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Posts posted by z42

  1. Wondering what my dad is doing writing the headlines ?

    But in all seriousness the African men are very well known for dealing gear in that area (not sure if they're known for anything else tbh).


    But having a guy getting lifted for dealing by possessing little over half a gram of ya ice is outrageous..


    And another thing i read last week was about trying to reduce numbers of those incarcerated.. Yet when the cops are trying to arrest people for pissing positive for drugs it is either a shakedown tactic or at odds with the wider attempts to lighten the prisoner numbers.

    Pissing positive should NOT be an issue unless a person is driving, operating machinery, or has committed serious violent crimes immediately before the tests 

  2. All this whole disgraceful episode proves is that all involved in shielding, abetting, and taking envelopes from this filthy rich parasite family have absolutely zero moral fibre whatsoever. And still not a mention to reforming the legal system to do away wth the statute of limitations for those crooks who decide to run abroad. Or better still do trials in absentia when the person in question is clearly avoiding the process, as is clearly the case here

  3. 22 minutes ago, bheard said:

    Normally the courts here seem to be overly generous with bail requests. Nice to see them refuse this one, although the reason given in the report does not make for clarity.

    Totally agree here, some of the bail requests are absurd in both the nature of the request itself (to appeal a conviction despite confessing to the crime to reduce the sentence) and the circumstances of it being granted (after death sentences have been passed for example).

    In this case, I believe that because the facts of the case are indisputable (the lady forged the documents with correction fluid, and the evidence of a payment to her for doing so was shown electronically) then there is basically nothing to appeal, they are bang to rights and basically must present new evidence to quash a rightful conviction. This guy is fully deserving, I remember when he got sentenced to 13 years, paid his bail and then was back to presenting his show the next morning. Unbelievable arrogance that shows his moral code to a tee.

  4. In a word, diabolical. I maintain that there is not a single piece of evidence in this case that proves beyond any doubt that these Burmese lads currently on death row raped and killed anyone. The evidence presented simply doesn't stand up to scrutiny, and the fact that the only evidence that was scrutinized (the murder weapon) didn't have any trace of the supposed killers on it, NONE.

    This is a fit up, pure and simple, and a horribly constructed one at that. The fact that the phone evidence has been used in such a way (a way that does not prove either rape or murder) then it should be another major piece needed to exonerate the B2. Shame on the UK authorities for their conduct also, an utter disgrace however you spin it.

  5. Asylum. What a joke, she is guilty of at the very least criminal negligence, or looking the other way to frankly unchecked corruption by those in her party. As a UK citizen I would be disgusted if she was to be granted asylum, especially when there are many hundreds of thousands of INNOCENT people fleeing actual harm in their home nations.

    Can only keep repeating that this idiotic woman is NOT THE VICTIM OF ANYTHING THAT WASN'T OF HER OWN MAKING. She is fleeing rightful criminal prosecution, and that should provide no grounds for asylum whatsoever.


  6. So many detractors of the current regime seem to think their blatant corruption and outright criminal behaviour makes Yingluck some kind of heroine.

    It simply doesn't stack up imho, she was negligent in performing the role of PM and was little more than a puppet for her criminal brother Thaksin.

    The fact she ran says a lot about her moral courage. On more than 1 occasion she claimed she would be ready to die for democracy, yet at the first sign of a major hurdle she bolted off to join her criminal brother.


    The disgusting nature of Prayuth's govt is undeniable. However YS has shown her true colours here. 

    Thailand has some wonderful young figures such as Netiwit, Ja new, Pai Dao Din and others.. What potential Thailand could meet if people like that got a real platform to make a difference. The shin rein is over, but a whole population will now be looking for new faces. I would prefer to be hopeful than cynical for the next chapter

  7. As despicable as the courts and the current junta are, people are seemingly overlooking the fact that on the charge of negligence she is guilty as sin. The scheme was awash with corruption (as proved in the auditing of the rice warehouses and ridiculous amounts of money swallowed up by it).

