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Everything posted by candide

  1. The YouGov poll you linked (showing the 41% vs 41% you mentioned,) is from 15 June. I wrote "recent posts". I cannot read the other link
  2. It will surely be remembered as a period of history during which baseless conspiracy theories have flourished....
  3. And? It's within the margin of error of what other polls are showing. For example, the aggregation of different polls shows: 43.7% for Biden 44.1% for Trump 0.4% difference between the two, which has a low statistical significance https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls#google_vignette Edit. What is your source? It seems there is no recent YouGov poll with the results you mentioned
  4. It seems you have no idea of how polling organisations are working and/or you don't like the result so you criticize it. These organisations have long-tested procedures to ensure that results are reliable (at the time they conduct the survey). Of course, inside a margin of error they calculate and indicate. Two hints for you: - In the document linked by JonnyF, they have calculated the weighted sample, it means they have corrected the weight of the different categories to make sure it reflects the composition of the UK population. So no "chose the demographics" B.S. - as concerns YouGov, they have used the same methodology over several years, and they were showing a stronger support for Brexit at different periods of time. So when they were showing stronger support for Brexit, they were also wrong? https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/articles-reports/2023/07/18/britons-would-vote-rejoin-eu
  5. Lucky for UK that the EU is not its first trade partner, so it wouldn't be affected by a crisis in Germany and/or in the EU! Oh wait a minute... ????
  6. It seems that right-wing media are also starting to find Trump embarrassing. No headline about the interview on the Washington Examiner website, and a rather critical article with a small headline on the NYPost website: Legal experts that have been publicly critical of Trump pounced on that segment of the wide-ranging interview. “Trump just threw his whole ‘following my lawyers’ advice’ defense under the bus. No, let me correct that: — not just under the bus but under a roaring, speeding, ginormous freight train . . . .,” Harvard University professor emeritus Laurence Tribe posted on X, formerly Twitter. “And here is where Trump loses his defense that he relied on his lawyers,” attorney and former Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-Va.) said. https://nypost.com/2023/09/17/trump-it-was-my-decision-to-believe-2020-election-was-rigged/
  7. Former President Donald Trump delivered a laundry list of his familiar election lies and other false claims – plus some new falsehoods on subjects ranging from abortion laws to his policy on dealing with drug cartels – in an interview that aired Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/17/politics/fact-check-donald-trump/index.html
  8. What is so difficult for you to understand? The ONS changed the calculation method by applying the SUT framework. The previous numbers were initially calculated with the "old" method (as well as GDP numbers from other G7 countries to which UK GDP growth was compared). Applying the SUT framework leads to increased GDP numbers. Other countries have not implemented this framework as UK did (it's time-consuming and requires significant resources). When other countries will apply it fully, it is likely that their GDP numbers will be also be increased, and that the gap between UK and other G7 or the Eurozone will remain at a similar level. Explanations about the new calculation method here: https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/grossdomesticproductgdp/articles/impactofbluebook2023changesongrossdomesticproduct/2023-09-01
  9. Palestinians are to a large extent of Hebrew origin, so they also have had a presence in the land for 3000 years. Rural Hebrew often stayed and converted later to Christianism and Islam for various reasons. https://m.jpost.com/magazine/features/the-lost-palestinian-jews
  10. As well as the eagerness of the not invisible hand of financial interests get rid of these regulations.
  11. And these three have been quite influential. It says a lot about the current state of the GOP.
  12. You may not share her political stance, but she's far from being stupid. For example: "Ocasio-Cortez attended Boston University, where she double-majored in international relations and economics, graduating cum laude." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandria_Ocasio-Cortez
  13. Not sure! MAGA voters have even been able to elect a dead pimp before! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2018/11/07/pro-trump-pimp-dennis-hof-wins-nevada-election-weeks-after-he-died.html
  14. Around 50% of Republicans believe the Big Lie. Not true? 43% of Republican believed pizzagate conspiracy theory, not true? Do 50% of Democrats believe that Trump has been elected thanks to massive voter fraud? Did 43% of Democrats believe that Republicans used to rape, and drink the blood of children in the basement of a pizzeria which has no basement?
  15. And one sentence summarises it quite well! "Because the defendant cannot point to any statements expressing actual bias, all he can say—and he says it repeatedly—is that the Court's comments 'suggest' some sort of bias or prejudice toward the defendant," Smith added.
  16. Disagreeing on opinions is not necessarily bad. It's part of the democratic debate and plays an essential role in democracies. It may lead to convergence of opinions, at least on some issues. However, there can be no democratic debate when facts are not acknowledged. If you ask so-called left-wing members (who are actually "center" by international standards), whether Biden is too old, most of them would agree to it. That's a fact. The disagreement is about whether being old is equivalent to being inefficient. And in this case again, we find the issue of facts. There are uncontestable facts: GDP growth compared to comparable countries (ex G7), inflation compared to other countries, unemployment rate compared to previous periods of time, evolution of wholesale oil price worldwide. There could be an interesting discussion about how and why, and to which extent the Biden administration may be responsible for it. It happens sometime, but it's usually just "Biden old", "Biden is ruining the economy" etc... Haven't you noticed the number of post recalling the same facts over and over, in response to posts making the same baseless claims over and over? And again, some issues are more fundamental than others, such as elections. What to say to elections deniers? "You are a bit right"? Would it decrease their confidence in the big lie, or instead increase it? In other western democracies, there may be strong divergences of opinions, and as I said It's not necessarily a bad thing. Facts may be sometimes "forgotten", downplayed, over-emphasised, etc... but I have never observed such a level of denial of facts as in the U.S. by the current dominant right-wing stream.
  17. The problem that, if they really do it seriously, there won't be any influential persons left. ????
  18. Your post is a good demonstration of what I explained in my initial post. There can be no agreements whith people living in an alternate universe .
  19. No no! We have posters here claiming that the GOP decision has nothing to do with Trumps impeachment! ????
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