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Posts posted by z42

  1. Probably a misunderstanding or a plot to defame the RTP and RTA. You can rest assured those involved will be swiftly transferred to the ever swelling inactive post department :bah: and then when all is conveniently forgotten, given free lcence to crack on with the shakedowns

  2. A true clown show, staffing should hardly be a problem as the number of civil service personnel in this country is mind bogglingly large to begin with.. But the crux is that a lot of said personnel don't work to any kind of regulated / organized system.

    I remember the last time I came through to Suvarnabhumi travelling from another ASEAN country, the muppet on the immigration desk for my line (foreign passport) was in no hurry whatsover.. The ASEAN lanes were moving very smoothly, yet the officer on my lane actually came out to an ever growing line to shore it up needlessly.
    He then proceeded to scrutinize my passport and long term non B visa even though everything was completely in order... Because of limited pages he was even mumbing in Thai about that not knowing that I can understand a fair bit of the lingo here... Without even a smile, bashes some stamps in, grumbles and flings my passport back.... Basically saying piss off, there is nothing I could ruin your day properly for.
    I expect rotten service from time to time here from those in a uniform... But for other travellers it would have looked utterly dreadful and left a highly negative impression. Same with some members of the immigration staff in my province,  true battle axes that don't give a flying one about good and speedy service with a smile. TIT

  3. Absolutely dreadful. No 500 baht fines, no phony trips to the wat, no stupid wai's and hollow apologies. Regardless of the provocation once u start laying the boot into a guy's head when he is grounded / unconscious it should be treated as attempt to kill / seriously injure.

    All involved should get double digits in jail. This nonsense from the idiots stamping and those in QC robes and brown uniforms needs to be stopped now.. 

    Get a grip Thailand and get proper justice for the victim

  4. You would think this kind of thing would spur the authorities into radically changing the approaches to dealing with soi dogs.

    I expect little more than a committee set up, a bigwig making an announcement that all rabid dogs are gone from tourist areas and how that soi dogs are actually all wondetfully cared for and don't ever bite people really ?

    This episode is the epitome of a scandal now and will be compounded with the follow up steps no doubt.

  5. ? for christ sakes I do wish those idiots from NK would give it a rest. The regime there is far and away the most repulsive the world has seen in a century or more.

    The gulags are overflowing, the regime uses farmland for opium production, food aid is diverted to feed the army, and young orphans are basically sectioned in secure units so they starve to death in isolation.

    The problem is unsolvable without intervention of some kind. But China still have their back, and therein lies the major stumbling block..

    The sooner China cuts them adrift properly will be the day progress will be made.. appalling situation ?

  6. So a drunk idiot waves a loaded gun around because his ego was battered so easily.

    This is the calibre of people in the armed forces. It obviously looks bad enough on first glance, but this is just pathetic. 

    Wonder if the gunman will get any more punishment. If i was a betting man, my money would be on the uploader of the video to lose a ton of cash fighting spurious defamation suits.

    I would say we'll see about that, but dreadful follow up reporting means we very likely won't

  7. Pathetic that this happens tbh. I have seen incredibly competent Thai teachers whack students with a bamboo stick before.

    Actually spoke to the teacher about why do it. They said its closely tied with militaristic style of discipline which is the only way the students (mostly boys) learn and went on to openly admit that the majority of said students had no mental capacity to be talked round.

    Kind of fits in with the way most disputes are settled here. Violence first and a pathetic wai and hollow apology after the fact.


    Teacher in this case obviously went way too far. Should never teach again, but will probably be transferred elsewhere so no more face is lost.. TIT ?

  8. Disgusting. This idiot shouldn't get bail as he is seemingly wanting to take responsibility but not reported to be paying back the money he owes or replacing the items he broke (implied).

    I wish the Thai inmates were like latin American ones. This grub would be getting brutalized daily. With his money and status here he will never even be jailed for any amount of time if history tells us anything ?

  9. Drown that disgraceful mutt in the river (and consider doing the same to his dog).....But god damn why is common sense so thin on the ground here when you work for the authorities? Once is understandable, five times is just rididculous. Hope the poor young kid gets handsomely compensated by the lazy, idiotic dog owner and makes a full recovery

  10. Absolute pish as per, the biggest problem I see here is an oversized, over budgeted military whose brass don't and never have wanted to relinquish the fruits borne from being the biggest power broker in the country.. And also a military who in the last year especially have practically lost their reason for being.

    This deluded fool Prayuth can point the finger wherever he likes, but by not admitting that the army itself being the biggest problem is demonstrating textbook denial. His coup has achieved almost nothing positive that the country can look back fondly on

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