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Everything posted by Kenny202

  1. Got a mate came back to Thailand working away back home and re entered Thailand on a tourist visa as he only expected to be here for a few weeks and had an unexpected issue with his wife....now ex wife. Your imagination is serving you correctly. Anyway, since divorced last week and has full custody of the kids. He needs to stay here for a while in the short / medium term...maybe long term but he's only on a tourist visa atm. I think already extended and renewed. So he needs a longer term visa get the kids Aussie passports etc sorted out. Ive told him about the parental visa but not sure he has the 400k funds. A couple of questions and prefer answers from people have recent experience rather than motherly advice.. 1) Is it still possible to get a multi non O parental visa from Savanakhet? Used to be only had to show a birth certificate and no need for money in the bank etc. I heard they either stopped doing them or made it more strict where you had to have the children's mother present and / or funds in the bank. Just talking to a mate of mine reckons he did a non O multi last July for marriage all he did was show marriage certificate and copy wife's ID and Tabien baan. No money in the bank and no wife present. Having wife present or her details should logically be a moot point for my friend as he has divorced from his wife and he has full legal custody of the children. Anyone done a non O multi recently for parent or a wife visa? 2) Plan B....Is it possible to do a first application parental visa through an agent? I remember my first parent visa an awful lot of paperwork, photos with 3 or 4 witnesses, witnesses interviews at immigration etc. For this reason I am not sure if a parent visa can be obtained through an agent particularly the first application which is a lot more convoluted I am sure I have read many times on this site last year or 2 the Multi non O parent or marriage visa from Savkhet was either a dead duck or much more difficult to obtain now. In fact I know a guy was doing it for years and went back to Australia this year to live as he was out of visa options.......Any first hand knowledge greatly appreciated
  2. I don't think Thai women or Thai people in general think we are an upgrade or step up in society unless there is a lot of money and trinkets constantly offered...new homes to show off on Facebook. When they say "you take care me" they mean it in every sense of the word without a thought for taking care of you in any way. And unless you have very deep pockets will be hard to maintain that level of expense for long...and that's when things start to go South. "But I bought you a new car and gold 2 months ago?" That was 2 months ago....this is now. I have been here ten years and from what I have seen we are the last resort for those in debt or in trouble. And even then the lowest in Thai society see us as a last resort, or a step down and expect to be renumerated for it. Age difference doesn't seem to factor into it greatly either. Got a mate of mine now in his late 30's, good looking guy, wife the same age going through hell. Nearly every woman I met here or know of who said Thai men were no good, beat them, were lazy etc had those exact traits themselves and either went back to a Thai man or had a Thai man in the background all along. I cant think of one relationship I know of that has been successful or happy. At best they are still together but both miserable or the guy only there because he has put all his assets in her name and out of options. These are only my first hand experiences. The dating game post 30's isn't a lot better back home. Broken people from broken marriages (men and women) with many issues. I am sure there are many good women here but like back home most of the gooduns will have been scooped up early in their 20's. Goes for guys and gals. On the positive side was in a discussion here a few years ago some guy complaining his wife was lazy etc and another guy said be thankful they are like that otherwise they wouldn't want anything to do with us old codgers. Very true. Many of us are older guys, maybe not in the best of shape. Don't delude yourself into thinking a Thai woman is with you because of your sexual skills or good looks or be looking for true love. Accept it and make the most of whats available. You just have to work out what are the good points and advantages of living in Thailand and make the most of it....try and avoid the pitfalls....one being getting married and entrusting your life / life savings / future / assets into someone you barely know with very little education life skills or morals.
  3. My rate today is 24.07 in $AUD less their $122 fee. The $AUD rate actually peaked briefly yesterday at 24.30. You are not talking Australia dollars right?
  4. I did actually just complete the transfer....after reading all the information the guarantee is like a Thai guarantee....subject to their discretion. Did make me feel a little uncomfortable with the transaction as my large Australian bank didn't recognize their BSB or Account number and I had to take a leap of faith and transfer anyway. The do say on their transfer instructions that they have a new BSB number and your bank may say they don't recognize it but nonetheless it creates a little discomfort. I have never had any problems at all using wise but every time I have transferred with them there was something similar that added a little doubt. I am sure all will be ok but how would you know the actual website is legit?
