot this morning, not too hot to touch but close to it. I guess sitting there in limbo unable to start. There was no vibration from the comp motor or any hint it was trying to start or laboring. I am hoping it hasn't burnt out. Hopefully the temp cut out (if that's what it is) has been keeping it from burn out. Anyway, I will replace all three components this morning and see how it goes. It could actually be the compressor itself. Just hoping something simple. Coincidentally (or not) the same day the freezer seems to have stopped working was the day the wife defrosted it. I told her to be very careful with any water around the electrics and obviously not use anything to chip at the ice. Shes done it before and knows not to do stuff like that. Maybe in this heat and the compressor working so hard to refreeze everything pushed it too hard? There doesn't appear to be any water around the electrical area. There is power at the outlet and no breakers etc have tripped. Can anyone shed any light on what may be the problem or if likely the compressor has burned out or suck it and see situation?
  21. Do Thais ever consider consequences (prison, death etc) or is it all about win at all cost? Guy I know lived here a long time told me once... Thai's will not only cut off their nose to spite their face, they will cut off their whole head. I guess the guy who shot and killed the other guy first must have grinned and thought "I really showed him", seconds before he killed himself.
  22. The problem seems to be when copying from another source. Never used to do it before up until a couple of days ago. Copying from Outlook. I store a few lists in there
  23. I use Google translate to communicate here on messages etc and have a list of phrases, questions, replies, sentences I use Normally I would list sentences / phrases in paragraphs in English down the page and on the Thai side of the screen everything would be listed the same but in Thai Now all I get on the other side (Thai translation) all bunched up as one huge sentence. For eg I might have 12 paragraphs separate paragraphs down the page in English but Thai translation just one big long story. Anyone having the same issue or I may have changed a setting or something inadvertently? I cleared my history, rebooted, logged out in etc and no difference. Or is this Google / AI etc deciding whats best for us again
  24. Yes....True, fiber service that includes a router with WiFi and with a few ports to connect via LAN/ethernet network cable. I am connected to it via LAN cable and can also connect Wifi to the same router
  25. Probably a stupid question, but would it increase my internet speed / make things more stable if I connect a fiber landline and wifi at the same time? Or does the computer select one or the other?
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