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Everything posted by candide

  1. Here we are! Trump warns of 'problems' like 'we've never seen' if he's indicted https://news.yahoo.com/trump-warns-problems-weve-never-145023687.html
  2. I am not sure I understand. Do You mean you don't trust Durham for investigating the FBI?
  3. It's very likely Biden didn't drive it and was just a passenger. Anyway, nice to see that MAGA fans now care about made up stories, That's new! ????
  4. You may be right on the general principle. However, before a policy decision is made, competent people make impact analyses and make sure they are able to apply the decision, I.e. implement procedures, resources, etc... Of course, with the orange moron, that was not the case. Trump only cared about being able to brag about it in the media. No procedures and resources planned, no place to put the children, infants and toddlers left without care, no system to keep track of family members in order to be able to reunite them, etc... Another example of Trump's dumbness and incompetence.
  5. This is thread about the Durham investigation, not about an information campaign about the Russia investigation (not hoax). Yes, the Clinton campaign was looking for information against Trump and partly financed the Steele dossier, and also approved leaking information about Alfa Bank servers. This is not illegal. No, the Durham probe, which aim was to prove that the Russia investigation was not properly predicated, did not succeed. Facts are: -the Steele dossier was not at the origin of the Russia probe. Confirmed by the IG investigation and the Durham investigation, - the Alfa Bank information was given by Sussman after the FBI opened its Russia investigation, it could not have caused it, (from the trial) - the FBI did not use the information provided by Sussman, as it was not considered as reliable (from the trial) - the Clinton campaign did not send Sussman (from the trial). Not only did the Durham investigation fail to prove the Russia probe was not properly predicated, it also indirectly debunked Trumps conspiracy theory! ???? https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/05/john-durham-michael-sussman-verdict-not-guilty-russia-alfabank-trump-barr-fbi-clinton.html https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/06/how-john-durhams-probe-has-exposed-trumps-russia-con/ https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/justice/fbi-agent-at-sussmann-trial-bureau-rejected-alfa-bank-claims-within-days Your last reference was about the GOP-led Senate investigation in 2020. Guess what the conclusion of the GOP-led investigation was? https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/senate-panel-finds-russia-interfered-in-the-2016-us-election
  6. What a waste of time and money for nothing. 3 years and $4 million spent for a lame conspiracy theory.
  7. Top oversight Democrat demands that Trump officially certify that he's turned over all sensitive documents taken from the White House "I urge NARA to seek from former President Trump a written certification that he has surrendered all presidential records or classified materials, has not made any copies or reproductions of such materials, and has not transferred any records or government documents to any party other than NARA or DOJ since his term ended," she added." https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-must-certify-that-hes-surrendered-all-classified-files-maloney-2022-9?r=US&IR=T
  8. Make decisions without analysing consequences and without anticipating how to effectively apply them.... That's what morons like Trump usually do. Another proof of his level of incompetence.
  9. Not to forget the war in Irak. A country which, unlike Afghanistan, had absolutely no relation to the 9/11 attack.6
  10. Another lame false equivalence. The kids in cage during Obama's tenure were not kids who had been separated from their parents by the U.S. administration, as was the policy by the Trump administration. They were kids who were without their parents, and it was a temporary solution until a foster family was found.
  11. Nice try at distracting attention from the key issue. The key issue is not how it is called, but that Trump has been continuously repeating the same lie (which is a big one). Trump is not "equally" at fault. Trump is "solely" at fault for pushing this lie over and over. Nobody would talk about it if Trump had just shut up, instead of using this lie as a tactic to gain political benefits.
  12. As discussed before, you are right about the origin of this expression. However, as also discussed before, this is also used to characterize a propaganda technique used by Goebbels and more recently by Bannon. And That's exactly what Trump is doing (If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it-Goebbels).
  13. The same lame false equivalence again: - she did not claim imaginary massive voter fraud - she did not send her lawyers to launch 60 lawsuits based on ridiculous fake claims - she did not call an election official, asking him to find 11,000 voters - she did not ask Biden to overturn elections by refusing to certify them, - she did not send a stupid mob to assault the Capitol, - etc...
  14. You may be right on this particular point. However, Trump's overall attitude towards white nationalists has been quite ambiguous. Nice to see MAGA folks caring about truth, for once! ????
  15. Isn't it in the video linked by placeholder? You mean the hearings he himself organised, in which testimonies were not under oath? The one over which the ghost Hugo Chavez was hovering? ????
  16. I don't know. I never watch videos. But there' are quotes in the article. Do you claim they are fake quotes?
  17. Pennsylvania governor candidate Doug Mastriano prayed Trump would 'seize the power' ahead of January 6, video shows "I pray that we'll take responsibility — we'll seize the power that we had given to us by the Constitution, and as well by You, providentially. I pray for the leaders also in the federal government, God, on the 6th of January that they will rise up with boldness," he said. https://news.yahoo.com/pennsylvania-governor-candidate-doug-mastriano-014302235.html
  18. https://www.politico.eu/article/world-cartoonist-week-event-putin-trump-war-nuclear-queen-italy-gas/
  19. As compared to some Republicans, Biden's statements were quite measured. ???? "Trump told you the election was stolen to rip you off, to sucker you, to take your hard-earned money and shovel it into his pockets. He spent it on himself not to take back the White House," It was the biggest scam in political history. Every dollar you sent him paid to keep his shady business empire and lavish lifestyle going. It was a sucker game all along. And you know who the sucker is? You," https://www.businessinsider.com/anti-maga-fox-ad-gets-rise-out-trump-lincoln-project-2022-9?r=US&IR=T
  20. Trump strikes again! ???? "They leak, lie, plant fake evidence, allow the spying on my campaign, deceive the FISA Court, RAID and Break-Into my home, lose documents, and then they ask me, as the 45th President of the United States, to trust them," wrote Trump. https://news.yahoo.com/donald-trump-revives-claims-fbi-115435824.html
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