  5. I have used Wise before a few times to send money from Australia, no problems. Just about to do a transfer now. Exchange rate all over the place at the moment but about the best its been for a long time. With Wise you used to be able to book a transfer...hold the quoted rate and they would give you an amount of time to transfer payment to them. Maybe 24-72 hours. If the rate had gone up significantly, and you hadn't paid them, you could simply cancel the transaction and get a new quote based on the higher ex rate. Can you still do that? Looks a bit different now where at the end of the transaction they ask you for payment, and in this case say I have 77 hours to transfer funds. I didn't tick the "pay now" button, and it looks like the transaction has been "paused". Does this mean the rate is being held for me? Should the rate go up in the next two days can I cancel and start a new transfer transaction at the higher rate? Any advice appreciated
  6. He actually has a yellow book.apparently and long term lease. Long story but he was living here long term, went back to Aus to work...came back for a couple of weeks see wife and kids hence tourist visa. Things went south fast now he has to stay here to take care of his kids
  7. His lawyer sent him this
  8. Does anyone know if this is possible? Mate has the option to buy the car off his ex Mrs for peanuts but has been told he wont be able to own a vehicle on a short visa
  9. Any Australians have a handle on the new tax rules? I am about to bring in my yearly living expenses from my Superannuation account in Australia. The money is in the original Super account, I am of maturity age and the funds / interest are non taxable in Australia. I believe Australia has some sort of tax agreement with Australia. Am I going to be liable for 10% tax in Thailand on this transfer?
  10. The money isn't taxable in Australia, I assume not taxable in Thailand?
  11. What I am most interested in, in the interim is if I will have any delay or problem....extra paperwork to fill out with Wise, or is that all as normal? Will there be a hold up or issues with the bank (please explain etc) when the money hits the Thai bank?
  12. Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere but not a regular reader so may have missed it. About to transfer my yearly living expenses from Australia. Usually use Wise. Is there any new requirements re transferring money? Paperwork / declarations required? I am transferring from my superannuation account which is earning interest but non taxable in Australia as I have reached maturity age and it is my original Superannuation account that was paid into monthly when I was working. Will I need to declare or pay tax on this in a Thai tax declaration at the end of the year?....I assume no tax payable here as Australia / Thailand have a tax agreement? Has anything become clearer over the last few months? Any help appreciated
  13. I've seen that first hand as my wife used to work around the university. Usually Chinese looking girls. My guess is that they are usually forbidden to date until their education is finished. So maybe they try the next best thing?
  14. Some of mine had jobs, others didn't.... and this is another issue with Thailand and IMO very difficult to find a happy medium and a good reason to stay single. Often the ones with jobs are working long hours and 6 days a week. Then she has friends, family commitments and often meetings on days off. Difficult to organize a holiday or weekend away. Yeah I like to go away by myself and definitely like some time to myself but you seem to end up spending most of your time by yourself, waiting around and the whole thing seems pretty pointless. A nice chill girl would be fine at home providing she had some other interests apart from FB, sleeping and having random meltdowns. Yet to find one though. Usually we blokes have women here of differing age gaps and truth be told we have different priorities. We have been there done it all and happy to chill, take it easy....on the other hand they maybe in their early to mid life, never done anything much or been anywhere and they want to do it all. Relationships in Thailand, unless you find someone very compatible really are a drag in so many different ways. Better have your own space and just play the dating game or better still rent. Got a mate does exactly that for 5 years and he is happy as Larry. I remember waking up in the morning after every break up feeling like there was a pallet of bricks lifted off my chest. Bliss. No need to play all the mind games or need to entertain what is very much like a bored, petulent child.
