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Everything posted by candide

  1. Biden had a choice to make: either apply the agreement directly negotiated one year before between the Trump administration and the Talibans (without involving the official Afghan government) which was de facto considering the Talibans as the main force in Afghanistan, or start fighting with the Talibans again. Which choice would you have made? Apply Trump's deal or start another fight?
  2. In which port did 10,000 tourists/day enter Spain last week-end?
  3. Entry through Spain, Poland or France is subject to exactly the same procedure because it's an entry into the Shengen area. Exactly the same checks are made in any Shengen area country per EU regulation, and they are not allowed to do things differently. One country cannot be more lenient or more intransigent. There is no reason an individual check in one country should require more or less time than in any other country, I.e. they all have to check Covid documents. The incident in Dover was obviously caused by a mismatch between the flow of entries and the processing capacity (booths, staff or whatever), and as usual France and UK are pointing fingers at each other.
  4. A mismatch between the flow and the available capacity is a different problem than a long time spent to check each individual entry. There were too many tourists for the available number of booth, manpower or whatever. It doesn't mean that each individual check was too long. This is flawed logic. There were probably shorter queues than expected in French airports due to cancelled flights, and it would be following the same flawed logic to conclude that individual checks have been faster.
  5. Yet, the post to which I replied singled out the French for still checking Covid papers. As concerns how long it takes to do a passport check, what's the evidence that It's faster in Spain than in France?
  6. And as usual.... "If you are traveling to Spain you must show valid proof of one of the following on entry: being fully vaccinated. Your vaccination status must meet the Spanish authorities’ validity period requirements. See ‘If you’re fully vaccinated’. a negative COVID-19 test: either a PCR taken within 72 hours prior to departure, or an antigen test taken within 24 hours prior to departure. See ‘If you’re not fully vaccinated’. having recovered from COVID-19 in the last 6 months. You can use a medical certificate or recovery record to prove your COVID-19 status on entry to Spain. See ‘If you’ve had COVID-19 in the past year’." https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/spain/entry-requirements
  7. Right. The MAGA lot see through the media bias and get unbiased information from Fox News, Breitbart, Infowars and Internet memes! ????
  8. Having or not different queues for EU/non-EU (or UK/non-UK in UK) is only an organisational issue. It doesn't change the type of passport control. Even if there is a single queue, there will still be more (longer) checks for non-EU passports than for EU passports.
  9. He got a free international PR campaign, and won time to start new rocket R&D programs.
  10. He was socialist until 1920. Excluded from the Socialist party in 1914, he definitely broke with socialist ideology in 1920, From 1920, his fascist movement was allied with right-wing parties and has been consistently ant i-socialist, anti-communist and anti-trade union. NB. Trump was initially Democrat. Actually, Mussolini seems to be a good role model for Trump (I mean also the personality aspect)
  11. Interesting. He also said many other things to make sure they got very excited, before he sent them to the Capitol. Now back to topic. Trump sent them to the Capitol and then (remember he was POTUS and Comander in Chief) watched them on TV during 3 hours, doing nothing. He didn't call the DHS , etc... did not enquire whether assistance was needed or not. Nothing nada, waloo, rien. What do you think of it? Did he accomplish his duty as President by just watch and doing nothing?
  12. Trump omitted several lines that encouraged the federal government to take action. ???? “I am directing the Department of Justice to ensure all lawbreakers are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” the omitted portion of the speech reads https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/trump-removed-line-calling-to-prosecute-jan-6-rioters
  13. There's one in Georgia about 2020 elections. Others may follow....
  14. I can imagine how furious the moron was! ????
  15. As discussed in another thread, it is not surprising due to the fact that such abuses (illegally employing people) are seldom or not enough punished.
  16. How many people are really concerned? After excluding the usual delay to find a job, I guess it weights peanuts.
  17. Exactly. Shrinking the population means shrinking the economy (=recession).
  18. Back to topic: Trump made incendiary statements before and during the rally, sent his followers to the Capitol, and then watched them on TV assaulting the Capitol for 3 hours, doing nothing to stop it.
  19. Again, nobody claimed most protesters planned a "takeover of the government and replacing it with something else." You are making it up in order to score a point. TheJan 6 committee does not claim it. The accusation during the trial did not claim it either. Only a few white supremacists have been accused of conspiracy. The others went to a rally and followed Trump's call.
  20. No one claimed that all the people who stormed the Capital had planned a coup. It's only a minority who did plan an insurrection (I.e. the white supremacists who have been accused of conspiracy). The others just went to a rally, and then got inflamed by Trump and followed his call to walk down to the Capitol. Had Trump not got them excited and not told them to march to the Capitol, they probably would not have assaulted it.
  21. The "bright future" of Brexit. It reminds me of something....
  22. Testimonies under oath (mainly by Republicans) were not fake. Phone records, electronic messages, etc.. were not fake. Only the fake electors were fake in the provided lists. The hearings have been very well scenarized, It's true. So what? The rest of your post is the usual lame false equivalency.
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