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Everything posted by candide

  1. Some cases are more straightforward than others. They are clearly delimited and rely on well identified factual evidence. This case and the MAL documents case are in this category and will very likely end up with an indictment and a conviction. The Georgia case is a bit more uncertain, there is clear evidence, but Trump will claim an alternative interpretation. The January 6 case is complex and may last for years.
  2. I guess it may depend on the sellers, some may be more reliable than others. I bought joints from Ganjawitch in Pattaya. It was expensive 650 to 750 bht. It was the same quality level as the premium weed I bought in a good cannabis club I know in Barcelona. Just cheaper in Barcelona (7/10 euros , 300/400 bht/gr). I am only an occasional smoker, so one gram of high grade weed is several joints for me. It may be different for other people.
  3. The packaging as a joint is misleading. The premium stuff has a high % of THC (in the 20-27% zone). So unless one is highly tolerant to THC, It's more than one or two joints. From one big joint, I made several joints, and each of them got me quite high during 2-3 hours.
  4. And That's stupid because the one who is responsible is Trump himself. Caring parents don't involve their children in fishy business (unless they are mafiosi).
  5. Now the moron is suggesting the FIB may have been looking for Clinton's emails! ???? "There's also a lot of speculation because of what they did, the severity of the FBI coming and raiding Mar-a-Lago. Were they looking for the Hillary Clinton emails that were deleted, but they are around someplace?" ???? https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/22/politics/trump-clinton-emails-hannity-interview/index.html
  6. For MAGA fans, it seems that stating that Trump's claims about rigged elections are B.S. actually means being anti-Trump.
  7. Years of pain caused by internal discord and unrealistic claims on the UK side. Kind of mourning period for the irrational expectations raised by the Brexit campaign, before coming back to reality. The EU position has remained constant over time and was predictable.
  8. "Claiming that you have money you don’t have is not the art of the deal, It’s the art of the steal.” ????
  9. The treaty doesn't mention it, but: - when UK was a member of the EU, its politicians and civil servants had been participating in several negotiations, meetings, design of treaties (i.e. article 50) etc... so they were quite knowledgeable about the way the EU would deal with such an issue. It was either the common market or third party country status. There was no way UK could get the benefits of the common market without the related constraints and rules. - no mention of "senior partner" but that's the reality of power unbalance. This is not the world of Care Bears. As usual, Brexit is about blaming others!
  10. More bad news! ???? New York attorney general files civil fraud lawsuit against Trump, some of his children and his business https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/21/politics/trump-new-york-attorney-general-letitia-james-fraud-lawsuit/index.html ""These acts of fraud and misrepresentation were similar in nature, were committed by upper management at the Trump Organization as part of a common endeavor for each annual Statement, and were approved at the highest levels of the Trump Organization -- including by Mr. Trump himself," the lawsuit states."
  11. It's quite interesting to see how greedy people can be imaginative! And also how dumb they can be! It is obvious that they were leaving too many traces. This kind of scheme may remain unnoticed only in countries where one can easily bribe authorities (you see what I mean ????).
  12. Right. China will not condone the use of nuclear weapons. Too much chaos. China is in great part a planned economy and society. Planners hate chaos. On top of it, It's not good for business. India has strong links to Russia but trade with Russia is neglectible. The main economic partners are NATO countries, with USA ranked first.
  13. Following this logic, it would be better that current inhabitants stop having children, as it would reduce the number of criminals! ????
  14. How do you know the EU doesn't work? It's impossible to know what would be the economic situation (I.e. GDP growth) of European economies without the EU. Japan did not fare better, the Brexited UK seems to fare a bit worse, the U.S. fared better, etc... Economic differences between countries are a drawback (for the Eurozone), higher level of economies of scale, higher international negotiating power and influence are advantages, etc... what had the strongest impact? The drawbacks or the advantages? The ASEAN is a quite different case, a "Union light" compared to the EU.
  15. The hypocrisy was to send them to a small isolated Island just for political reasons, without caring whether it was convenient of not for the migrants.
  16. Those were replies to Hanaguma's posts, not his. Anyway, they must both use the same source. ????
  17. Much better on video! ???? ‘Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.’ | Morning Joe | MSNBC
  18. Actually, It's bit more complex, as it was a Boer settlers' government. So Boer and European settlers stole it from the original black natives' natural assets, the Boer government bought it and gave it to the King as a reward for granting them self-rule in exploiting the country and oppressing the original black population. The current SA having both a Boer and black African heritage, It's a bit complex to disentangle.
  19. *Deleted post edited out* Alleged criminality is a lame argument. As shown in my post (and posts from others too), the violent crime rate for immigrants (legal or not), is lower than for people born in the U.S. Immigrants are actually increasing the share of good people in the population. As about your last comparison, you are confusing between settlers and immigrants. It's the settlers who took the land, oppressed and slaughtered the original American native population, starting with the pilgrim fathers. The current immigrants don't want to steal the land from the current inhabitants, don't want to impose their own rule and government, etc...
  20. Kind of disrespectful comparison for Sweden, it seems!
  21. In the basement of a pizzeria!! ???? It makes sense! Nothing 's better than a pizza slice to accompany a good pint of kid's blood! ????
  22. Tell it also to the other posters who referred to the issues met by Hungary in their posts.
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