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Everything posted by candide

  1. This is just a theoretical question. Both the court and Prayut receive instructions/orders from the same people.
  2. Lol! And for what would Garland and Wray be impeached? For applying a law strengthened by Trump to himself? Trump got a taste of HIS own medecine. Citizen Trump may have broken a law that President Trump made a felony https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/08/10/trump-fbi-search-surveillance-law/ As to your next conspiracy theory, It's completely incoherent. Are you claiming that Trump had kept documents who could have incriminated the FBI or others about the Russia probe, instead of giving them to Durham, who's been trying for years to find some? Really?
  3. Right! Professional tools are able to recover some information on HD and other devices, even after low level formatting. The quickest and safest way is the hammer.
  4. Considering that his two accomplices have entered a guilty plead, I think he's toast ( but innocent until found guilty! Blink blink! ????).
  5. Former Donald Trump aide Steve Bannon was indicted on state charges of money laundering, conspiracy and fraud related to an alleged online scheme to raise money for the construction of a wall along the southern US border, according to an indictment obtained by CNN. Steve Bannon indicted on state charges of money laundering, conspiracy and fraud related to border wall effort https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/08/politics/steve-bannon-not-guilty-plea-surrender-border-wall-charges/index.html
  6. I must acknowledge that this one is not about Biden, but it's interesting to compare trends. https://fivethirtyeight.com/
  7. The topic is on a poll about Biden and the article linked is on another poll about Biden. Quite on topic I would say.
  8. What do cheaters teach? ???? Michigan GOP leaders encourage rule breaking at poll worker training session https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/07/politics/michigan-gop-poll-worker-training-invs/index.html
  9. This time, Bannon may not feel like joking......???? "Welcome back and this is Stephen K. Bannon. We’re off the coast of Saint-Tropez in southern France, in the Mediterranean. We’re on the million-dollar yacht of Brian Kolfage. Brian Kolfage—who took all that money from ‘We Build The Wall,” Bannon joked in the video, adding, “No, we’re actually in Sunland Park, New Mexico.” https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/video-surfacess-bannon-joking-about-stealing-money-from-build-a-wall-1048305/?_gl=1*1h3y9kz*_ga*YW1wLUd5MzhFQllnc1kwNF93X1owVkNLdXVyTkhRV3g1c1NyRUJuZEVhb2lGR1paa1czMjIxai1HdWRjV1l5bFJKT2E. PS For those who may not be informed about it, Kolfage is one of the two Bannon accomplices who entered a guilty plead.
  10. I think he meant this https://www.forbes.com/sites/madelinehalpert/2022/07/12/nearly-half-of-republicans-dont-want-trump-as-president-in-2024-poll-suggests/
  11. It could be.it also could be that she won the popular vote because some people people voted against Trump.
  12. His two accomplices have already made a guilty plead and admitted it was a scam! ???? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/apr/22/two-plead-guilty-fraud-we-build-the-wall-project-trump-bannon
  13. What are you talking about? Following Trump's request (he changed his mind after that), the judge compelled the FBI to publish the list of documents seized. There is no ambiguity about the classification of documents. Classified documents have a "classified" stamp on them, and this stamp has been put before Trump took them to MAL. You should check facts before posting (ok, I know It's hopeless).
  14. The famous saying "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time" obviously does not apply to MAGA fans! ???? You can fool all MAGA folks all the time! ????
  15. You may have a point about his intent if it were only about stealing secrets. Knowing Trump, he may well have been motivated by mere stupidity! However, in this case, it's not only about secrets, it's about documents. Technically, when you take something and refuse to give it back (and also state you don't have it), isn't it considered as stealing? He did know he had them, he did refuse to give them back, and he did hide them. That shows intent to steal (albeit stupidly). The fact that some of these documents were secret is an aggravating factor, as they were not stored in a safe location.
  16. Two fake news in one post! No, it was not dismissed as fake. The aim was to find out if there was a Russian interference and it established that there was a Russian interference. The IG investigation and the Durham investigation also showed the Russia probe was not caused by the Steele report.
  17. Barr spoke directly to Republican outcries about the nature of the “unprecedented” search of a former president, offering a counterpoint: “It's also unprecedented for a president to take all this classified information and put them in a country club.” “And how long is the government going to try to get that back? They jaw bone for a year. They were deceived on the voluntary actions taken. They then went and got a subpoena. They were deceived on that, they feel, and the facts are starting to show that they were being jerked around. And so how long, you know, how long do they wait?” Barr said in an interview on Fox. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/02/bill-barr-trump-fbi-mar-a-lago-00054716
  18. Biden currently has not good ratings. In case he would candidate in 2024, it seems his only chance to be elected would be if Trump were his opponent. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/?cid=rrpromo
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