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Everything posted by candide

  1. What "taxed to the max"? Taxes are rather low in the U.S. "Total US tax revenue equaled 24 percent of gross domestic product, well below the 34 percent weighted average for other OECD countries." https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/briefing-book/how-do-us-taxes-compare-internationally#:~:text=Budget and Economy-,How do US taxes compare internationally%3F,average for other OECD countries.
  2. “I’ve never been more worried about the law and politics as I am right now,” he added. Graham doesn't seem to have the same concern when it's about Jan. 6 and Trump's attempt at stealing elections. ????
  3. False equivalence as usual... You mean the Comey who is partly responsible for Clinton's loss? Have you read the article about him? I think not, otherwise you wouldn't have linked it.
  4. This is not comparable. There's a difference between interpreting the law in a more or less different way based on political orientation, and accepting ridiculous and unsubstantiated claims such as in Trump's Big Lie campaign.
  5. Right, it's terrible: the people who just parrot what they read in right-wing social media posts and memes, Trump's lies, Fox News, Breitbart, etc... without ever checking facts.
  6. Middle income households will benefit the most. (See above)
  7. And as usual, fake news from <deleted> right-wing social media posts. ???? "President Joe Biden claimed in a July 20 speech that growing up in Delaware near oil refineries gave him cancer. Posts on social media misinterpreted that to mean he currently has cancer. A White House spokesperson said Biden was referring to a skin cancer that was removed before he became president." "White House physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor released a health summary for Biden in November 2021 that confirmed that he had skin cancer that was removed before he became president" https://www.factcheck.org/2022/07/posts-on-social-media-misinterpret-bidens-quote-on-previous-cancer/
  8. Your point was that Trump was comparatively treated unfairly. In other words, Biden is not talking B.S. and ridiculous lies nearly everyday a as Trump did.
  9. It's you who claimed people did not want Hillary. More people wanted Hillary than Trump.
  10. Trump was talking B.S. and lying nearly every day. And still does, I.e. the Big Lie. He's a sore loser, a liar and a cheat. He's fully responsible for it.
  11. You should read The Nationl Review, ???? "Given that the former president was not responsibly securing the government’s most closely held intelligence, that he was trying to prevent the FBI from examining what he’d returned, that his lawyers were either misinformed about or lying about the classified information still retained at Mar-a-Lago, and that even the issuance of a grand-jury subpoena (with potential criminal penalties for noncompliance) had not succeeded in getting Trump to hand over the remaining classified information, what option short of a search warrant would have sufficed?" https://www.nationalreview.com/2022/08/trump-worlds-mar-a-lago-offensive-backfires/
  12. The middle-class will be the main beneficiary. It may explain why GOP politicians are so angry, as it is a key electoral target for them. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/goldman-sachs-has-run-the-numbers-on-student-loan-relief-heres-their-assessment-11661417918?siteid=yhoof2
  13. It is a bit complex, but as far as I understand, the government has already funded the loans. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/goldman-sachs-has-run-the-numbers-on-student-loan-relief-heres-their-assessment-11661417918?siteid=yhoof2
  14. It looks like Biden is getting more incisive: “Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans have made their choice,” said Biden, using the acronym for Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan. “It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the — I’m going to say something, it’s like semi-fascism,” Biden said later in his speech." https://news.yahoo.com/bidens-1st-midterms-campaign-speech-targets-trump-and-maga-republicans-010136000.html
  15. After Fox News, National Review! How I like right-wing media those days! ???? Another quote: "Given that the former president was not responsibly securing the government’s most closely held intelligence, that he was trying to prevent the FBI from examining what he’d returned, that his lawyers were either misinformed about or lying about the classified information still retained at Mar-a-Lago, and that even the issuance of a grand-jury subpoena (with potential criminal penalties for noncompliance) had not succeeded in getting Trump to hand over the remaining classified information, what option short of a search warrant would have sufficed?"
  16. Ok but did the poster, who introduced this article, present it as an opinion?
  17. I know, but as you truncated my post, it lost its meaning. My post started with "Surprisingly enough".... And surprisingly enough, this article was quite informative and not full of Trumpish B.S.
  18. I hope for them they got paid in advance, because they gave Trump a good reason for not paying them ????
  19. Right. I also did not find anything on the homepage and had to search a bit. They obviously don't want to put this topic forward now.
  20. Surprisingly enough, a rather good factual account about this letter in this article, which is hidden inside Fox News website. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-signed-off-fbi-review-trump-records-national-archives-letter-reveals
  21. Interesting quote from the article (I cannot read the rest, It's under paywall): "Merrick Garland, the attorney-general, would have anticipated that. He is a painstaking former prosecutor and judge—too painstaking for many Democrats who, just as Republicans claim, are quivering to see Mr Trump prosecuted. If Mr Garland made the decision himself to proceed, as seems likely, he must have concluded that legal considerations left him with no choice"
  22. Like this one? ???? https://www.amazon.com/Trump-Coloring-Book-M-Anthony/dp/1682610284
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