  15. The working type for sure....in fact they are usually the most helpful and knowledgeable in shops and stores. Have met a few in bars seemed ok to....but perhaps not in a Bangkok / Pattaya bar or beach road
  16. Fairly easy if not living with them. Can be a real ordeal if you are living with them. In some cases under siege for months / years after. Complaints and attitude the whole time they are living with you. Refuse to help with anything in anyway. Main daily activities laying around on the sofa asleep / underfoot. Eating (cooked by others or food delivery). Scrolling through their phone envying others fantasy / BS Facebook lives or watching "hot news" (nothing resembling real news, usually villagers disputing who stole their chicken or other such important gossip). Waiting for you to entertain them or take them out somewhere. During the entire relationship they act like they are getting a shetty deal whilst bringing nothing to the table themselves except a lot of issues, baggage, negativity and intermittent screaming sessions...but refuse to go. It probably would be better if you had a new lady or at least tell them that so they have a reason to cite for the breakup....rather than soley because they weren't wanted and another one of their relationships has bit the dust. The endless cycle of the narcissist. Mind you they go around and say all that stuff anyway in a face saving attempt.
  17. I used to have that opinion mainly coming in contact with village / lay about type males but after 10 years have some very close Thai male friends...middle class, better educated. Certainly smart, great sense of humor, trustworthy, helpful...love a bbq and a drink. Very respectful intelligent caring family guys.
  18. From only what I have seen and experienced, there seems to be two distinct "types". Very quiet, well mannered, clean educated and business savy. They seem to have genuine lovers of the same sex. The other rough, unclean and paranoid and seem to have typical opportunist girl looking for a free ride whether it be male or female. Dare look at their women even glancing and you will be glared at. Where I live seem to come in contact more with the former. Same could be said of lady boys really. Some of the most helpful, well mannered and intelligent people I have met here but read many stories of drug addled psychos in tourist areas. Maybe comes down to the old good and bad in any group / race
  19. The worst thing about all this is the anti foreigner sentiment this stirs up, and as usual by the same person that stirred up all the Covid racisim. What the two guys in question did was arrogant, stupid and if proved guilty deserve what they get. To be honest I have seen much worse behavior and disrespect to Thais in tourist areas on a daily basis. The media information certainly doesn't look good but it ever there was a trial by media case it is this. Thailand also needs to remember there are more Thais living in foreign countries (and well looked after aka rights, welfare, medical services) than there are foreigners living in Thailand. If the circumstantial evidence is right, the two people in question deserve what they get, but its a shame there has been so much anti foreigner hatred stirred up as these two certainly don't represent the vast majority of peaceful and contributing foreigners living here.
  20. The closing of websites and companies pushing you to use their phone apps I am sure is so they can bombard you with their advertisements every day. I just bought a smart TV, major brand and part of the set up was registering and setting up the TV through the app. Added 30 minutes onto the installation and in the end had no bearing on the set up of the TV at all, nor can the app control the TV in anyway. I deleted the app but they have my emails address and am bombarded with Spam everyday. Some of the large supermarkets not to mention the phone companies are doing exactly the same thing. I guess it is cheap advertising for them though I doubt anyone ever reads their messages / emails. That all seemed to start during Covid when no one was paying attention, and you had to register at malls, track your movements etc, not that I ever gave them genuine details.
  21. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i3552012215-s13267606621.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1&tradePath=omItm&tradeOrderId=832074385946760&tradeOrderLineId=832074386046760&spm=spm%3Da2o42.order_details.item_title.1 I ended up getting this one, got another 400 baht off with there promotion. Not expecting hi fi but should be decent enough for me with the sub. I have a Samsung TV also so hoping it integrates using one remote. Would you use it bluetooth or better with an optical cable? Doesn't look like it has a HDMI connection. My experience Bluetooth pretty unreliable
  22. TBH not sure how much longer will be here / need it for so even 6000 more than I want to invest. In my experience in the past with home theater stuff the general run of the mill domestic brand name stuff like Pana / Samsung etc not that great and on par with lesser brand stuff about 1/4 of the price. If I was going to invest 6000 I would probably go a bit further and get something really decent / long term. These sound bars seem ok but I doubt any of them even expensive ones are going to be blow your socks off Hifi wise without sub and having tiny little speakers. A cheap soundbar for now with ARC / HDMI control that I can control with my existing TV remote should be good enough, I don't really want to use two different remotes.
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