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Everything posted by candide

  1. That's the paradox! Increasing job numbers is a bad news! I guess 528,000 people would desagree. Luckily, oil price is decreasing....
  2. China will invade Taiwan only when it is ready, and also when circumstances are favourable. There is no way China may be "baited" by Pelosi's visit. It is a non-event.
  3. Wow! It seems to be strong stuff! Isn't the effect a bit too violent?
  4. Thank you for your reply. I agree with you. 60/70% Sativa would be the most appropriate. Then It's a matter of choosing between the different strains! ????
  5. Really? He sold Nvidia shares at loss, before a bill will be discussed at the House, about subsidizing the semi-conductor industry in order to trigger the development of a domestic supply chain. This bill is likely to increase the value of semi-conductor firms such as Nvidia. It looks like he actually sold them in order to avoid a conflict of interest. I can imagine how the MAGA folks would have reacted if Nancy had subsidized a firm while his husband was holding shares of it.
  6. Thanks for this nice story, I also remember the old days when I was smoking Thai weed, "fil rouge", etc... At the end, strong stuff started coming from Holland, but I got older and lost connections with Rasta people, which were my usual supply chain. I am going back to Thailand next week, so eager to test new strains. I will try the cheaper Thai options, but I am not sure It's actually much cheaper. The premium stuff I bought in Spain was so strong, that I only needed to use a little bit. Three times more expensive but likely three times stronger. I guess it also depends if you are a social smoker who likes to share big joints with friends or not.
  7. Well, you yourself admitted than Trump didn't achieve much. It's not just my guy/other guy, It's a true issue. China is playing the long-term strategic card. They have been slowly and consistently acting in the same directions years after years, 5-year plan after 5-year plan... Only a response at the same strategic horizon can be effective against them. Short-term and highly visible decisions such as tariffs are useless. Pelosi's initiative is highly visible and may have a short-term impact, but is also useless on long-term. It's too early to assess whether Biden's initiatives will be successful or not, but he surely addresses the right strategic issues: trade and development, military, and industrial.
  8. Well, at least, Pelosi, etc... got elected (ok, It's not necessary a proof of being competent). I don't think having dynasties dominating politics is a good thing, whoever is concerned. The problem is more how to legally do it, I.e. I am not sure it would be allowed by the U.S. constitution.
  9. So Trump employing his family, without any particular qualification, was bad. Good to know! ????
  10. Biden did nothing? He's trying to revive the TPP, scratched by Trump, has created a military alliance against China, and also revived the Quad. As mentioned by another poster, he also launched a plan to secure strategic supply chains, I.e. in semi-conductors. Biden is acting at the strategic level, not just on short-term like Trump! Trumps tariffs have been predicted to be useless and have been useless. They had no impact on trade deficit with China. He did a few good things, though, such as banning Huawei from infrastructure deals.
  11. Look the other way! It seems to be a popular technique used to defend the undefensible those days....
  12. There's not to these nut jobs, because it works! There is a mass of people ready to believe anything Jones and other crooks like him (including politicians) may feed them with. All these conspiracy theories, such as 9/11, Sandy Hook, pizzagate, stolen elections, vaccine, etc... got a large audience, not only in social media but also in mass media such as Fox News. As long as there are people ready to believe such B.S., there will be people who will take advantage of it.
  13. To be accused of being a paid actor, and not a parent of a dead or injured child, looks like defamation to me.
  14. He only claimed the parents were paid actors.... ????
  15. Is someone experienced in smoking hybrid Sativa/Indica? I haven't smoked weed for years, but recently, I bought high THC Sativa flowers in Barcelona (don't remember name, one was Nigerian something and the other had small buds, the effect rather similar). With only a small joint, It was very energizing, I never felt tired after a few hours and had a rather clear mind. I even sometimes found it difficult to just sit and always wanted to be on the move. However, I found it even a bit too energizing and even a bit stressing. I also did not feel much euphoria or feeling of well-being. It seems to be rather an Indica effect but I don't want Indica as I smoke mainly to go out in music bars, such as Hillary in Bangkok or Candyshop in Pattaya, dance a bit, have fun, go to Gogo bars for a while etc... not to fall asleep on a kush. Hybrids may be a solution, but I am lost between all the different strains sold in Thailand. I started to read about it, and noticed strains such as Laughing Buddha or Runtz. Any experience or advices?
  16. Thank you for your reply. I will check your tips!
  17. Well, from the frequency with which it is evoked in this forum's posts, it seems It's one subject that matters much to right-wing posters, along with LGBT.
  18. As usual, this is a lie. You should check information before parroting Trump's lies. https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-donald-trump-85-billion-left-taliban-afghanistan-1636885 https://www.factcheck.org/2021/09/republicans-inflate-cost-of-taliban-seized-u-s-military-equipment/
  19. What are the good cannabis shops in Pattaya? I heard about Candyland in Soi Bua Khao. I checked the menu, premium weed at 500/600 per g. There is Blow Cannabis nearby but the price is 590/790 for premium. From looking at Google maps, it seems shops are flourishing and I guess It's difficult to find out which ones are good. What is your experience, in terms of choice, quality, price, and also advices to help customers make a choice?
  20. The energy price is not a domestic issue and It's not the local production which will have much effect. On top of it, several projects have been halted during the pandemic and it seems energy companies are not keen to invest. Biden's plan may help a bit (selling oil from strategic reserve and guarantee refill orders to producers), but not sure it will have much impact on the global market. Lowering taxes has a similar effect as spending to help the American people (people spend more money, which increases inflation). The difference is that tax cuts à la Trump benefit the rich, while targeted subsidies can help the poor and people in need at specific occasions. Tax cuts also increase budget deficit in the same way as spending (ex. Trumps tax cuts)
  21. She's an old fox. I would not be surprised if the uncertainty about her going to Taiwan was actually calculated.
  22. The main reason is inflation, which is global phenomenon. BTW, what are the practical proposals from Republicans to tackle inflation on short-term?
  23. A true and interesting remark. It seems the expression (Grosse Lűge) was coined by Hitler. The big lie is also known as a propaganda technique, used by the Nazis and others, I.e. Goebbels: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." Connoisseurs will identify the similarity with Bannon's precepts. Maybe an intellectual filiation?
  24. What an humiliation for Trump to be beaten by such a pale candidate. He must have been a really bad President! ????
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