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Posts posted by z42

  1. here's a wacky idea, harness the power of that giant shiny thing in the sky that is seen for umpteen hours everyday, or those invisible gusts that blow in off the sea each day, or maybe even get onto some guy named Elon Musk, am sure he'll have a few ideas for stuff that might work.

    But obviously as the purveyors of such radical tech give significantly thinner envelopes it's a total non-starter

  2. Absolutely ridiculous. This was a rally of 5 plus with direct political agendas at its core.

    Obviously as those attending are paid junta shills they won't be getting slapped with charges for protesting near palaces or walking in a political fashion or some other BS contravention the junta cronies dream up.

    Probably the most pathetic rally i have seen yet

  3. 43 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

    Democracy includes freedom of speech. The right to able to discuss and debate. And though this discussing and debating may offend some, it’s just part of life. It’s how we ‘develop’ as humans. 


    As long as he’s blocking free speech, he’s nothing that even resembles a politician nor does he know anything about democracy. It can’t be Thai democracy because that’s not democracy. Don’t like it? Block yourself off from the world. Enjoy your homemade cars and technology. (And watches)

    Hardly blocking free speech. Try criminalizing it. 

    And idiots like big P don't understand irony, would actually be quite scary if they did tbh.

    As long as this guy has bootlickers with deep pockets and high level contacts he's safe. 

    The rank and file Thais don't seem to see this trainwreck for what it is yet, but the scandals they do see are waking a few more up. Little by little the junta are killing themselves

  4. Scum, I just hope CSI LA has been digging it dirt on Prayuth also, his uexplainable wealth is being overlooked and has been the case since 2014 when he said something to the extent of "don't ask me about this now".


    The military brass are a reprehensible bunch, can't think of even 1 honouable guy in the whole bunch. What a disgrace

  5. 25 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

    They found mainly ICE. Sure that's not as harmful as alcohol? Now please, take a moment and think again. ICE as in Meth less harmful than alcohol is that what you are saying??

    No. Crystal meth and ketamine was found on the floor but the article makes no mention of what drugs those arrested were taking. You can assume but that is up to you.


    For all we know they could have pissed positive for weed, mdma, or something else much less harmful than alcohol or crystal meth.


    Get down off your high horse. Unless people are endangering others while intoxicated it is my personal opinion that the cops have no moral justification for making you piss in a pot.


    You can argue the toss all you want. It is a sick law and is open to blatant abuse by a police force with one of the worst track records for fiddling drug tests and planting drugs going.


    These youngsters now have criminal records and it will make their futures a lot more complicated, i think this is too high a price to pay. Prohibition has failed miserably and does much more harm than good



  6. It's a sick law. The proven most harmful drug of all, alcohol is sold freely and aggressively while recreational drugs which have never been proven undoubtedly to be as harmful as alcohol can make users be charged simply for taking them.


    I obviously accept that recreational drugs impair a person significantly, but what business is that of the authorities unless the person is driving or operating complex machinery. 


    These piss tests are purely a money maker for corrupt cops. Nothing more

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