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Posts posted by z42

  1. Simply put, the world at large is moving even further away from what the Paris agreement set up. More fossil fuels than ever are being burned, car sales in many countries are skyrocketing, pollution by plastic has been found to contribute greenhouse gases which was unknown before.

    Basically put, the planet is <deleted>.. Things have gone too far. I feel for the youngest generation who are going to face this monster in its full glory head on in decades to come.

  2. All the right noises. But a shame that it's just that, noise.

    Go to any Thai market, shop, or supermarket and see how the locals use plastic without even a second thought.

    If they want to think outside the box, they could get some of these celebs they've bought to make reusable bags, cups and the like more fashionable.

    On a somewhat positive note the Yeti cups and tumblers )for example) are hugely popular and that can only be a good thing, yet only a miniscule step in the right direction

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