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Posts posted by z42

  1. Embarrassing legal system. Has failed every party except the guy in the dock.

    What use is a confession when the crime is on video and the wrongdoing is plain to see?

    And appealing an already halved sentence when it was already commuted generously is a disgrace. I hope the sentence is at least served although i guess it won't be


  2. Dreadful but not at all surprising. Blaming the dead guy from the outset. I am no expert but would have thought that safety features on such equipment for public use should be numerous and as a result negate such an occurence.


    I guess the only consolation is that these cowboys are in the nick already, with their attitudes like they are i hope they have a lengthly stay 

  3. Embarrassing. Ever trying to move the goalposts and even with the ridiculously low requirements you would bet your house on a healthy % of the candidates butchering the tests.

    Where i work currently is reputed to be one of the best schools in the region, yet 90% of the staff have absolutely no English ability at all.

    Face saving and doing everything the Thai way shows that it is merely turd polishing. Many of my students however have English skills to die for. And a good chunk who got into the school "Thai style" are an utter embarrassment. 

    The rot starts at the top and nobody gives a flying one.. TIT  ?

  4. While i don't condone hit and runs I also don't think the owner is blameless just letting the dog sit in the road.

    Friends of mine have been injured when dogs have run in front of their bikes, and also i know of people being attacked by unrestrained dogs in public places.

    I feel for the dog dying like it did, but these netizens getting irate about a dog when their country is going to the dogs rapidly (pun intended) is a clear window into why the main problems are getting overlooked because of frankly trivial stuff like this  

  5. These cretins are fooling nobody. I'd be impressed if there was some real efforts made in the first instance but it appears that cremating the body asap was task number 1.

    The notion of face trumps any actual search for truth here.. Their fit up of the B2 will always be the yardstick, that was a huge story and the fallout was manageable.

    Feel sorry for her relatives. They'll be getting no truthful answers anytime soon

  6. What confusion. The rules seem pretty clear, if they're illegal the police should do what needs to be done (by the book). If they are legal and complying with the new rules (which many are in the process of doing now) then leave them alone and stop shaking them down as if it is your right to do so.
    Many migrant workers here are salt of the earth types, work damn hard day in day out in horrendous conditions, and take home a pittance of money for their efforts, yet they are still seen as fair game for being shaken down even more. The officials involved at any level are scum of the earth. The only thing S44 needs to be used for here is to ensure that those guilty of orchestrating this theft from the poor skip a trip to the inactive post office and instead head straight for a place in a squalid prison cell.

  7. This guy is an utter scumbag.. The only way the authorities can compensate this girl is get all the money and interest asap, and ensure this filthy scrotum of a lawyer gets double digits in jail and has to wear a huge sign around his neck saying what he's in for every day he is inside.

    I hope this brave young lady Beam can enjoy a better quality of life in future with the money she deserves. I seriously hope the authorities and society at large come good on this

  8. If she wasn't involved in the crime what exactly was her role in that pathetic re enactment then I wonder..

    If all she is involved in is keeping very bad company, then i do feel bad for her.. Obviously she has done some ill deeds since knowing of the killing, but if evidence can prove she was elsewhere she should get some leniency.

    Certainly worked when Nomsod re Koh Tao murders wheeled the obviously bogus condo cctv footage out.. More double standards maybe ? 

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