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Everything posted by candide

  1. Why? Does the future Italian government intend to muzzle opposition, to censure the media and control the judiciary? It's not what they have stated so far.
  2. An interesting consequence may be an IRS federal investigation "How would an IRS investigation differ from the New York one? It would be about federal tax laws, in particular. The IRS will be looking for an answer to this question: “Did Trump overstate the valuation of any property he gave to charity?” The New York attorney general is concerned that he did. The possible overvaluation relates to two different properties in Westchester, a county outside of New York City, and in Florida. What is at issue for the IRS is whether Trump correctly claimed the proper deduction, or whether he overstated, in a fraudulent way, the value of what he gave to charity. An overstatement of what he gave away would mean that the former president took a bigger income tax deduction than the one he was entitled to." https://www.marketwatch.com/story/new-yorks-250-million-lawsuit-against-donald-trump-is-the-beginning-not-end-of-this-casea-tax-lawyer-explains-whats-at-stake-11663869825?siteid=yhoof2 More detail about Trumps "donations" here. What a crook! https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2020/10/23/vast-majority-of-trumps-charitable-giving-reportedly-came-from-land-deals/?sh=85764bb610df Expect more witch hunt whining from Trump and MAGA fans...
  3. Biden has been useful to the Dems, and is not very popular any more. He would only win elections against Trump. That says it all.... Depending on the outcomes of his policies, and on the economic context (global inflation will not last forever), he may become more popular towards the end of his mandate. Even in this case, it would be better to have a younger candidate in 2024.
  4. There may be more cases like this one on the frontline. Officers may be more likely to be killed by their own troops who don't want to die, rather than by the enemy.
  5. How does it practically work? Is there a council of U.S. elites telling Biden what to do?
  6. How do you know what is in the diary if it hasn't been published?
  7. Unsurprisingly, there's nothing about your claims in the article. There's nothing about the content of the diary.
  8. Yes, four pillars. Nothing secret about it and it was the UK decision not to accept them. No unexpected surprise. There is a point. The knowledge was available for anyone who cared to know. There are usually also public consultations, various organisations publish white books, etc... About the part of consultations which were not public, the UK participated in it as other member States. Laws, directives and regulation are proposed by the commission, but after discussions and consultations, in particular with the Council (UK was a member if the Council). Laws and regulations apply directly, but Directives must be implemented by a national law (the Directive doesn't cover all aspects of implementation). In brief, there was no way that UK politicians and their staff were not knowledgeable about the EU. It could be that, for example, some MPs have individually not been knowledgeable but the main institutions (I.e. the House, the Government, etc...) were globally quite aware of it
  9. It looks like you are quite uninformed about the energy issue. There is no scarcity of energy in the U.S. and the country is more or less self-sufficient. The problem is that prices are global and not national. So the U.S. government did not cause the higher global prices, they are caused by global demand and supply. Strategic reserves were useful when the U.S. was a net importer, but It's not the case any more, thanks to a policy initiated under the Obama administration. https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2022/03/08/surprise-the-us-is-still-energy-independent/
  10. Not joining the single market (EFTA style), or the custom union (Turkey style) was a choice. The UK government could have chosen this option, but didn't for ideological reasons. Some MPs may not have paid much attention, but the knowledge was there to be tapped. Members and staff of previous cabinets were quite knowledgeable, members of EU institutions and advisors couldn't know better, etc... On top of it, it seems you are not fully aware of the EU processes. Each major decision or directive is preceded by a consultation, to which national bodies, national lobbying groups, etc... participate. After a Directive (for example) is discussed and voted. It has to be implemented by a national law, which is the occasion for further debates, House commission report, etc... before the national law is ultimately voted in parliament. It's difficult to be uninformed under such conditions.
  11. The usual lame gossip... He was 30 years old. Hmmm..... wasn't it about the time his wife and kid got killed in an accident and he was left with two kids to care for ... Come back when you have something more serious, something like this: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiQ9rG5ua_6AhVSS_EDHXO3BB4QFnoECAwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2A-P0GCUETmFTOtiarupfU
  12. Do you mean Biden is conspiring to overturn the next elections and assault the Capitol? ????
  13. He hesitated between staying or leaving, as he was the last speaker before the final group photo happens.
  14. The same lame zoomed and edited video, in order to hide the context, which was erased before. On the full length non-edited video (from Fox News ????), it is obvious that he was about to leave the scene, when the host called him to go back for a group photo.
  15. A proper successor of Trump! He seems to meet all criteria! ????
  16. Nice fairy tale. They were quite aware of the functions fulfilled by the EU. As other member States, UK participated in the design of treaties, directives and regulations, and approved them. Nothing was hidden. The UK civil servants were not "lazy", it was not their duty to fulfil functions attributed to the EU, and there was no budget for it. What the incompetent people governing UK did not take into account, after the Brexit vote and the agreement with the EU, was that the EU was not only a cost, and that they had to fund and carry out several activities previously done by the EU. As they had not anticipated and planed much manpower for it, UK has become an Eldorado for consulting firms.
  17. I checked the French navy policy and It's similar. One in maintenance and one out. However, in March, when Russia made threats, they sent 2 more subs out. The reason given was to send clear signals to Russia. I also read that It's safer for the subs, as there is always a risk that the base may be hit.
  18. If I understand well, he meant that U.K. has not been treated worse than in other agreements with other countries, and even a bit better (excluding 'common market's types if agreement, as UK did not want to join it on equal terms as other participants, I.e. Norway, etc...).
  19. I also guess that during periods of perceived threat, there are more than one sub out.
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