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Everything posted by candide

  1. Strange theory. I don't see what the relation between Thaksin's old friend and MFP could be.
  2. Well, considering that they may still believe that there had been massive fraud during the 2020 elections.....it's not surprising at all.
  3. What? Biden tried to overturn elections, incited to storm the Capitol, and made a perfect call asking to find him 11,000 votes, and nobody told me? Ah! these damned MSM never talked about it! ????
  4. Fun spoiler again sorry! Please remember the basic principle of Thai politics: appointed people appoint each other. So, according to the Constitution (constitution which cannot be changed without approval of 2/3 of the appointed Senate), the next batch of Senators will be selected by panels and committees. These committees are dominated, by definition in the constitution, by appointed people (such as appointed heads of agencies, all appointed or vetted by the junta). Moreover, who will appoint the committee members? The EC (appointed or vetted by the Junta) You may think, OK, let's be patient and wait for changes in the EC! But who will select or approve the new EC members? The Senate! And around it goes!
  5. Sorry to play the fun spoiler again, but in order to amend the constitution, the approval of 2/3 of Senators is required.
  6. The U.S. Is well above other countries for post-epidemic GDP growth. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  7. Old Joe is really hopeless!???? First-quarter economic growth was actually 2%, up from 1.3% first reported in major GDP revision And also: A separate report Thursday from the Labor Department pointed showed that initial jobless claims fell to 239,000 for the week ended June 24. That was a decline of 26,000 from the previous week and well below the estimate for 264,000. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/29/first-quarter-economic-growth-was-actually-2percent-up-from-1point3percent-first-reported-in-major-gdp-revision.html
  8. Debunked? ???? Mueller report sheds new light on how the Russians hacked the DNC and the Clinton campaign https://techcrunch.com/2019/04/18/mueller-clinton-arizona-hack/ No ‘Hoax’: Bipartisan Senate Report Confirms Russian 2016 Role, Putin Ordered DNC Hack, More https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackbrewster/2020/08/18/putin-ordered-dnc-hack-bipartisan-senate-report-confirms/?sh=186e234ddaec Are you confusing with another debunked theory? You know, " the server is in Ukraine", "Crowdstrike is a Ukrainian company"....
  9. Well, nearly half of people who voted Trump surely cannot be qualified as being intelligent Pizzagate’ theory believed by nearly half of Republicans: Poll https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/dec/28/pizzagate-theory-believed-by-nearly-half-of-republ/
  10. Just for clarification. Are you claiming that there has been massive fraud during the 2020 elections and that Trump actually won?
  11. In order to go after these people (we still don't know who they are, same as "you guys"), he would still need some evidence. You know, like recordings of "perfect calls", etc... In case you did not notice, he already did that with the Durham probe and it failed miserably.
  12. Uh! Irrational reasons? Like trying to overcome fair elections and then going on lying about it for years? Like making a "perfect call" asking to find him 11,000 votes?
  13. The Republicans are doing this quite skilfully, they just fail to find evidence...
  14. And you randomly selected 2022...... What about this one: USA GDP growth leading G7 after pandemic. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/#:~:text=In Q1 2023%2C the UK,0.5% fall in Q4 2022.
  15. You may be disappointed, as Biden has surely no intent to overturn elections and to make "perfect calls"! By the way, who is "you guys"
  16. And Giuliani himself is responsible, because he refused to give a copy of the laptop to other media than the NYPost. It had all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation: an extravagant story, given by Giuliani (known for getting information from Russian operatives such as Derkach), information only given to the right-wing NYPost, and the memory of Russian interference on 2016. Who could believe it? And some of the intelligence experts believed that Trump would use this alleged Russian disinformation, as he did before (ex the server is in Ukraine), and that they should react about it! What a wild idea! ????
  17. That's a shocking revelation! Why have MSM kept this information secret for so much time? ????
  18. Just to highlight the case of three countries with strong ties with the U.S. - Germany: 10% to 13% had confidence in Trump, and 64% to 78% had confidence in Biden, - UK: 19% to 32% in Trump, 54 to 73% in Biden - Japan: 24% to 36% in Trump, 62% to 73% in Biden. Ok, let's be honest, Trump had better ratings than Biden in Hungary. Considering the geo-strategic significance of Hungary, it must be mentioned! ????
  19. That's quite suspect! She must have something to hide! ????
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