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Everything posted by Kenny202

  1. You thought there would be something good to look at, as did I lol
  2. I got so much of that when I first came here I gave up asking people what they did back home. Even if some don't come right out and start telling you porkies about their black ops days, maybe I would say oh I'm glad you're not going to tell me a story about the CIA or when you were a Navy Seal....usual response....looking around warily as if other "operatives" may hear the conversation...."well I wasn't going to mention it but"....Ended up I did meet a guy worked in a CIA office SEA. Knew him for a year he never mentioned it. Only found out when I went to his house and saw the photos, awards and citations.
  3. Very funny and true! Thanks for the laugh lol
  4. As are most of your snarky comments above, usually cryptic replies and dead end thread links you post. I am not really asking much at all apart from is having a witness a legal requirement in any office or local rules and a rant. I've never found you helpful or knowledgable in anyway and you I assume the moderator on one of the most important forums on AN. You had 2 goes at getting a bite. There you go... U got one
  5. It's the one visa (parent of a Thai child) where they should show some understanding and leeway. My ex did the same thing and as I found out later she had abandoned other kids as well. Whats the alternative, just leave them here to fend for themselves? I found it very difficult the first time applying for the parental extension. It was apparent they really didn't want to do it. There was a new hoop to jump through every few days. Ended up a 5 trip visit, people from my moo baan posing for photos (try making a Thai woman understand you need to take photos in the bedroom, I don't understand it myself). Then requests for the same people from the moo baan to attend interviews....as if everyone has nothing better to do or can just take a day off work to help me out. I barely knew anyone here then too. Was pretty awful but once the first one is done not too bad
  6. Child was with me of course. What does it matter what office it is or what I state in my profile? You want to know where I live? I purposely don't post personal information on a public forum for a reason, nor should anyone else
  7. Went to immigration yesterday yearly parental extension. Had everything done and ready to go. Not my first rodeo. I went alone as GF had to take her son to the clinic. Another new requirement this year....asking for a "witness". I said witness to what....blank stare. Anyway had to return again this morning, 40km round trip to bring a "witness". Officer wasn't there 30 mins after opening so the Imm boss said all they need is GF signed ID and Tabien baan. Gave them that and came home. They actually asked if the landord could come as well yesterday. IO rang up and spoke to my GF and said if I live with someone they need to come with me. I rent and the lease is in my name. Is that a requirement or lets make it up as we go along thing? Then they asked my GF if we live like husband and wife or just live together like friends, and if there is anyone else living in the house. I always try and go with the flow, don't like to make problems but sheesh. Interestingly 2 days in a row I have been there 8.30 - 10am...big provincial office too. First morning no one there during the whole time....this morning one other farang. Mate of mine told me a visa agent told him they were going to drop the retirement financial requirement down to 400k. Anyone heard this? Have people left Thailand due to new tax laws?
  8. Thank you so much for taking the trouble. Have forwarded the information on to my friend
  9. Thanks for that. They have been mucking him around. After a month he inquired as to where the custody papers were, lawyer came back to him said he needed to provide a translated copy of his passport. He did that and now 2 months later she's still fobbing him. Keeps saying she will check it out. Did you have to register the custody court order with the Amphur?
  10. Looks awesome, so does the steak just quietly 🙂
  11. Garlic powders a great idea
  12. Almost given up on the potatoes here for chips. They are delicious for anything else but they just don't fry well. Usually soggy and oily I cut some up tonight, about medium size and par cooked them in the microwave for 8 minutes with a bit of water. Shook them around in a bag of flour and into the oil. Came out superb, brown and crispy. Next time I will try add some flavor to the flour, maybe some herbs, paprika. Give them a try 🙂
  13. Mate of mine just been through the ringer divorce, child custody etc. Did the court thing 3 months ago and he says he got full custody of the kids. He went and finalized the divorce yesterday. Too date he reckons he hasn't got anything showing he has full custody of the kids...a court order etc and he seems to feel like the lawyer is stalling him. I would have thought it would be notarized on the divorce papers. Just trying to help him out as hes taking care of two small toddlers on his own and a bit frazzled by it all. They did the divorce and custody thing all on the same day at court What is the procedure after the court judgement / divorce? What would he normally get to prove custody and what is the usual timeline after the court appearance? Is it a separate piece of paper or is it shown on the divorce papers? If the custody order / judgement is a separate piece of paper, after receiving it does he need to lodge it and have it stamped at the amphur? (When I did a paternity thing through court I had to then lodge the papers and have them stamped at the Amphur) Appreciate any help
  14. I've been using the same photo for 5 or 6 years and even then it was 10 years old lol. It looks nothing like me now. I don't think they even look at it to be honest
  15. Come to think of it I have a Google Pixel phone takes amazing portraits. I'll take a couple of photos myself and give it to the missus to take to the photo place in case they can't copy the original one.
  16. Thanks for the replies guys but not everyone lives in Pattaya lol. Not looking for a location. I am in the North East. Just asking generally if a photo shop can do this. I assume if one can they all can
  17. I don't want to sit for photos, I don't have time. Was hoping they could print a set from the one small photo I have
  18. I need to put in an application tomorrow with a small photo attached, about 6x4 cm. Photos are not for passport or anything. Need to be decent but not critical. Is it possible to get one of these small photo shops to copy my last original photo and make another set of prints? I have one small photo left from the last set I got professionally done.
  19. The thing is though, I will be applying for my extension 30-45 days before my current stay until date. Is the money supposed to be in the bank only on the the day of new extension application, the stay until date or date you receive approval back? (usually 1-2 weeks after stay until date)
  20. Going to apply for re extension of my parental visa early July (45 days before due / stay until date expires).....stay until date mid August. I believe for a parental extension the 400k only needs to be in the bank the day of application, but my IO requires 2 months before applying, no problem. What I am concerned about is that the balance may not still be 400k on the day the actual extension renews in August, and when I pick it up after it has been approved (after under consideration period) a week or two after expiry date. Will balance under 400k the day my extension expires or when I pick up the new extension be a problem? In 6 years I have never been asked to show bank balance when picking up the (new) approved extension. I have enough money to top it up, but my money is invested back home and bit of a hassle to transfer a smaller amount.... particularly when the only reason I would need extra is for the extension.
  21. That's what I was told by my fund. Not that I would trust them but when they checked while I was talking to them on line no appreciable difference in fees.
  22. Well there is another thing I found...no mention of it on their paper application...only online application. I thought maybe it had something to do with money laundering laws or something. I seem to remember seeing it somewhere though for Australian Super when I googled it. I actually sent it to someone else who asked me about it. Here it is here, not sure if this is online or just their blurb. It is actually from Australian Super
  23. I actually posted an enquiry on the ATO forum. Very simple question. Can a non resident for tax purposes convert a super account to a pension stream and if so does that person need to be physically in Australia to apply. At first a consultant replied and said they would find out. Came back later and said I need to submit my enquiry by written mail aka too hard basket. I am with Colonial and even they couldn't give me a straight answer but there online app does state you need to be a resident for tax purposes and later in the application says you need to be in Australia when lodging the application and at the time the super company accepts it. I could have probably completed the application (I can use my sons address) I wasn't worried so much about the Super company as much as the tax issues and possible future fines and back payments. I still don't know if it is a n ATO requirement or super company requirement and seemingly neither do they
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