    Several agencies including the NACC informed YS of endemic corruption, she did nothing drastic, and even reportedly threatened the accuser. She also reportedly never attended any meetings as chair of the sceheme committee, and by any standards that doesn't look good.

    I am under the impression that the supreme court is the highest court in Thailand. And those found guilty surely should have to serve whatever sentences are given, the notion of seeking bail after being found guilty and setenced (even sometimes to death) is completely absurd and immoral. Jail isn't, and certainly never should be viewed merely as a dank hellhole to ship misbehaving poor people and scapegoats off to.

    I can't quite grasp how people think Yingluck should get off scot free just because a disgraceful junta is holding the reins of power currently

  8. It seems like this woman is a prime advocate FOR drink driving in Thailand. She has basically shown that the consequences are negligible, and that if u drive a better than average motor you're basically free to do as you want as long as you're happy to share out a few baht if your recklessness ends up killing someone.

    This <deleted> needs to drag her ugly carcass back under a rock again ?

  9. If they were serious they'd just request a red notice.. Their reasons for requesting a blue notice absolutely reek of suspicion.

    Even if he went through the courts he'd still never go to jail.. Look at what happened with Jenphop. Even when he was bang to rights, a confession to halve the sentence was given, yet he still appealed and is out on bail now.


    Boss's facebook page would be interesting. But it is hard to find. Maybe it's in Thai

  10. I fear that no court is going to do the right thing in this case. From the RTP 's perspective it is a home run, the fallout from an obvious fit up wasn't as messy and prolonged as it could've been, and as an added bonus they reeled in 1 of the victim's families hook, line, and sinker to support the verdict.

    The local mafia got off fairly easy, everyone very likely got a nice envelope, and business is booming on koh tao in spite of a ridiculous body count.

    These poor boys are done for. But looking at the situation back home in Rakhine state I doubt their existence there would be ideal either.

    I wish them well, but this setup works best for Thailand's face even though it portrays all those involved as having less morals than a sewer rat

  11. The army captain is oviously covered in it, but will the cops have the balls to do anything about it.. My money is on no, but some social media hype might force theirs and the army's hands... Thoughts are with her family at this time.

    Also smh about lending money to people in uniforms here, you might as well gift wrap it for them.. Chances of it coming back are slim i'd say

  12. As Candide said in the above post, the fact Suthep who is a total crook believes so highly in the righteous judgements of Thai courts is frankly absurd. I personally believe that YS is guilty of negligence (knowingly or unknowlingly), and I also believe that she should have some recourse for that as I have paid taxes in this country, and I do feel some accountability is needed for what was a corruption riddled scheme.

    I have no sympathy for YS, not 1 iota, I also hold the coupmakers and utterly rotten ex politicians and army brass in complete contempt for their bleating of the law, order, and accountability rhetoric.. All have amassed insane wealth that would never stand up to proper scrutiny.. Bottom line, the only good people in this whole thing are the hard working folks whose tax money has been squandered and robbed. And I do think the way the junta handles the crowds come verdict time will come back to bite them later

  13. Appalling, despicable, outrageous.. Call it what you want, but when these brain dead idiots go around murdering one another in public for absolutely no reason whatsoever, then you really have to ask why it is in the public interest to release them on bail.

    Pai Dao Din spent 8 months in detention before his trial and his only offence was sharing the same story 2600 other people did.

    Another example of Thailand's scandalous legal system at its absolute worst ??

  14. Obviously an appalling crime, and my condolences go out to the victims and their families. But the fb memes, colour banners and the outpourings of "what is the world coming to" by western citizens en masse just go to show how ignorant they are to the atrocities committed daily in less developed lands.

    The Islamic terror problem isn't going away. The plots are becoming so simple that not even the dimmest of these idiots can screw up, it is a worry for sure 

  15. Idiots like this are a dreadful example of Thai people. They are akin to trailer trash who think that by having some money and status in Thailand means they can do as they do back home while holidaying in America or wherever they go.

    Their reaction when confronted here shows clearly that they knew they were in the wrong, but by being beligerrent en masse their accuser would back off.

    It'd be interesting to see if any more comes of this. I hope some more face lost at the very least

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