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Everything posted by candide

  1. Aren't you tired of posting the same debunked B.S. over and over? This is ridiculous!
  2. You made a claim, It's your job to back it with numbers, but I doubt you will.
  3. I have always wondered why some people are still blaming Thaksin for the poor level of education as he was ousted 15 years ago. Haven't you noticed which political colour has been mainly governing the country since 2006?
  4. The question was about Spain, not France. Anyway, as you are raising attention to travelling to France by train, what is the usual passport check waiting time for Eurostar,?
  5. As far as I remember, there was the same problem in Spain in summer 2020. From where do you expect queues in Spain? There are no land border checks between Shengen countries and I doubt many UK tourists sail directly to Spain.
  6. This act could be called the "blue collars" act. It was time a President cared about them and about the real economy. A big change from Trump who only cared about financial markets, as examplified by his tax cuts for the rich and for businesses, which have been mainly used for buying stocks.
  7. Thaksin needed to be smart, because he was under threat of being held accountable. Either by being voted out, or by courts (which ultimately happened to him). Prayut could afford to be as dumb as he was, and rape the country in an as obvious way as he wanted, because he was 100% unaccountable. No risk of being voted out and no risk of being convicted.
  8. Well, at least with Thaksin, people had no doubt for whom they were voting.
  9. Again, definitive assertion without much backing "Spain has a method to solve its problems". I hope so, considering that other checks: Covid document, money, proof of accommodation, still must be checked manually. + many UK flights cancelled (that was one of the reasons evoked to explain why more people used their car instead) "France has not". Obviously, it has after last Saturday, so how do you know it hasn't? Let's wait to see how a few week-ends are going.
  10. As usual, you don't show anything to back your assertion. Anyway, if Majorca eventually solved its problems after two months of nightmare for UK travellers, I am glad about it. 1. What about Dover now? Any report of long queues? It seems the French have solved thei problems after 2 days.compared to 2 months for Spain. 2. Do you know how Spanish airports claimed they would solve the queue problem? By using e-gates. Now as you consider that passing through sea port checks by car is comparable to airport checks, please explain how to pass cars through e-gates?
  11. Wrong Up to 3 hours, during months in several airports, compared to 6 hours during one morning! https://www.mirror.co.uk/travel/europe/brits-facing-three-hour-nightmare-27108625
  12. I was replying to a post wrongly claiming that there was no problem in Spain and that the organisation was infinitely better.
  13. What are you talking about? According to the links I posted, there have been many queues and long time going through immigration at Spanish airports.since May.
  14. A statement on TV has not the same value as under oath. Some possible explanations are discussed in this article. https://www.thebulwark.com/trumps-jan-6th-national-guard-lie-crumbles/
  15. Hair splitting! Long queues in Spanish airports for non-EU passengers (mainly from UK) have been consistently reported in the Press since May, despite the Spanish border organisation being "infinitely" better! ????
  16. Really? ???? https://www.majorcadailybulletin.com/holiday/airport/2022/05/25/101651/mallorca-long-airport-queues-getting-bad-press.html https://www.euronews.com/travel/2022/05/20/palma-delays-majorca-airport-on-verge-of-collapse-after-weeks-of-long-queues https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/travel/spain-warning-tourists-those-flying-24149371 And it's about airports in which the flow of passengers per day and hour is known in advance from flights schedules. The problem is that you make definitive assertions on ,matters of which you are ignorant, in order to express your own prejudices.
  17. Trump and virtue in the same sentence! ????
  18. This news was published two hours ago, so I wasn't aware of it Let's see how Miller will explain it.
  19. I was being ironic. Very few people go directly to Spain by boat so there is no equivalent situation in terms of flow of tourists. Tourists from UK arrive in Spain either by car (and there's no control because they have been already checked in Dover), or by air. Taking into account the legendary Spanish sense of organisation, I doubt there are less queues in Spanish airports than in French airports.
  20. Another MAGA lie exposed! "Trump's defense secretary denies there were orders to have 10K troops ready to deploy on January 6" https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/26/politics/chris-miller-house-select-committee/index.html
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