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Everything posted by candide

  1. It is also very likely that Biden will not call a violent mob to march on the Capitol.
  2. What a bunch of hypocrites pretending to care about security. Former DC Metropolitan Police Department officer Michael Fanone says it's 'disgraceful' that only one GOP congressman appeared at a Capitol Hill event commemorating January 6 https://news.yahoo.com/former-dc-metropolitan-police-department-170521611.html
  3. It's just the usual right-wing propaganda m.o. They cannot decently object helping Ukraine, so they insinuate that blank checks may have been written, which could have fed corruption. Of course, as usual, they don't have any evidence about it.
  4. Lol! Now Biden is responsible for the state of the economy when Trump was president? ???? Were you not able to find a less ridiculous claim?
  5. I don't know what your motivation for this particular issue is. It may be genuine curiosity. However, the reason why other posters such as ThailandRyan are raising a different assumption, is that the GOP, and in particular the MAGA component (ex Jim Jordan) have a clear tactic of trying to divert attention from the real issue by focusing on security rather than assault. And also to indirectly give credibility a few fake news, such as the imaginary responsibility of Pelosi for refusing the imaginary offer of 20,000 national guards to defend the Capitol. Knowing your record of supporting GOP and MAGA positions, it is not surprising that they may come up with such an assumption.
  6. I am surprised that Trump hasn't already distributed chocolate medals to those who assaulted the Capitol! ????
  7. Trump just can't stop winning, it seems! ???? Manhattan judge wants Trump to stop calling NY attorney general's $250 million fraud case a witch hunt A Manhattan judge Friday denied Trump's latest attempt to dodge NY's fraud accusations. The judge criticized Trump's "frivolous" arguments and dinged Ivanka Trump for claiming ignorance in a deposition. Letitia James' $250 million fraud lawsuit against Trump and his business remains on track for an Oct. 2, 2023 trial. https://news.yahoo.com/manhattan-judge-wants-trump-stop-015855817.html
  8. There are two security issues. Pre-protest issue and after the protest started. After the protest started, the question is why additional forces such as the national guard did not intervene earlier. It is now more clear as we know it is due to the Pentagon. Pre-protest, as you mention, the question is why they did not assess the risk properly and did not reinforce security in advance. It is still not clear. I assume they did not expect a mass assault and considered it as a small scale terrorist risk, but It's just a vague assumption.
  9. This organisation provides reliable information and analyses. This article should give a good summary of what is currently known about it. https://www.justsecurity.org/83891/the-missing-review-of-fbis-january-6-intelligence-and-law-enforcement-failures/
  10. Obviously, businessmen don't think the economy is tanking, as they go on recruiting more people.
  11. And of course, it is fake news... The energy production has been boosted during Biden's mandate, and It's expected to grow more in 2023. "The United States has become a global crude oil exporting power over the last few years, but exports have not exceeded its imports since World War II. That could change next year. Sales of U.S. crude to other nations are now a record 3.4 million barrels per day (bpd), with exports of about 3 million bpd of refined products like gasoline and diesel fuel. The United States is also the leading liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter, where growth is expected to soar in coming years." https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/us-poised-become-net-exporter-crude-oil-2023-2022-12-19/ And about the Keystone Pipeline, a pipeline does not increase production.
  12. Well, It's not like there would have ever been any lawsuit against Trump for raping an underage girl, with Epstein as co-dependent! Oh wait! https://newjerseylaw.net/news-event/rape-and-sexual-misconduct-lawsuit-against-donald-trump/ https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiDqaK6uLL8AhVVYKQEHeF3DGsQFnoECAgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2A-P0GCUETmFTOtiarupfU
  13. Terrorist and jihadist! https://www.economist.com/europe/2022/03/21/russias-orthodox-church-paints-the-conflict-in-ukraine-as-a-holy-war https://guardian.ng/news/god-put-you-in-power-russian-orthodox-leader-tells-putin-on-70th-birthday/
  14. The EU position was the position of its member States.
  15. Not yet, but he could be. The law the GOP and Trump strengthened would allow it. Before they changed the law it was not a felony.
  16. Not a matter of indignation. A case with obvious and simple facts: took/kept/hid/refused to give back documents. Trump himself signed a law to make it a felony (he was hoping to use it against Hillary).
  17. ???? https://twitter.com/georgian_legion/status/1610203602471079938?s=20&t=MaxvXxBfigYPdkRGi-ASTA
  18. It's been debunked some time ago already. https://www.factcheck.org/2021/05/video-doesnt-prove-capitol-police-allowed-jan-6-protesters-to-enter-capitol/
  19. It's been the case for several years. It's a persistent trend and will not vanish soon. https://www.csis.org/analysis/escalating-terrorism-problem-united-states
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