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Everything posted by candide

  1. It's completely irrelevant. That was before elections, and at that time Democrat voters were worried about voter supression and foreign interference (from the linked article), not fraud. Republican voters believed they would be fraud (Trump was already making this claim before elections, as every time he expected to lose). No precise claims have been made at that time. After claims have been made and debunked by recounts, audits, judges, etc... and several Republicans having stated or even testified that it was B.S., Republicans are still claiming elections have been rigged. Facts: no significant voter suppression and no significant voter fraud occurred in 2020. Only on one side did opinions ultimately conform to facts.
  2. The key problem is not the presence of different point of views, it is about disagreeing on facts or just ignoring them (and that's a polite way to express it). For example, more than 50% of Republicans think the 2020 elections have been rigged and that Trump was the winner (including members of this forum).
  3. So, the NYPost got a copy of the laptop 3 years ago, from Giuliani who got it 4 years ago. Are you believing that: - if there were any incriminating evidence on the laptop, the right-wing NYPost would not have already found it and published it? - If there were any incriminating evidence on the laptop, Giuliani, whose mission for Trump has been to get dirt on Biden, would not have disclosed it? Really?
  4. I agree. If Hunter Biden is found guilty by a Jury, he should be punished in the same way as anyone else would be, not more nor less. No rant about corrupt judge and other B.S.
  5. So the max. production has been 13,000 (during one month only), and was 12,844 in May (the last available number). And that would be enough to consider Biden responsible for the oil price increase which occurred during the last three months? You can't be serious! On top of it, crude oil exports are now higher than under Trump (not to mention the surge in gas production and exports). https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MCREXUS1&f=M in
  6. It seems you are getting it the wrong way. It's not hate which leads to dislike what Trump does or says. It's what Trump does and says which generates hate. Actually It's not really hate, It's more like contempt. Ahem! Science and facts?
  7. Why doesn't the House committee just subpoena Hunter Biden? I find it very strange. It looks like they don't want to do it for some reason.
  8. Let's start with an easy one! Jim Jordan Just Got Busted With Evidence Of His Hunter Biden Lies https://www.politicususa.com/2023/04/21/jim-jordan-just-got-busted-with-evidence-of-his-hunter-biden-lies.html
  9. As usual with MAGA posters, it seems that you pick up what you like in a testimony, and ignore what you don't like. Archer also told that discussions on the phone with Biden were casual and not about business, and that Joe was not involved in their business. He also gives some explanations about their work for Burisma. As to explanations about Hunter's revenues, you can also find them in his testimony during the July 26 hearing.
  10. And one major cause is the increase of oil price worlwide recently. Are you claiming that Biden is responsible for the recent global oil price increase? https://oilprice.com/oil-price-charts/
  11. And (before and) after that, Trump will claim elections have been rigged.....
  12. November 2022 https://truthout.org/articles/twice-impeached-trump-wants-to-know-how-many-times-gop-will-impeach-biden/ https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/biden-impeachment-trump-republicans-midterms-1234625755/
  13. And the best source is this one (a bit long to read) https://www.justsecurity.org/66271/timeline-trump-giuliani-bidens-and-ukrainegate/
  14. Sure! https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/12/trump-privately-discussed-biden-impeachment-with-house-gopers-00115357 https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4174481-trump-presses-republicans-to-impeach-biden-or-fade-into-oblivion/ https://truthout.org/articles/twice-impeached-trump-wants-to-know-how-many-times-gop-will-impeach-biden/
  15. One of the lowest inflation rates in G7. Not to mention the highest GDP growth in G7, and also record- low unemployment. Several accomplishments, indeed! https://www.oecd.org/newsroom/consumer-prices-oecd-updated-5-september-2023.htm
  16. From the article: "[W]e conclude that the House must expressly authorize a committee to conduct an impeachment investigation and to use compulsory process in that investigation before the committee may compel the production of documents or testimony,”
  17. A big win. Sure! ???? From the article: "Of these chemicals, 12 have been classified as carcinogens, nine have been found to be endocrine disruptors, which interfere with hormones and are linked to infertility, and eight are developmental or reproductive toxins that have also been linked to fertility problems. Two are cholinesterase inhibitors that can impair the respiratory system, and one is classified as acutely toxic." And... "UK food exports containing pesticides that EU growers aren’t allowed to use, are likely to be rejected. Given that the EU still accounts for around 60% of UK agricultural exports, the impact on farmers could be devastating.” Another evidence of FiNO! ????
  18. Not lies, there were the ONS own statistics. And now, guess what? The ONS has changed the calculation method by using the SUT framework, and applied it retrospectively to 2020 and 2021 (which other OECD countries have not done yet! ???? https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/grossdomesticproductgdp/articles/impactofbluebook2023changesongrossdomesticproduct/2023-09-01 Despite the increase brought by changing the calculation method, UK is still below Eurozone for current GDP growth. It is also below Eurozone compared to pre-pandemic level (despite the fact that Eurozone countries have not applied the new GDP enhancing method as UK did). https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/ Be also careful about what you wish about Germany. The UK economy is still very dependent on Germany's economy, directly and indirectly through the whole EU economy.
  19. You may or may not be a Trumper, but the story that Obama gave billions of government's money to Iran originates from Trump. Obama gave them back frozen money. It was their money. He also did not apologize for giving back this money.
  20. As usual, you are confusing Trumps tweets and other fight-wing propaganda with the truth. ????
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