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Everything posted by candide

  1. That's why I wrote "similar" (EFTA type deal). It was not offered because it has been excluded from the start by the "red lines" set by Theresa May.
  2. Which cherry picking? It's the current level of GDP (Q2) compared to the level of GDP at the end of 2019 (Q4 2019). The current value of UK GDP is below pre-pandemic level. That's fact. Considering the current trend, it is possible that the pre-pandemic level may be reached in Q3 or Q4.
  3. I also would no be surprised about the girls feeling relieved, being allowed again to dress like the other girls, i.e. with just jeans and sweat-shirt
  4. I don't claim it's perfect. Having said that, considering the number of people from Northern Africa I see working in banks, education and various businesses, I am not sure it is very acute. Actually, discrimination may be based on an even more subtle criteria: the address. It seems that living in a "bad" neighborhood is an impediment for getting some jobs.
  5. And the spirit of the law is much older, from a time there were practically no Muslim in France. Actually, the origin of laicism was to protect Protestants and Jews from the dominance of the Catholic Chruch. American people cannot understand French laicism because their concept has a different origin. The U.S. has been founded by people fleeing religious oppression by European States (usually linked to Catholicism). Hence the U.S. concept: to protect religion from the influence of the State. France has been one of these countries in which the State was phagocyted by the Catholic religion, and oppressed or did not give equal rights to other religion. Hence the French concept: to protect the State from the influence of religion. It is also broader than just religion. It is also forbidden to mention the race of people in any official document. Actually, It's even forbidden to make any file mentioning race. For example a business selling cosmetics is not allowed to have race mentioned in commercial files.
  6. Exactly! He gives a sense of influence and power to people who have little power or influence in real life. Of course, he doesn't give them a real power. The swamp behind him (and he is part of it) doesn't allow that. So he gives them a negative power on people they don't like: LGBT, black, educated, foreigners, etc... Hence the culture war.
  7. Comer says! As if he had any credibility! ????
  8. Switzerland, a member of EFTA but not of the EEA, participates in the single market with a number of exceptions, as defined by the Switzerland–European Union relations. UK refused to consider a similar status.
  9. Lol! It's ridiculous! It does not take into account the fact that most people have been vaccinated! Have a look at the death rate! https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/united-states-rates-of-covid-19-deaths-by-vaccination-status
  10. I know there were a few cases. OK I should have written "a significant number of voter frauds". The rationale remains the same.
  11. It obviously suggests that Republican initiatives to limit mail in voting have nothing to do with voter fraud (which did not occur), but all to do with political motives
  12. You should be more cautious and check information before posting.... https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/what-are-the-classified-documents-in-the-trump-indictment
  13. The same knowingly made inaccuracies again.. - The money has been paid to Hunter "and his allies" such as Archer. You know it, It's been objected to you several times, but you still repost it exactly in the same way; - nobody objected that Hunter received money, you are making it up again. You know it, It's been objected to you several times, but you still repost it exactly in the same way; - from your other post (money paid by America's adversaries). Money was paid by companies from the countries mentioned, not by adversaries. Hundreds thousands U.S. companies make business with companies from these countries (including government own companies representing 60% of the economy. You know it, It's been objected to you several times, but you still repost it exactly in the same way. About getting money "for no reason at all" lie, the Burisma part is rather well explained in Archers testimony, and the project with Chinese oil company has also been presented in the media. But go on with the same m.o., and don't be surprised no one takes your posts seriously.
  14. The main issue is not so much that It's too early to assess whether It's been a failure or not. The main problem is the absence of a convincing project. Not only convincing, but also able to get enough support and consensus. What we have seen so far, is governments trying to navigate in troubled waters, without any clear idea about to which direction to sail For example, the ultra-liberal economists for Brexit (or whatever they call themselves now) have a clear economic project. It may work (with the usual drawbacks of ultra-liberal economic policies). But will it be in the interest of people who voted for Brexit because they felt they were "left behind", and will they support such a project? I don't think so. So no project with a clear economic rationale, and also no project able to gather enough support to generate positive dynamics
  15. It seems to be the motto among the right-wing: if you can't find anything against Joe Biden, just make it up! ????
  16. Right! And most of the current MAGA fans (well, those who were adult at that time) were cheering this Republican war. It seems that they are not able to learn by experience, and are still ready to believe whatever B.S. they are served.
  17. A coward trying to look like a tough one! He's not even aware he's ridiculous! ????
  18. In addition to the reply already made by Bkk Brian. It's not hearsay, the documents are marked classified. Unless evidence is provided that they have been declassified, they are classified.
  19. Posting the same fake information over and over will not make it true. It made him more popular among Republicans only. Actually his general popularity smong the whole electorate has decreased. https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
  20. You are being confused, Trump has become more popular among Republicans only. https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
  21. Yet... https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  22. I guess Trump rehearsed for hours in front of a mirror to improve his angry look! ????
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