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Everything posted by Kenny202

  1. Prefer a place has a bit of western / Thai style.....not just Isaan or Thai. Reasonably priced ???? Thanks in advance
  2. I was under the impression if I leave my super in the original fund, and draw bits and pieces of it, the remaining balance can sit in the fund accruing tav free interest. I was under the impression if I drew it all out and invested somewhere else it would then be taxable. Is that right?
  3. Hi all, I am guessing this topic has been done to death. I scroll through the news on Asean now everyday and seems to be two very polar opposite schools of thought re it will effect the average expat or it definitely wont. My situation is that I have superannuation (mandatory superannuation investment fund) in Australia. I draw on this once or twice a year for living expense. the money in my super account was paid in monthly during my working life so I assume this money has already been taxed? The money sits in the super account and continues to attract interest which for me at retirement age I believe is tax fee in Australia. We aren't talking about millions of dollars by the way. I will also be on the Australian pension in the years to come. It is my money, I earned it and was with held during my working days. I have no other income in Thailand or Australia nor do I file a tax return in either country. I live in Thailand permanently. Are the new rules if they come to fruition likely to effect me...or are we going to have to get some damn certificate from my bank to give our Thai bank or something every time we bring money in to prove it is non taxable? Not like the Thai government to blab out some ill thought out dreamed up scheme without thinking it through or sharing the details (I doubt they even know themselves yet) I understand the change of law is predominantly to plug a loop hole where people (Thais?) can earn money / invest in other countries and simply leave it there for more than a year and the money is non taxable / non declarable when the funds are returned to Thailand after the 1 year.
  4. One of the reasons we like where we stay. The beach seems super safe, you would need to walk out 500 meters to be in water higher than waist deep. very safe for the kids. No drop offs or channels. I used to be a lifesaver back home and never looked like there would be rips here though of course things can change. Have seen it windy and rough a couple of times there but the water stirs up pretty bad so not like you would want to swim anyway. The currents / rips around these Islands must get pretty bad though as drownings among tourists seem to be fairly common. The beach for us more for the kids to play on the sand and go for walks. hard to beat the beautiful pools in the resort for swimming, even when raining.
  5. We have been there quite a few times this time of year and never experienced any beach digging or anything that inconvenienced us. Was pretty drear last time we went about 2 years ago so many businesses gone, and not shut up.....cleared out and left for good....but otherwise we don't do much apart from go to the beach and swim at the hotel pool. Got a few favorite restaurants which have always been open. Any touristy sights or tours etc doesn't interest us. In any case we have 2 kids at school (just started school holidays) , and the beach is a 10 hour drive for us so popping over for a weekend or 2 or 3 days not really convenient so we don't really have a lot of choice. Come to think of it we been lucky in that respect too, I don't remember it ever raining while we were there but was a bit windy and overcast last time. usually we go mid to late September. But thanks for the info ????
  6. I actually picked a little 100w Hitachi 220/100v transformer up off Lazada 300 baht. Damn hard to find with Lazada's crappy search but got there in the end. I did talk to my guitar amp technician....he did actually say 110 volt would be no problem at all and that guy knows his shet ????
  7. Thanks Crossy, it does say 50/60hz. I will give it a whirl. Pretty sure I have used them before. It is nearly impossible to find 100vac step downs here at any price and the rare few are too pricey or actually questionable if actually 100v and not 110v
  8. Got a 100vac amp I got from Japan. Very easy to buy a 110v step down transformer but not so easy to find 100vac. What do you think Crossy? Would 110v be ok / not damage the electronics? Our power supply here is so variable anyway. The amp is 60w and the power supply is 100w so that's covered. Appreciate the help ????
  9. We eat at Uturn a fair bit. I think they are Cambodian? Lovely family, great food, great prices and close to where we stay ????
  10. Far from a tourist trap. Most untouristy tropical island I've ever been to. No high rise, real village feel and everything so cheap. Infact theirs not much to do but enjoy the natural surroundings
  11. Thanks for that ???? You can walk in and pay for breakfast without staying there? Any idea of cost?
  12. I do think the online only fans etc is and will eventually kill off the bars. Girls seem less interested every year. I can remember years ago a mate of mine saying was like having a bunch of cats rubbing up against you walking into a bar. These days they won't look up from their phone. Probably waiting for someone to request an online show and nip in the dunny for a quick virtual 1000 baht. I saw one chick on only fans....very ordinary overweight village women who had 300 subscribers at $10 us a month. And on top of that premium private shows / videos. Pretty serious coin for not leaving ur house and not getting pawed by some old sweaty fat drunk ( like me ????)
  13. We got a couple of fave restaurants there. Awesome food and cheaper than a city restaurant. Tourist area with country prices...applies to most things there
  14. While we're at it, hotel we normally stay great location and everything else but breakfast a bit ordinary. Can anyone recommend a good buffet breaky somewhere?
  15. Actually it popped up on our Facebook a couple of weeks ago as a memory on Facebook from two years ago when we would have been there about when you said. The water / beach was pretty ordinary then too and weather overcast most days.
  16. I think last time we came high season just after Covid was like a ghost town. No one on the beach and so many businesses boarded up
  17. Anyone live there have any idea if it is a busy time or not? We don't like the crowds ????
  18. Reminds me of living in several villages here, always a village lao khao drunk. Usually dressed in his Sunday best, hair dyed like he's still a bit of a catch and the village playboy. Wandering the sois with a big watermelon eating grin, biting people for 20 baht....hoping no one will notice lol ????
  19. I got an app has all the latest news feeds in Thailand (if you can call it that lol). Asean now posts pop up in that. I wouldn't be purposefully looking for any info or life tips in Glamma's posts 5555. Poor bugger, at least he's positive and refuses to be offended
  20. Lol. I can assure you I don't read them. Take some pills and go.have a lay down. Stop.wasting your life writing out these endless, meaningless scribes. You're welcome ????
  21. I hate that I have to scroll through your drivel everyday just to check on any visa changes, news etc. Have you considered seeing a professional? I pity anyone unlucky enough to have to live with you ????
  22. I use a margarine I buy from Makro in 1kg packs....brand is Blue Band. Has a really nice buttery taste and excellent for cooking. Usually near the mayo area. Was 60 baht a couple of years recently increased to 110 baht. Recipe Jeff the Chef uses exactly the same as mine but I just do mine in the mixer. Crumb the butter and flour first on low. Then add water a little at a time until dough pulling cleanly away from the bowl and nice and pliable. I use the dough for the casings of my pies and puff pastry on top
  23. Makro sell frozen puff pastry sheets, very good too. Usually near the bread / bakery area in the freezer. If you want a basic pie crust recipe pm me. Very easy to make....flour, butter, water. Got a great aussie meat pie filling recipe too ????
  24. I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you
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